Simitive - iWAMS - Proof of Market

Lead Participant: SIMITIVE LIMITED


Simitive provides innovative, online performance management systems and performance
consultancy to the University, Education, Professional Services, Public and Private sectors.
The Company is the leading provider to the UK University sector, working with over 40 UK
and International Universities, and is the technology provider for the International University
Performance Initiative “Performance for All” (PFA).
Simitive proposes to perform a “Proof of Market” research exercise to establish the size,
appetite and readiness for a ground breaking new product called “Intelligent Workload
Management System “iWAMS” in the UK University, Further Education and Professional
Service Sectors.
iWAMs will be built on new technologies to actively and intelligently plan, update, measure
and optimise workloads using an automated and self-improving intelligence system. The
system will facilitate significant improvements in resource efficiency and as such would have
broad commercial appeal to resource intensive markets.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SIMITIVE LIMITED £45,807 £ 25,000


10 25 50