Development of an enhanced communications feature to protect vulnerable individuals within Family Law



I co-founded transparently four years ago, as a result of my own experiences and after identifying a 'gap' in the legal services market. An opportunity to 'make it better'; to use technology to protect vulnerable individuals, improve the client experience, increase lawyer productivity and reduce costs for all involved. My goal has always been ultimately to increase access to justice, particularly for those most disadvantaged.

This project will build upon the successful outcome of a recent Innovate UK research project and will extend elements of our current legal communications & client management platform, to enable supervised communication to take place between individuals and for independent expert assessment to be made.

My vision is to protect vulnerable individuals in situations where they are required to maintain contact with a former-partner post-separation, for example prior to a court hearing, or where individuals who may be deemed 'high-risk' are co-parenting a child.

As a company we are passionate about promoting integrity, and removing conflict and acrimony wherever possible; particularly our wish is to better understand the context and dynamic of relationships, so as to make better use of alternative methods of dispute resolution and to reduce the need for matters to be addressed in court.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer



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