Nottingham Smart City Information Model (SCIM)
Lead Participant:
Nottingham has major challenges in common with other cities in delivering public services more efficently and being more responsive to our citizens and businesses. This project will attempt to use information generated in the city by people using transport, energy, healthcare etc. to understand how these systems work and to improve them. By providing the public, research facilities and businesses with better access to this information we want to encourage them to develop applications to improve transport, energy use, healthcare and other vital services. Development of a new "Smart City Information Model" will help organisations and individuals to access and use information to support more sustainable city planning. The first step of this is to undertake a feasibility study to work with partners in all sectors to develop proposals for how these systems can start to work together.
Lead Participant | Project Cost | Grant Offer |
NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL | £45,700 | £ 45,700 |
People |
Jem Woolley (Project Manager) |