SANTANA (System Advances in Nacelle Technology AerodyNAmics)

Lead Participant: SHORT BROTHERS PLC


SANTANA is a collaborative programme focused on the development of aerodynamic
technologies related to the design of advanced, Ultra High Bypass Ratio (UHBPR)
powerplant nacelles. Targeting nacelle components for next generation aircraft, the
programme will exploit advances in computational techniques to account for complex
aerodynamic effects, including unsteady flow / structural interactions and thereby
provide for novel architectures, lower weight structural designs with reduced
performance losses asscoiated with installed systems. Such advancements are essential
to achieve the Global ACARE 2020 and 2030 entry into service emissions targets for
noise and fuel burn through multi-disciplinary design optimisation. SANTANA's partners
comprise UK industrial organisations (Bombardier Aerospace, Belfast, Aircraft Research
Association (ARA), Bedford and S&C Thermofluids, Bath) and aerodynamics research
teams at City University, London and Imperial College, London).


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