High-field NMR Spectroscopy for Biomolecular Research
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Bristol
Department Name: Chemistry
NMR spectroscopy is the most information-rich analytical technique available to molecular research, but requires a high level of instrumentation to maximise the benefits of such analyses. In particular, its' application to materials of biological interest requires high quality instrumentation, with powerful superconducting magnets for signal resolution (500MHz or greater) and maximum sensitivity for proton nuclei. The Bristol NMR Facility currently supports a substantial number of researchers in the Biomolecular field and current NMR hardware is no longer sufficient to fulfil the demands of the cutting edge research projects conducted - which covers areas such as biosynthesis, protein structure and dynamics, potential disease treatments (Alzheimers and Cystic Fybrosis), bionanotechnology and membrane protein-ligand interactions. To this end, a modern 500MHz automated NMR spectrometer is required enabling these research fields to take advantage of the latest hardware and experimental developments required to achieve their aims.
Technical Summary
Biomolecular research at Bristol has a high demand for high resolution, high-sensitivity 1H-based NMR spectroscopy which cannot be fulfilled with current hardware. Over 60 biomolecular researchers require routine access to >400MHz spectroscopy in a range of projects spanning biosynthesis, protein structure and dynamics, bionanotechnology, membrane protein-ligand interactions, pharmaceutical development and ion transport in cell membranes. A 1H-sensitive, triple resonance 500MHz automated spectrometer will allow these research workers routine access to modern experimental methods (HSQC, field-gradient NOE, etc) at sufficiently high resolution for their needs. The rapid access to molecular structure elucidation, dynamics measurements and binding studies will allow more efficient and effective research programmes to be progressed and new projects to be developed at Bristol.
Wu J
Photoinduced Deaminative Borylation of Alkylamines.
in Journal of the American Chemical Society
Wang GW
Modular Access to Azepines by Directed Carbonylative C-C Bond Activation of Aminocyclopropanes.
in Journal of the American Chemical Society
Farndon JJ
Stereospecific Alkene Aziridination Using a Bifunctional Amino-Reagent: An Aza-Prilezhaev Reaction.
in Journal of the American Chemical Society
Mykura RC
Investigation of the Deprotonative Generation and Borylation of Diamine-Ligated a-Lithiated Carbamates and Benzoates by in Situ IR spectroscopy.
in Journal of the American Chemical Society
Fawcett A
Strain-Release-Driven Homologation of Boronic Esters: Application to the Modular Synthesis of Azetidines.
in Journal of the American Chemical Society
Grélaud S
Branch-Selective and Enantioselective Iridium-Catalyzed Alkene Hydroarylation via Anilide-Directed C-H Oxidative Addition.
in Journal of the American Chemical Society
Burns M
Assembly-line synthesis of organic molecules with tailored shapes.
in Nature
Leonard DJ
Asymmetric a-arylation of amino acids.
in Nature
Fawcett A
Carbopalladation of C-C s-bonds enabled by strained boronate complexes.
in Nature chemistry
Nofiani R
Strobilurin biosynthesis in Basidiomycete fungi
in Nature Communications