The Tim Hetherington collection and conflict imagery network
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Leeds
Department Name: School of Media & Communication
In November 2017 the Imperial War Museum acquired the complete archive of award-winning conflict photographer Tim Hetherington. This extensive archive comprises his seminal photography and video work from his assignments in Liberia (2003-2006), Afghanistan (2007-2008) and Libya (2011), reflecting his work as a conflict journalist but also as a humanitarian and innovator in his field. Offering a unique insight into his working practices, the archive also includes never-seen-before handwritten journals and correspondence, cameras, tear sheets, and publications featuring his photography.
The IWM's acquisition of the Tim Hetherington archive offers a timely opportunity to examine the legacy of a prize-winning photographer and ensure that Hetherington's insightful work can be made available to future generations of researchers, practitioners and publics. The network is timed to feed into the planned exhibition in 2021 at the IWM North, contributing both expert analysis from research events but also insights from public engagement workshops held in tandem. Working in partnership with IWM, the network activities are designed to generate enriched understandings of the archive from people who worked with Hetherington as photographers, reporters and film-makers, in addition to scholars and interested members of the public. This is achieved by bringing together this mix of international participants at a series of one-day events inspired by and responding to Hetherington's body of work.
The aims of the research are therefore to develop an international and interdisciplinary research network committed to enhancing knowledge about the practice and ethics of image-making and conflict prompted by the unique Hetherington archive at the Imperial War Museum. Through a series of events the network will examine his legacy and promote greater understanding of both Hetherington's work and wider compelling issues of conflict imagery in the digital era. Within this primary objective we have identified three interconnected themes through which to examine Hetherington's legacy in the broader context of contemporary conflict photography: his own notion of the 'feedback loop' which focuses on how soldiers see themselves in ways informed by popular culture images of other soldiers in war; the idea of a humanitarian photography and the moral relationship between photographic subject, photographer and spectator; and the key factors that shape image-making practices for photographers and filmmakers in the 'post-photographic' digital era.
Each of the three themes above provide the basis for discussion at research events in London (IWM), Salford (IWM North) and New York (International Center of Photography (ICP)). The research events are organised in tandem with public engagement workshops which complement the themes and are designed to exchange knowledge with identified groups: The first workshop will engage with the military community (veterans and families); the second with refugees recruited through a support group in Greater Manchester; and the third with students from the ICP and the Bronx Documentary Center (BDC) in New York which Hetherington helped to set up to encourage social change through photography and film.
Finally, to share the findings of the research network and as a public 'launch' of the online resource, a 'Research in Focus' day will be organised at IWM London in 2021, for the public dissemination of the network's findings.
The network activities will produce public-facing outputs which summarise perspectives from the network discussions in the form of recordings from the events, digitised material from the archive, and blogs for the IWM webpages, consequently enhancing wider knowledge and understanding about conflict photography in the digital era. Academic outputs include a co-authored article by the project team, in a co-edited special issue of a journal, and a co-authored IWM book to accompany the exhibition in 2021.
The IWM's acquisition of the Tim Hetherington archive offers a timely opportunity to examine the legacy of a prize-winning photographer and ensure that Hetherington's insightful work can be made available to future generations of researchers, practitioners and publics. The network is timed to feed into the planned exhibition in 2021 at the IWM North, contributing both expert analysis from research events but also insights from public engagement workshops held in tandem. Working in partnership with IWM, the network activities are designed to generate enriched understandings of the archive from people who worked with Hetherington as photographers, reporters and film-makers, in addition to scholars and interested members of the public. This is achieved by bringing together this mix of international participants at a series of one-day events inspired by and responding to Hetherington's body of work.
The aims of the research are therefore to develop an international and interdisciplinary research network committed to enhancing knowledge about the practice and ethics of image-making and conflict prompted by the unique Hetherington archive at the Imperial War Museum. Through a series of events the network will examine his legacy and promote greater understanding of both Hetherington's work and wider compelling issues of conflict imagery in the digital era. Within this primary objective we have identified three interconnected themes through which to examine Hetherington's legacy in the broader context of contemporary conflict photography: his own notion of the 'feedback loop' which focuses on how soldiers see themselves in ways informed by popular culture images of other soldiers in war; the idea of a humanitarian photography and the moral relationship between photographic subject, photographer and spectator; and the key factors that shape image-making practices for photographers and filmmakers in the 'post-photographic' digital era.
Each of the three themes above provide the basis for discussion at research events in London (IWM), Salford (IWM North) and New York (International Center of Photography (ICP)). The research events are organised in tandem with public engagement workshops which complement the themes and are designed to exchange knowledge with identified groups: The first workshop will engage with the military community (veterans and families); the second with refugees recruited through a support group in Greater Manchester; and the third with students from the ICP and the Bronx Documentary Center (BDC) in New York which Hetherington helped to set up to encourage social change through photography and film.
Finally, to share the findings of the research network and as a public 'launch' of the online resource, a 'Research in Focus' day will be organised at IWM London in 2021, for the public dissemination of the network's findings.
