Innovative Cloud-Based Application for Evidence and Data Presentation in Court Cases

Lead Participant: SRI FORENSICS LTD


The visual communication achieved when using modern Electronic Evidence Presentation (EEP) systems can increase a jury’s retention rate from 20% to 80%. Despite this, the UK criminal justice system still relies on a combination of long-standing manual processes and ageing computer systems. A major challenge in complex litigation is organising, crossreferencing and accessing mountains of evidence. In 2013, Justice Minister Green announced the use of £160m to transform the UK court system into a digital and modern public service. If implemented, ~4.5m police officer hours will be saved, freeing up time for the frontline. UK courts require better, quicker and cheaper ways of creating, filing and distributing documents, as well as more flexible communication. SRi Forensics propose a complex EEP system that can be used during national and international tribunals, Crown Court cases and
complex civil trials.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SRI FORENSICS LTD £40,845 £ 24,507


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