Wastewater Integrated Selection Environment: A UK Model Comprising Regulation, Reslience and Sustainability

Lead Research Organisation: CRANFIELD UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Water, Energy and Environment


In the last 10 years, the UK water industry has made a significant effort to understand the sources and prevalence of micropollutants is sewage as well as their fate through existing and novel treatment processes. After this effort, the water industry requires strategies to improve the quality of final effluents in current and future treatment works in light new restrictive environmental regulations promoting the sustainable and resilient management of wastewater works. This project focuses on the development of decision tools combining innovative technologies, removal mechanisms, and options appraisal processes to minimise the impact of micropollutants in discharges.


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Studentship Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Student Name
EP/V519509/1 30/09/2020 29/09/2027
2721726 Studentship EP/V519509/1 26/09/2021 25/09/2025 Pinelopi Savvidou