Eco-Hammam: Engaging key stakeholders with bespoke low-carbon technologies for lighting, heating and water recycling to sustain a Moroccan heritage
Lead Research Organisation:
Department Name: Welsh School of Architecture (ARCHI)
This impact and engagement project follows on from developments arising from a previous AHRC funded project during which all the surviving and still functioning historic hammams (public bathhouses)of the North African heritage cities were surveyed and documented by the PI. Morocco is where the largest number of still functioning heritage hammams was surveyed and where new hammams are part of the cluster of key urban facilities introduced in every newly residential neighbourhood. This proposal is based on new developments that have emerged from the UN climate change conference COP22, held in Marrakech 2016 and during which Moroccan hammams were presented as major contributors to air pollution, deforestation and environmental degradation as well as high water consumption and wastage. It was estimated at COP22 that Morocco has at least 12 000 hammams, operating with wood burning traditional furnaces. Each hammam consumes on average 1.5 tonnes of wood and between 60 to 120 cubic meter of water per day. The accumulated environmental impact of hammams is significant. Various un-coordinated attempts were made by both National and International Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency organisations to reduce their environmental impact by facilitating their energy transition. However, it is estimated today that only 67 hammams out of the 12 000 have made some progress in their energy transition.
The main aim of this Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement is to facilitate the acceleration of ecological transitions processes in Moroccan hammams. This will be achieved through the establishment of regional key stakeholders' networks in each of Rabat, Fez and Marrakech in order to creatively engage them to communicate and co-produce integrated strategies for multi-sectorial coordinated actions for energy transition, enhanced indoor conditions and responsible water consumption and recycling. This project aims to accomplish the following four objectives:
1.Establish a data base of regional key stakeholders and design social media and web platforms in order to facilitate interaction between them during the one year duration of the project.
2.Conduct 3 sets of three-day regional public engagement and network facilitation events with 120 stakeholders in each of Rabat, Fez and Marrakech. Each of the three days will focus on one specific area of ecological transition: energy transition; improved indoor conditions for health, safety and well being; responsible water consumption and recycling. An engagement case study hammam will be used in each region to form the focus of multi-stakeholders' co-production of realistic and feasible scenarios for ecological transitions. These events are designed to act as catalysts for self-sustaining coordinated regional processes and networks that will accelerate energy transition and ecological practices
3.Co-monitor social media and web platforms for hammam stakeholders to assess the impact of regional events.
4.Co-produce with the National Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency a toolkit for hammam ecological transition and a rating system for Eco-Hammam labelling.
The combination of these separate actions will facilitate an integrated approach towards the co-production of holistic eco-hammam practices and the acceleration of their implementation. This project has the potential to be extended to other Maghreb countries of Algeria, Tunisia and Libya where the hammam is still a living heritage. This proposal is GCRF and ODA compliant and meets 3 of the 5 GCRF categories for equitable access to sustainable development namely: sustainable health and well-being; clean air; water and sanitation; affordable, reliable, sustainable energy.
The main aim of this Follow-on Funding for Impact and Engagement is to facilitate the acceleration of ecological transitions processes in Moroccan hammams. This will be achieved through the establishment of regional key stakeholders' networks in each of Rabat, Fez and Marrakech in order to creatively engage them to communicate and co-produce integrated strategies for multi-sectorial coordinated actions for energy transition, enhanced indoor conditions and responsible water consumption and recycling. This project aims to accomplish the following four objectives:
1.Establish a data base of regional key stakeholders and design social media and web platforms in order to facilitate interaction between them during the one year duration of the project.
2.Conduct 3 sets of three-day regional public engagement and network facilitation events with 120 stakeholders in each of Rabat, Fez and Marrakech. Each of the three days will focus on one specific area of ecological transition: energy transition; improved indoor conditions for health, safety and well being; responsible water consumption and recycling. An engagement case study hammam will be used in each region to form the focus of multi-stakeholders' co-production of realistic and feasible scenarios for ecological transitions. These events are designed to act as catalysts for self-sustaining coordinated regional processes and networks that will accelerate energy transition and ecological practices
3.Co-monitor social media and web platforms for hammam stakeholders to assess the impact of regional events.
4.Co-produce with the National Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency a toolkit for hammam ecological transition and a rating system for Eco-Hammam labelling.
