Deliver a personalized, remote wellbeing program leveraging computer vision and AI to build physical and emotional resilience and aid recovery in vulnerable older adults impacted by COVID-19

Lead Participant: NATLABS LTD


We aim to develop and deliver a **personalized, remote wellbeing program** leveraging **computer vision** and cutting-edge **emotional AI testing tools** to build physical and emotional resilience and aid recovery in vulnerable older adults impacted by COVID-19\.

The motivation for this project is:

1. To solve for adherence among older adults in a socially engaging, safe and supervised setting
2. To develop innovative technologies to effectively deliver at-home wellbeing programs

Older adults aged 60+ are one of the most severely affected groups from COVID-19\. This is not just manifested in the death toll or infection rate but also the change in the care they receive, their ability to stay connected, and anxiety of illness and death (source:WHO). "If exercise were a pill, it would be the most cost-effective drug ever invented" however the biggest challenge in prescribing this "pill" is that of adherence.

Our nearest current state-of-the-art is Computer Vision-a field of artificial intelligence that trains computers to interpret and understand the visual world. Its applications range from self-driving cars to medical diagnostics. However, the field of wellbeing has largely remained untouched by this emerging technology. We not only wish to be the early movers in the using Computer vision for pose estimation and body tracking but also effectively test the outcomes in a unique way using emotional AI testing methods.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

NATLABS LTD £217,500 £ 174,000




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