Cyber-Physical and Digital Energy Twins
Lead Participant:
The principal objective of the project is to develop an in depth understand the information and data landscape within the energy sector. This will cover a range of tasks including identification data sources, types, quality, translation and security, and mapping and linking of the IES4 standard which underpins the National Digital Twin programme. This would then allow the overall information mapping and translation between sectors in other CPI projects such as transport, manufacturing, and space. This capability will provide an advanced understanding, and improved capability for future projects to be worked from.
In addition to the original scope provided, we are looking to uplift the work being carried out on the Digital Twin Visual Demonstrator augmentation in partnership with Frazer-Nash Consultancy and CityScape Digital. This will see additional visualizations being developed to aid in answering additional user needs.
In addition to the original scope provided, we are looking to uplift the work being carried out on the Digital Twin Visual Demonstrator augmentation in partnership with Frazer-Nash Consultancy and CityScape Digital. This will see additional visualizations being developed to aid in answering additional user needs.
Lead Participant | Project Cost | Grant Offer |
ENERGY SYSTEMS CATAPULT LIMITED | £870,000 | £ 870,000 |
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Participant |
People |
Hilary Williams (Project Manager) |