The combination of these separate actions will facilitate an integrated approach towards the co-production of holistic eco-hammam practices and the acceleration of their implementation. This project has the potential to be extended to other Maghreb countries of Algeria, Tunisia and Libya where the hammam is still a living heritage. This proposal is GCRF and ODA compliant and meets 3 of the 5 GCRF categories for equitable access to sustainable development namely: sustainable health and well-being; clean air; water and sanitation; affordable, reliable, sustainable energy.
Planned Impact
The outcomes of this project are GCRF and ODA compliant as they contribute to the following key areas of Global Sustainable Development Goals: Sustainable health and wellbeing, clean air, water and sanitation and affordable, reliable, sustainable energy.
Morocco is on the ODA DAC list and is part of the Lower Middle-Income Countries Territories.
The main aim of this project is to facilitate the acceleration of ecological transitions processes in Moroccan hammams. It will bring together for the first time three different regional networks of hammam stakeholders with 120 stakeholders in each network to interact and coproduce strategies for ecological transitions for Moroccan hammams. A total of 360 stakeholders from various sectors and regions will have been creatively engaged by the end of the project to form self-sustaining networks that will continue beyond the duration of the project as facilitated by social network platforms and interactive websites established in this project.
The project is co-delivered closely with six different partners consisting of National and International NGOs, Govermental organisations, architectural practice, commercial entities and innovators of bespoke technologies and hammam managers. The project engages sdifferent sectors of stakeholders.
The impact of this project is that it addresses Morocco National priorities in terms of achieving the following:
1.Environmental sustainability: Reducing deforestation in Morocco by increasing hammam managers awareness of the use of biomass and efficient boilers and increasing their capacity to source biomass and integrate renewable energy technologies.
2.Increasing opportunities for water saving and recycling , hence addressing the problems of water shortages brought about by severe draughts caused by climate change.
3.Provide an opportunity of communication and collaboration between concerned Ministries in order to facilitate joint sustainable actions such as co-subsidising the installation of biomass boilers and improving hammam managers accessibility to biomass and biomass energy efficient boilers and solar water heaters.
4.Improving health and well-being of hammam staff and users by the application of health and safety measures and improving the indoor comfort in terms of daylighting natural ventilation, humidity and temperature controls. Every hammam receives an average of 700 regular clients on a weekly basis. This project is likely to have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of at least 700 x 12,000 = 840,000 hammam users. 5.Improving air quality by reducing air pollution caused by the traditional hammam furnaces and their chimneys and hence
Improving Economic sustainability of hammams by reducing their running costs of fuel, water and electricity and hence maintaining their affordable access to the low-income population.
Maintaining the cultural sustainability and resilience of a living heritage of hygiene and wellbeing by allowing the tangible and intangible dimensions of this heritage to continue into the 21st century, particularly for the low-income population living in the World heritage cities of Rabat, Fes and Marrakech.
Sustain informal and formal jobs associated with the hammam operation, management and services, hence maintaining a source of income for the most economically disadvantaged. Each hammam employs about 15 staff, men and women, therefore the project has the potential to improve the working conditions of at least 180,000 hammam workers.
The co- production of an Eco-Hammam toolkit and a rating system will facilitate and accelerate energy and ecological transition practices. These two outcomes of the project could further accelerate the implementation of new regulations by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development in Morocco through its branch AMEE , one of the partners of this project.
Morocco is on the ODA DAC list and is part of the Lower Middle-Income Countries Territories.
The main aim of this project is to facilitate the acceleration of ecological transitions processes in Moroccan hammams. It will bring together for the first time three different regional networks of hammam stakeholders with 120 stakeholders in each network to interact and coproduce strategies for ecological transitions for Moroccan hammams. A total of 360 stakeholders from various sectors and regions will have been creatively engaged by the end of the project to form self-sustaining networks that will continue beyond the duration of the project as facilitated by social network platforms and interactive websites established in this project.
The project is co-delivered closely with six different partners consisting of National and International NGOs, Govermental organisations, architectural practice, commercial entities and innovators of bespoke technologies and hammam managers. The project engages sdifferent sectors of stakeholders.
The impact of this project is that it addresses Morocco National priorities in terms of achieving the following:
1.Environmental sustainability: Reducing deforestation in Morocco by increasing hammam managers awareness of the use of biomass and efficient boilers and increasing their capacity to source biomass and integrate renewable energy technologies.
