'Every Object Tells a Story': Non-linear journeys through dynamic content production

Lead Participant: SYSEMIA LIMITED


Sysemia regularly undertakes research in projects carried out for its core aerospace market. It is an integral part of the company’s philosophy to substantially improve technology by investing time and money. Consequently, it has close working relationships with local universities where it sponsors postgraduate students. As part of its strategic development programme the company has taken existing capabilities in Knowledge Management and visualisation, and combined it with expertise in Museums, Cultural Communication, and Digital Entertainment to undertake this project.
‘Every Object Tells a Story’ aims to explore how technology can be used to enhance people’s experiences of their immediate space, its content and context. Delivering contextual information related to a physical environment and adapted to personal interest enables data to be used in targeted ways, making otherwise invisible connections visible. This allows users to make more sense of the world around them, and information providers to offer content exactly where and when it is needed

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SYSEMIA LIMITED £132,616 £ 99,462




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