Cloud Burst

Lead Participant: ZENOTECH LTD


The EPIC cloud portal for high performance computing (HPC) from Zenotech provides secure access to on-demand cloud resources so industrial end users can easily scale their computing power. With consolidated commercial, billing and job management, choosing from a range of suppliers is made very easy – so companies can enjoy the benefits of the price-volatile spot market. We are pleased to be working with Airbus Flight Physics in the UK, Amazon AWS, Cambridge University and CFMS to deliver Cloud Burst - demonstrating a complete end-to-end aerodynamic loads evaluation, where every step of the workflow is securely brokered onto the price-optimal resource subject to the overall deadline. We will present the results at DiPaRT 2017 – the annual Airbus Flight Physics conference at CFMS in the UK.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

ZENOTECH LTD £100,000 £ 70,000


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