2.Increasing opportunities for water saving and recycling , hence addressing the problems of water shortages brought about by severe draughts caused by climate change.
3.Provide an opportunity of communication and collaboration between concerned Ministries in order to facilitate joint sustainable actions such as co-subsidising the installation of biomass boilers and improving hammam managers accessibility to biomass and biomass energy efficient boilers and solar water heaters.
4.Improving health and well-being of hammam staff and users by the application of health and safety measures and improving the indoor comfort in terms of daylighting natural ventilation, humidity and temperature controls. Every hammam receives an average of 700 regular clients on a weekly basis. This project is likely to have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of at least 700 x 12,000 = 840,000 hammam users. 5.Improving air quality by reducing air pollution caused by the traditional hammam furnaces and their chimneys and hence
Improving Economic sustainability of hammams by reducing their running costs of fuel, water and electricity and hence maintaining their affordable access to the low-income population.
Maintaining the cultural sustainability and resilience of a living heritage of hygiene and wellbeing by allowing the tangible and intangible dimensions of this heritage to continue into the 21st century, particularly for the low-income population living in the World heritage cities of Rabat, Fes and Marrakech.
Sustain informal and formal jobs associated with the hammam operation, management and services, hence maintaining a source of income for the most economically disadvantaged. Each hammam employs about 15 staff, men and women, therefore the project has the potential to improve the working conditions of at least 180,000 hammam workers.
The co- production of an Eco-Hammam toolkit and a rating system will facilitate and accelerate energy and ecological transition practices. These two outcomes of the project could further accelerate the implementation of new regulations by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Sustainable Development in Morocco through its branch AMEE , one of the partners of this project.
- CARDIFF UNIVERSITY (Lead Research Organisation)
- Agence Marocaine Pour l' Efficacite Energetique (Collaboration)
- National School of Architecture (Collaboration)
- ICT Environnement (Collaboration, Project Partner)
- Istijmam waraha Cooperative (Collaboration)
- Masmoudi Eco-hammam, (Project Partner)
- AMEE (Project Partner)
- Cooperative Listijmame Wa Raha (Project Partner)
- Rachid Haloui Architectural Practice (Project Partner)
- Architecture & Developpement (Project Partner)

Sibley M
Eco-hammam - share the resources, save the planet!

Sibley M
Eco-Hammam: The Complexity of Accelerating the Ecological Transition of a Key Social Heritage Sector in Morocco
in Sustainability

Pezzica C
Linking space syntax and cluster analysis to design and plan temporary housing neighborhoods: A taxonomy of sites in Norcia
in Journal of Design for Resilience in Architecture and Planning
Description | Barriers to Energy transition in Moroccan hammams have been clearly identified though the five completed engagement online forum events . These include a lack of financial subsidies or interest free loans to help hammam managers switch to renewable energy and energy efficient boilers for water heating. Furthermore, the hammams fall under the umbrella of various Ministries and actions are fragmented due to lack of communication channels. There is an emerging biomass industry recycling remains from olive oil and argan oil presses, however, this is not yet regulated. Energy efficient biomass boilers and solar thermal technologies are available but the initial investment costs cannot be afforded by the majority of the hammam managers. Other obstacles to energy transition are as follows: The need for furnace staff to learn the operation of new technologies. The fear of hammam managers of technical breakdowns in the furnace leading to clientele and financial losses. The lack of reliable follow up maintenance as experienced by those who have embraced the new renewable energy technologies of biomass boilers and thermal solar panels. The lack of organisation, initiative, and engagement of regional associations of Hammam managers. The project encompasses five separate actions, which collectively seek to facilitate the development of an integrated approach towards accelerating ecological practices through the co-production of holistic Eco-hammam strategies and the acceleration of their implementation: 1. Construction of a database of key regional stakeholders in collaboration with the local project partners (such databases were missing and therefore communication between different stakeholders was non-existent). 2. Organisation of a series of thematic virtual forum events for accelerating the ecological transitions processes in Moroccan hammams through the establishment of regional key stakeholders' networks, so as to creatively engage them to communicate and co-produce integrated strategies for multi-sectorial coordinated actions. The activities were video-recorded for enabling the analysis and identification of emerging priorities and barriers of stakeholders in relation to the hammams' ecological transition. 3. Creation of open communication channels through social media and web platforms [38] to facilitate communication and exchanges between previously unconnected stakeholders (both pre- and post-forum events) and across regions. 4. Co-monitoring of the established Eco-hammam project's social media and web platforms for feedback on events, discussions and follow-on initiatives. This enables also measuring the impact of each engagement event. 5. Co-production of a toolkit for hammams' energy and ecological transition for facilitating the implementation of Eco-hammam practices by hammam operators and the local public. Toolkit proposals (e.g., serious games, animations and videos, a rating system for the acquisition of the label of 'ecological hammam') are being fine-tuned, based on the results of the different virtual engagement events, including the thematic monthly forums and workshops and focus group discussions organised with a view to raising the awareness of different stakeholders about the challenges of hammams' ecological transition and to build consensus for a shared course of action |
