Simitive - iKnowShare - Proof of Concept

Lead Participant: SIMITIVE LIMITED


limited specialises in providing performance management systems and performance
consultancy to the University, Education, Public and Private sectors. The Company is the
leading provider of performance management systems to the UK University sector, working
with over 40 UK and International Universities, and is the technology provider for the
International University Performance Initiative “Performance for All” (PFA).
Simitive plan to perform R&D to investigate ways in which a self-learning intelligence model
could be used to “understand”, “anticipate” and “identify” users knowledge requirements and
how this could be used as a basis of an intelligent knowledge sharing system.
The system would automatically capture relevant data from staff, undergraduates, post
graduates, distance learners, faculties and institutions to establish key patterns of knowledge
and use the measured outcomes from these patterns to improve its own intelligence and
performance. The ability for an automated intelligence to identify its own context, identify
what knowledge/data is valuable, proactively highlight knowledge in real-time and from that
learn how to improve its own intelligence, would radically change the way users access data
and knowledge, and represents a huge advance in technology that would have large industry
wide commercial appeal.
The economic benefits of effective knowledge sharing are vast and will only increase, as the
UK moves towards a knowledge economy and value added industries. For example, in
2011/12 the UK HE sector employed over 180,000 academic staff, working at a cost of
£14Bn. Research in this sector shows there are is a significant need for systematic ways to
improve knowledge sharing and the cost saving and increase in effectiveness from this would
be significant

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer





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