Thermo-PanCam : Secured site indentification of intruders by merging data from active RFID validation and thermal imaging

Lead Participant: I3D ROBOTICS LTD


Thermo-PanCam will investigate the feasibility of linking stereo-thermal cameras with Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags/badges. We expect the system to distinguish between authorised persons and intruders in restricted locations by comparing RFID locational data with 3D heat signatures. Systems detecting intruders breaching boundary fences is well tried and tested. These systems tend to be continuous monitoring systems utilising infrared technology with the problem that they consume high-levels of power and bandwidth and have a high false alarm rate. They do not track the route of the intruder or threat. Our ultimate target is to protect secure sites, including Ports, Nuclear locations and Railway assets, using low-energy autonomously controlled systems that identify & track the threat and send appropriate alerts to the police or security personal

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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