NatureMetrics: MOSAIC

Lead Participant: NATURE METRICS LTD


NatureMetrics (NM) is an award-winning technology company using cutting-edge genetic techniques to monitor biodiversity. One of NatureMetrics' primary product segments is the detection of endangered species and invasive species from environmental samples. This can be for enabling planning permission, monitoring water or equipment used by utility and industrial clients or for conservation to name a few.

Detecting and identifying organisms from tissue or environmental samples is conducted across a wide range of industries (construction/infrastructure/agriculture/fishing/health/legal sectors). Current competing technologies are limited in that they: require specialist laboratories, specialist personnel and expensive equipment (that are not portable and are impractical for field deployment); are most effective when applied to particular species, requiring multiple analyses to detect each one, becoming prohibitively expensive for clients; have a turnaround time of several weeks.

By catalysing recent scientific advancements in DNA monitoring for conservation and biodiversity monitoring, NatureMetrics will develop and commercialise a product that allows rapid, cost-efficient, on-site detection of a suite of species that can be used by non-experts anywhere in the world and can be easily adapted to target other species that future clients may wish to detect. The project output is a platform, MOSAIC that aids in identifying endangered wildlife as well as invasive species, aiding to keep UK wildlife healthy and thriving.

Lead Participant

Project Cost

Grant Offer

NATURE METRICS LTD £313,622 £ 219,535


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