Manufacturing Portfolio Project 2: Manufacture of Advanced Material
Lead Participant:
This project will accelerate the development of technologies that enable the manufacture of aerospace components made from advanced materials. The early focus on these technologies will ensure high productivity processes are established at an appropriate pace to allow competitive industrialisation for future engine products. The work packages will be developed by Rolls-Royce working in partnership with the HVM CATAPULT Centres, the Advanced Forming Research Centre and the Advanced Machining Research Centre.
Lead Participant | Project Cost | Grant Offer |
ROLLS-ROYCE PLC | £13,070,322 | £ 4,026,966 |
  | ||
Participant |
UNIVERSITY OF STRATHCLYDE | £914,192 | £ 914,192 |
UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD (AMRC) | £4,083,751 | £ 4,083,751 |
People |
Colin High (Project Manager) |