The network activities will produce public-facing outputs which summarise perspectives from the network discussions in the form of recordings from the events, digitised material from the archive, and blogs for the IWM webpages, consequently enhancing wider knowledge and understanding about conflict photography in the digital era. Academic outputs include a co-authored article by the project team, in a co-edited special issue of a journal, and a co-authored IWM book to accompany the exhibition in 2021.
Planned Impact
The network has both academic and wider public cultural impact at its core, with all activities combining a research-focused and public engagement element.
The primary beneficiaries are:
1. Museums and third sector organisations
Co-designed with the IWM, the network is imbued with the purpose of the museum: helping public audiences to understand and contextualise current, recent and future conflicts. Alongside academic research generated through the network events, the perspectives from interested members of the public will directly enhance web resources and will inform the 2021 exhibition. The network would benefit the museum and its visitors by organising an opportunity for the public to have early access to this unique archive in a workshop setting and contribute to developing the thematic strands identified in Hetherington's work. Project partners, the International Center of Photography (ICP) and the Bronx Documentary Center (BDC) bring their distinctive New York connections with Hetherington to the network, and benefit through participating in creative and stimulating dialogue about visual culture as a catalyst for social change.
2. Public audiences
Using the PI's 'Ignite' project funding, we have already held two 90-minute public engagement workshops at the museum (March 2019) with both military community and non-military groups. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, especially in relation to the importance of Hetherington's work and enjoying the opportunity to share views and hear from others. The network funding will enable us to carry out further public engagement workshops, benefiting from a greater amount of the archive being catalogued by this time. We have identified three targeted publics for the workshops: members of the military community; refugees in the Greater Manchester area; and student photographers and filmmakers in New York. Each group has been identified due to their specific (yet individually varied) experiences relating to conflict or image making, and the thematic threads of the research network. The network is inclusive in its approach and will gather these various voices and experiences to co-produce knowledge and enhance the website and exhibition. The student participants in New York (from the ICP and BDC) would also be invited to respond creatively to the collection and would attend an additional workshop in advance of the network event to provide prompts for their quick-response photography or film projects. Working with the ICP and BDC allows the network team to examine how photography is used for positive social change for local participants in this context; an initiative that Hetherington helped to shape before his death.
Secondly, the network activities will feed into the development of an online resource for the collection (including recordings from events, blogs and images), and a 'Research in Focus' day will be organised at IWM London, for the wider public dissemination of the network's findings. We will work together with the museum's Public Engagement and Learning team to pursue how the research network could develop learning activities beyond the immediate outputs of the network.
3. Practitioner communities in filmmaking and photojournalism
In this field of research there is a substantial overlap between practitioner communities and scholars, and we are confident that the network activities will attract those working across journalism and documentary; and artists, photographers, and film makers. Activities will be promoted via the Frontline Club and the British Press Photographers Association as the network will stimulate debate relevant to their industries. We are excited to promote never-seen-before aspects of Hetherington's work, alongside novel analysis from our network members, in accessible formats on the IWM website. The project team will publicise the network with support from the University's and IWM's press offices and via the website and social media.
The primary beneficiaries are:
1. Museums and third sector organisations
Co-designed with the IWM, the network is imbued with the purpose of the museum: helping public audiences to understand and contextualise current, recent and future conflicts. Alongside academic research generated through the network events, the perspectives from interested members of the public will directly enhance web resources and will inform the 2021 exhibition. The network would benefit the museum and its visitors by organising an opportunity for the public to have early access to this unique archive in a workshop setting and contribute to developing the thematic strands identified in Hetherington's work. Project partners, the International Center of Photography (ICP) and the Bronx Documentary Center (BDC) bring their distinctive New York connections with Hetherington to the network, and benefit through participating in creative and stimulating dialogue about visual culture as a catalyst for social change.
2. Public audiences
Using the PI's 'Ignite' project funding, we have already held two 90-minute public engagement workshops at the museum (March 2019) with both military community and non-military groups. Feedback was overwhelmingly positive, especially in relation to the importance of Hetherington's work and enjoying the opportunity to share views and hear from others. The network funding will enable us to carry out further public engagement workshops, benefiting from a greater amount of the archive being catalogued by this time. We have identified three targeted publics for the workshops: members of the military community; refugees in the Greater Manchester area; and student photographers and filmmakers in New York. Each group has been identified due to their specific (yet individually varied) experiences relating to conflict or image making, and the thematic threads of the research network. The network is inclusive in its approach and will gather these various voices and experiences to co-produce knowledge and enhance the website and exhibition. The student participants in New York (from the ICP and BDC) would also be invited to respond creatively to the collection and would attend an additional workshop in advance of the network event to provide prompts for their quick-response photography or film projects. Working with the ICP and BDC allows the network team to examine how photography is used for positive social change for local participants in this context; an initiative that Hetherington helped to shape before his death.
Secondly, the network activities will feed into the development of an online resource for the collection (including recordings from events, blogs and images), and a 'Research in Focus' day will be organised at IWM London, for the wider public dissemination of the network's findings. We will work together with the museum's Public Engagement and Learning team to pursue how the research network could develop learning activities beyond the immediate outputs of the network.
