Scopesuite - Wellbeing

Lead Participant: SCOPESUITE LTD


**Data Driven Well-being Support for Employees**

Scopesuite provide an employee management platform to organisations of all sizes.

The platform specialises in supporting early career programs and in particular young people who are new to the workforce.

Scopesuite helps Programme Managers to gauge employee experience and to provide support to those who need it quickly.

Part of the platform that allows us to do this is our automated employee engagement surveys. These are tailored to each business with the data displayed on customised dashboards that speak the language of each organisation.

This project will take our fundamental feedback tool, input from experts in behavioural science and neuroscience, then combine that with new functionality that will specify support resources at an individual level. This all based on data backed evidence.

Everyone is different and currently the types of 'surveys' that are used to evaluate emotions and well-being are one size fits all solutions. The key to this project is the technologies ability to suggest supporting solutions based on individual responses. This will then produce a greater level of accuracy with regards to helping the core and underlying issues.

Using data to automate well-being resource suggestions will be a more accurate fit than the typical one-size-fits-all solutions seen in current employee well-being initiatives.

Mental health in the workplace has been given increasing attention over the last decade. Support, technologies and knowledge in this space is still in its infancy, though the demand for support tools and platform is increasing. This is further amplified by the current Covid-19 pandemic.

Young people in particular are used to instant and immediate feedback. Anxieties and pressures of life seem to be more abundant than in previous generations. Suicide rates and those in need of immediate mental health support are growing. This is a significant challenge that society and the business world need to address. Employers are showing an appetite to provide support when they can.

Tools that can provide better accuracy in the challenges they face, as well as help direct organisations to provide effective support, will undoubtedly have a positive effect on society and the future of UK business.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

SCOPESUITE LTD £48,625 £ 48,625


10 25 50