Exploitation Route | The energy transition tool kit is being developed to be useful to various key stakeholders including illiterate hammam users. We have developed a series of posters and You tube animations (in French, English and Arabic) that can be downloaded by hammam managers from the project website and shared with the hammam users |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Communities and Social Services/Policy Education Energy Environment Leisure Activities including Sports Recreation and Tourism Culture Heritage Museums and Collections |
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Description | This is an engagement project which has already made a contribution by bringing different multi- sectoral stakeholders in Morocco to communicate with each other about energy and ecological transitions in Moroccan hammams( public bathhouses). The project has led to the introduction of hammam buildings as an architectural typology that is taught and investigated at the Marrakech school of architecture where a number of engagement events were conducted online with students and staff. The project has also engaged the Museum of Water Civilisation in Marrakech who is now improving its Museum information of public bathhouses in Morocco as a cultural tangible and intangible heritage. The museum is now a partner in a follow in project that includes as one of its aim access to a GIS interactive map of the medina of Marrakech and the location of its historic public baths. |
First Year Of Impact | 2020 |
Sector | Construction,Education,Energy,Environment,Government, Democracy and Justice,Culture, Heritage, Museums and Collections |
Impact Types | Cultural Societal Economic Policy & public services |
Description | connected multisectoral Governmental and non Governmental stakeholders to co-produce strategies for Scohammams in Morocco |
Geographic Reach | Africa |
Policy Influence Type | Influenced training of practitioners or researchers |
Impact | The project creatively engaged the following key stakeholders over monthly virtual forums during the project to co-produce strategies . These are The Moroccan Agency of Energy Efficiency AMEE (Governmental organisation within the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Environment). • The Moroccan Cooperative Listijmam WaRaha for ecological hammams. This is a private cooperative with an active role in the Hammam Managers National Federation (F.N.A.P.G.H.T.D.M.) and with strong links to Ribat El Feth Association, one of the most established NGOs in Morocco working on Sustainable Development projects. Sustainability 2021, 13, 9935 5 of 25 • ICT Environnement. This is a local industry partner producing bespoke low pollution biomass boilers to heat both water and hypocaust of the traditional hammams. • Architecture & Development (A&D), an International French NGO, which implements development projects in remote and deprived rural areas. • The Moroccan National Federation of hammam owners and managers (F.N.A.P.G.H.T.D.M.). • A group of expert hammam professionals. This includes an engineer and owner of four hammams, who championed the energy transition using hybrid solar water heaters and bio-mass high efficiency furnace, and an internationally recognised French/Moroccan architect with experience in the rehabilitation of historic hammams. • The Ecole Nationale d'Architecture de Marrakech (ENAM), with a multidisciplinary team of staff working on the protection and revitalisation of Moroccan heritage in collaboration with ICOMOS and UNESCO. • Musée Mohammed VI. This is the museum for the civilisation of water in Morocco and is linked to the Ministry of Religious Endowments and Religious Affairs. |
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Description | HBIM Interactive Platform for Social Inclusivity in the Rehabilitation of Heritage hammams and the Development of Creative Design Economy in Marrakech |
Amount | £117,584 (GBP) |
Funding ID | AH/W006677/1 |
Organisation | Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 11/2021 |
End | 10/2023 |
Title | Moroccan hammams stakeholders |
Description | this database provides a list of multi-sectoral key- stakeholders of ecological transitions of public baths in Morocco |
Type Of Material | Data analysis technique |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Engaging key stakeholders for the co-production of ecological transitions in Moroccan public bathhouses (hammams) |
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Title | Moroccan hammams stakeholders |
Description | this database provides a list of multi-sectoral key- stakeholders of ecological transitions of public baths in Morocco |
Type Of Material | Data analysis technique |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Engaging key stakeholders for the co-production of ecological transitions in Moroccan public bathhouses (hammams) |
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Description | Eco Hammam |
Organisation | Agence Marocaine Pour l' Efficacite Energetique |