3. Practitioner communities in filmmaking and photojournalism
In this field of research there is a substantial overlap between practitioner communities and scholars, and we are confident that the network activities will attract those working across journalism and documentary; and artists, photographers, and film makers. Activities will be promoted via the Frontline Club and the British Press Photographers Association as the network will stimulate debate relevant to their industries. We are excited to promote never-seen-before aspects of Hetherington's work, alongside novel analysis from our network members, in accessible formats on the IWM website. The project team will publicise the network with support from the University's and IWM's press offices and via the website and social media.
People |
Katy Parry (Principal Investigator) | |
Greg Brockett (Co-Investigator) |

Parry K
Examining the Tim Hetherington Collection Through Visually-Led Public Engagement Workshops
in Journal of War & Culture Studies

Parry K
Introduction to the Special Issue on Tim Hetherington and conflict imagery
in Journal of War & Culture Studies
Title | Live scribing of workshops with refugees |
Description | Nifty Fox Creative have produced a series of illustrations which summarises the discussions in our two July 2021 workshops with refugees in Manchester. These illustrations are useful for giving conference presentations and teaching. They were also shared with the participants for them to see how their voices had been captured visually. |
Type Of Art | Artwork |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Impact | It is still early days but we have a conference presentation later this month where we will use the illustrations. We also hope that they could be used in the future exhibition but this is not confirmed. |
Description | This is an international research networking grant and so its objectives were always about bringing people together to consider and discuss the legacy of conflict photographer Tim Hetherington, and the archive of his work which was acquired by the Imperial War Museum in 2017. But we were also keen to include members of the public who have been affected by war, and include general public voices in our examination of Tim's work. Despite the challenges of Covid, with the museum having to close for a period in 2020, and staff being furloughed, we were able to hold public engagement workshops and research events in 2021. In these events we explored issues such as the attraction that some young people have to fighting in a war, and the role of popular media in romanticising conflict (what Hetherington referred to as the 'feedback loop'); the notion of humanitarian photography and how to foreground human dignity in photographic projects; how war coverage has changed in the digital age where everyone can capture images on smartphones. The recordings for these events are available on the IWM website (, and we have also now published a special issue in the Journal of War and Culture Studies which brings together a number of themes, most prominently with new reflections on the 'feedback loop'. |
Exploitation Route | The network informed a IWM exhibition of Tim Hetherington's work in 2024 (, especially with the public's diverse perspectives gathered in the workshops informing the curators about how they valued Tim Hetherington's work as a photographer and film-maker. The journal special issue includes an article from the project team about the way visually-led public engagement workshops can open up curatorial practice, with public access to new collections before an exhibition enhancing understanding and diversifying perspectives beyond curatorial expertise. The issue also includes 4 other articles which further knowledge and understanding on Hetherington's legacy and wider the political, ethical and colonial concerns about photojournalism and war. The research can be used for scholarship on war photography and as teaching materials. |
Sectors | Education Culture Heritage Museums and Collections |
URL | |
Description | Telling it your way: photostory workshops and the Tim Hetherington Archive |
Amount | £2,230 (GBP) |
Organisation | University of Leeds |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2021 |
End | 07/2022 |
Description | Partnership with the Imperial War Museum |
Organisation | Imperial War Museum |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The Tim Hetherington and conflict imagery network was run in partnership with the Imperial War Museum. Together we have organized public engagement workshops and so far two research events, bringing together scholars and practitioners to discuss Hetherington's work and conflict imagery more generally. We have collaborated on the design of the workshops and hope to enrich understanding and the museum's approach to the archive, but providing multiple perspectives on Hetherington's work and the broader societal impact of conflict and post-conflict imagery. |
Collaborator Contribution | Greg Brockett as Co-investigator and curator at the museum has provided his expertise. We also hired an administrator at the museum to help with organisation and budgeting (Nick Bellwood). We have held events at the museum in London, and also used their platform for an online event. The IWM website hosts the webpage for the network: |
Impact | Outcomes are planned but not completed at this stage. |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Workshops exploring the Tim Hetherington Collection |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Study participants or study members |
Results and Impact | We ran a number of workshops as part of the network grant. We were keen to particularly engage with people who had direct experience of conflict and to use the Tim Hetherington archive to discuss issues of representation, ethics, and what makes a 'good' conflict image. We held two workshops in July 2021 with people recruited through the Manchester Refugee Support Network with 14 people in each group (28 in total). In November 2021 we held two more groups, this time recruiting people with connections to the military community, photography postgraduate students, and volunteers at the Imperial War Museum. In total 18 people attended these two workshops. We received very good feedback form the workshops with participants commenting that they found the workshops very thought-provoking and also enjoyed meeting with others and hearing different opinions. Some commented that they are keen to learn more about how the workshops could feed into the planned exhibition at IWM. This is still a future event so we cannot know yet how this might work, but we hope this can inform curator decisions in the future. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |