Optimisation of novel ceramic armour

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: Cranfield Defence and Security


This project will focus on the importance of the interface between ceramic armour and key constituents such as front cover and backings, with a particular interest in the link between the nature of the impactor (calibre of a round, shape of a fragment, etc) and resultant armour requirements. This will build on previous in-house studies focused on the importance of ceramic constructs and impactor geometries (in the latter case for composite targets) [1-3]. For example, consideration will be given to the importance of the thickness/nature of both front cover and backing interlayers and their continuity for management of dwell and release waves respectively. It is anticipated that a commercial route will be employed to manufacture ceramic constructs, using armour-grade alumina from Cranfield University stocks or material provided by RBSL as-appropriate, with brazes / interlayer materials to be initially identified via simulation. RBSL will also supply high-density coated alumina tiles for inclusion in the research.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/T517550/1 30/09/2019 29/09/2024
2454428 Studentship EP/T517550/1 03/02/2020 02/02/2024 Daniel Powell