Country | Morocco |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Ecohammam project has provided a platform through its Virtual Engagement Forums allowing members of AMEE to present their work on improving the energy efficiency of hammams in Morocco to a variety of key stakeholders and engage in discussions about accelerating energy transition. We are also coproducing with AMEE a tool kit for hammams ecological transitions. |
Collaborator Contribution | AMEE has provided the Eco-Hammam project with a list of contacts of hammam managers and the key members of the National Federation of hammam managers. This has facilitated the development of the Ecohammam data base which has been continuously updated and which is used to invite stakeholders to contribute to the engagement forums. The general director of AMEE, Mr Said Mouline contributed to the first forum. |
Impact | Not yet . In progress |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Ecole Nationale D' Architecture de Marrakech ( ENAM) : Hosting Ecohammam Virtual Forums and broadcatong them on the School of Architecture facebook. |
Organisation | National School of Architecture |
Country | Morocco |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Formalised the academic link between Marrakech School of architecture and the Welsh School of Architecture at Cardiff University through an Official Memorandum of Understanding for teaching and research collaboration based on the Ecohammam project |
Collaborator Contribution | ENAM has made available four of its academic staff to collaborate with the Project team in Cardiff University in the delivery and technical support for five virtual forums so far . the first forum was organised ver tow half days Each of the following forum lasted 5 hours and have been delivered on a monthly basis. ENAM has integrated heritage hammams in the teaching of second year architecture students as well as in the teaching of technical and humanities modules. ENAM staff have contributed to the discussion in the virtual forum and presented their research. |
Impact | NA |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | ICT Environnement locally produced hammam biomass boilers |
Organisation | ICT Environnement |
Country | Morocco |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Ecohammam project has provided ICT Environnement access to a national virtual forum for Ecological transitions of Moroccan hammams allowing key connections to be made with various stakeholders. |
Collaborator Contribution | ICT is a Moroccan enterprise based in Casablanca and specialises in energy efficient technologies for hammams such as bespoke low pollution biomass boilers and chimneys. Mr Moncef Essadqui is an engineer and Technical Director of ICT. He has contributed to engagement virtual forum. He has presented his experience of installing locally produced Moroccan technology for energy efficient and low pollution biomass boilers to heat both water and hypocaust of the traditional hammams. |
Impact | in progress |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Istijmam waraha cooperative |
Organisation | Istijmam waraha Cooperative |
Country | Morocco |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The Ecohammam project has provided a forum for the cooperative to connect with key stakeholders in Morocco and advance the cause of energy transition in the hammam furnaces with particular focus on biomass boilers and recycle the remains of argan and olive oil presses in Morocco as a biomass fuel. The Istijamamwaraha cooperative is also promoting improving the working conditions of hammam staff and promoting their rights to access social security. |
Collaborator Contribution | This partner has contributed to the organisation and the delivery of virtual forums by actively inviting key stakeholders and presenting the pioneering work they are doing to promote energy transition in Moroccan hammam furnaces . |
Impact | in progress |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | "ECO-HAMMAM: Architecture and Interior Ambiances " |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Third sector organisations |
Results and Impact | This forum brought together various stakeholders to discuss the necessity to improve indoor conditions in the hammams, with particular focus of access to natural daylighting and ventilation. Hammam managers have changed their views about the importance of restoring the vernacular daylighting system in heritage hammams and the need to incorporate such a system in the design of new contemporary hammams. The forum also increased hammam managers' awareness about the need to enhance health and safety measures in the hammam for both bathers and workers. Furthermore the legal status of the hammam workers was discussed with the possibility to issue a law that requires hammam managers to make sure that their staff have access to social security. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
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Description | "Eco-hammam: Architecture and Heritage hammams" . This is the fourth Virtual Forum organised on the 21st January 2021. The forum focused on the Heritage Hammams of Moroccan world heritage cities with a particular focus on those surveyed in 2009 by the PI in Marrakech as part of a previouly funded AHRC project |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Third sector organisations |
Results and Impact | The PI chaired and facilitated the virtual forum discussions as well as presented results from a previously funded AHRC project for which the Ecohammam is a follow-on project. This forum led to the formation of a working group on heritage hammams in Marrakech. The working group brings together for the first time architects, lecturers and students in architecture in Morocco to work with the Hammam managers association in Marrakech in order to investigate the state of the heritage hammams of Marrakech in 2021 after their closure following the Covid-19 pandemic. This forums was accessed by 304 viewers on the Facebook platform. A decision has been reached to include the study of heritage hammams in the architectural curricula of the National School of Architecture of Marrakech. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
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Description | "Ecological Transitions and Sustainable Development: Problems and Expectations of Hammam Owners and Managers ". This is the third the virtual forum delivered on the 17th of December 2020, |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Third sector organisations |
Results and Impact | The event was organised by the Project team at Cardiff University in collaboration with the National Association of hammam managers , a Local Industrial partners producing bespoke energy efficient biomass boilers and six hammam managers from Marrakech, Casablanca and Rabat. The virtual forum recordings are accessible on the project web page and on the facebook page al Mi'mâr of the School of Architecture in Marrakech.: They have been viewed by 516 members (on facebook) and by 18 members on You Tube. This Forum was a turning point in the number of hammam managers who have accepted to take various active roles in the development of a Hammam Toolkit for Ecological Transitions. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | ECO-HAMMAM Share the resources, save the planet! |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Engagement focused website, blog or social media channel |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Third sector organisations |
Results and Impact | The Ecohammam website plays the role of an awareness raising platform for facilitating the energy transitions in Moroccan hammams . It presents the objectives of the Ecohammam project , the official partners of the project and is continuously being updated . It also presents links to the recordings of the project engagement virtual forums, allowing more viewing of the forums after the completion of the project. The website includes a variety of resources and present key information in three languages: English , French and Arabic. The website also acts as a bridge connecting key stakeholders who where not collaborating in the past and did not know each other. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | ECO-HAMMAM Sustainable Economy And Postcovid-19 Transitions Scenarios" First Virtual : EcohammamForum . 27-28 July 2020. |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Third sector organisations |
Results and Impact | This was a two-day virtual forum (27-28t July2020) organised by the Ecohammam project team under the title "ECO-HAMMAM Sustainable Economy and Postcovid-19", in collaboration with the National School of Architecture in Marrakech and five project partners in Morocco. This was the first forum of the project which was intended to engage different sectors and key stakeholders with the aims of the project and create a platform of communication between different national Governmental and non-governmental institutions as well as academics. The whole event was chaired by the Dr Magda Sibley (Principal Investigator) and included presentations from official Partners in Morocco , including the Moroccan National Agency for Energy Efficiency . The forum presentations and discussions were directly broadcasted on Marrakech School of Architecture al m'imar facebook platform, have been recorded and are available on YouTube channel (Eco-Hammam) and the project's website at Cardiff University ( This forum has engaged 45participants , and was viewed by 1592 members of the general public on facebook, and 271 viewers on the Eco-Hammam YouTube account. Details of the Forum and recordings can be found on the project website |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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Description | The Virtual Forum "Eco-Hammam and Water" held on the 19th of November, 2020, was organized by the UK team led by Dr Magda Sibley from the Welsh School of Architecture at Cardiff University, together with the school of Architecture of Marrakech (ENAM) and with the support of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) and the LISTIJMAMWARAHA cooperative. It brought together for the first time hammam managers in Morocco and experts on hammam water recycling and energy efficiency . |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A formal working group, expert panel or dialogue |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Third sector organisations |
Results and Impact | The Virtual Forum "Eco-Hammam and Water" held on the 19th of November, 2020, was organized by the UK team led by Dr Magda Sibley from the Welsh School of Architecture at Cardiff University, together with the school of Architecture of Marrakech (ENAM) and with the support of the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency (AMEE) and the Listijmamwahraha cooperative. It brought together for the first time researchers at the Faculty des Science of Ain Chock in Casablanca and members of the National federation of hammam managers who were exposed for the first time to ongoing research on recycling hammam water for a primary school garden. The recording of the forum has been viewed by 661 members of the general public on face book and 18 on Eco-hammam YouTube Channel. The event also attracted the staff from the Museum of Water in Marrakech whose director presented the activities the museum offers to raise children awareness about water. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |
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