NEW / CURRENT: Systems modelling of a translational negative feedback loop: an in vivo toolkit to dissect ribosomal termination and mRNA surveillance

Lead Research Organisation: Imperial College London
Department Name: Chemical Engineering


Recent years have seen a host of genome sequences being completed, including of course the human genome. Each gene in a genome is used to direct the synthesis of a specific protein. It is the proteins that are the functional agents in a cell, for example acting as catalysts to speed individual chemical reactions within the cell. Information in the gene, coded as different sequences of the bases A, T, C and G, is used to make a protein in a two-stage process. First, the gene information is copied into a similar chain of bases in the form of a messenger RNA (mRNA). The mRNA, a long chain-like molecule, is then used as an information store to direct the assembly of a protein, consisting of a chain of amino acids, in a process called translation. The precise sequence of amino acids (directed by the mRNA base sequence) determines the eventual function of the protein. The amino acid sequence is defined by the mRNA sequence, which in turn is defined by the gene sequence, thus linking gene to protein. The process of translation forms the focus of this research proposal. During translation, small particles called ribosomes (themselves made of RNA and protein) travel along the mRNA, sequentially adding amino acids to make the final protein. This production line process is stopped (terminated) in response to a specific sequence of bases in the mRNA, causing the release of the completed protein. Termination is crucial for ensuring the protein made is of the correct length. It is now known that following termination, ribosomes are directed back to the beginning of the mRNA, effectively recycling them on the mRNA chain. This makes the translation process more efficient, but generates very complex ribosome traffic flow on the mRNA production line. For this reason, mathematical modelling of ribosome flow will be used in this research alongside the biochemical experimentation to help unravel the mechanisms by which translation is controlled. This proposal seeks to study translation termination for two important reasons. First, in many human genetic diseases, the affected gene (e.g cystic fibrosis, Duchenne muscular dystrophy) is mutated because it contains an additional stop codon early in the gene sequence. This has the effect of prematurely terminating translation, resulting in a shortened, non-functional protein. There is increasing interest in developing drugs that would make translation termination less accurate. This would allow the ribosome to bypass the early stop codon and reach the natural stop codon to make correct length protein. Research into the molecular mechanisms of termination, as this proposal describes, can provide crucial insight used directly in the development of drugs to treat some forms of human genetic disease. Termination is also important because associated with this process is the recycling of the ribosomes on the mRNA. After termination at the end of the message, ribosomes are actively returned to the beginning of the mRNA to make a new protein from the same template, forming a type of circular ribosomal race track; each circuit of the track results in a new protein being made. The recycling process is very poorly understood, and yet it is key to protein synthetic efficiency. By understanding how recycling works, it may be possible to boost the efficiency of protein synthesis in cells, which is crucial for the manufacture of drugs like hepatitis B vaccine and insulin, to name but two. In summary then, the process of translation termination is crucially important in the expression of genes in every cell, and thus has fundamental 'pure' research interest. It is however also a key to understand how proteins can be made efficiently in biotechnological processes important in drug manufacture, and is also an attractive target for drugs that can treat a range of extremely debilitating human genetic diseases.

Technical Summary

Ribosomal protein synthesis involves the translation of the mRNA template in a process that can be considered as comprising three distinct stages; initiation, elongation and termination. In eukaryote translation, during the termination phase, stop codons are recognised by a release factor complex to trigger release of the nascent polypeptide. It is increasingly recognised however that the release factors do not simply terminate translation, but also act as a protein hub to co-ordinate a number of other processes central both to the control of mRNA stability, and to the maintenance of efficient mRNA translation. This is achieved through interactions between the release factors and (i) poly(A) binding protein (ii) Upf1, the nonsense-mediated mRNA decay factor, and (iii) Rli1, the ribosome recycling factor. These interactions involve the dynamic remodelling of the termination complex, and depend upon competitive interactions between these proteins and the release factors. This project will use an integrated systems analysis of the dynamic flux of ribosomes along the mRNA, coupled with a model of the termination process, to identify how mRNA stability is dictated by the interplay between natural mRNA decay, nonsense mediated decay, and translational activity. Since the release factor complex also coordinates ribosome recycling, this proposal will also investigate the role of termination in governing the recycling of ribosomes on the same mRNA. Systems biology approaches will integrate modelling and experimentation to dissect the functional consequences of termination complex remodelling, and to define how stop codon position and translational efficiency govern protein productivity and stability of an mRNA.

Planned Impact

The process of translation termination is carried out by the release factor complex, which forms the hub of a dynamic protein complex that regulates nonsense-mediated decay (NMD), normal mRNA decay, and ribosome recycling. Translation termination and NMD represent important potential drug targets for the treatment of human genetic diseases caused by premature stop codons, such as cystic fibrosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Targeting these processes could enhance stop codon readthrough, or stabilise otherwise unstable mRNAs, thus relieving clinical symptoms. This principle has already been established with the treatment of some genetic conditions using drugs that target these processes, using aminoglycosides as well as a new drug, PTC124. One key beneficiary of this research will therefore be pharmaceutical companies, as the research here potentially identifies new drug targets. Treatments for diseases such as cystic fibrosis have large potential global markets, and thus in the longer term, this research has the potential to enhance UK competitiveness in the pharmaceutical sector. The processes of mRNA turnover, and importantly, ribosome recycling on the mRNA, are crucial determinants of translational efficiency, and regulators of the efficiency of gene expression. Thus research into how these central processes are controlled will help understand how recycling of ribosomes on mRNAs may be regulated, and thus enhanced. This research will therefore have as key beneficiaries biotechnology companies seeking to express proteins at high level, including vaccine components, therapeutic proteins including anti-cancer therapeutics and antibodies, as well as other industrially-used proteins. Thus medicine and the biotechnology industry will be key beneficiaries of this research, which has the potential to enhance health, identify new treatments for disease, and enhance industrial competitiveness. In the longer term, members of the public may benefit from this research, as developments of new pharmaceuticals, and the industrial production of heterologous proteins become available as products that enhance health and the quality of life. The UK trained workforce will benefit from this proposal through the training of two PDRA researchers, both of whom will acquire an ability increasingly in demand, that of the ability to work across discipline boundaries as part of pharmaceutical research, and systems and synthetic biology research. As part of teaching in a research led environment, undergraduates and masters students will also benefit from teaching imparted by researchers on this project. Part of this teaching will involve tutoring undergraduates, through their participation in iGEM, the leading synthetic biology competition organised from MIT, Boston; both Aberdeen and Imperial regularly participate in iGEM. This will impact upon the supply of the new generation of graduates with skills in the synthetic biology field, with its huge potential for future industrial application. The general public will benefit from this research as part of the University of Aberdeen's vibrant outreach programme, involving Café Scientifique and TechFest programmes, the latter an annual science festival for the general public. IS regularly gives research talks aimed at a lay audience at these events, as well as visiting on average 4 schools per year to give science talks connected with his research. Additionally, key research findings that may be of general interest to the public will be communicated to both local and national media outlets via press releases.


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Description We have been developing consolidated approaches to understand important aspects of the process of translation: a basic cellular process responsible for the synthesis of most proteins. In particular the goal is to understand the processes by which the basic template for protein production becomes unstable, and how other factors can interact with translation. The focus of the project was on a systems analysis of factors affecting the stability of mRNAs (and hence translation and protein synthesis), including the effect of ribosome recycle (ribosomes are molecular machines progressing on the mRNA powering protein synthesis: ribosome recycling on the mRNA means that a ribosome reaching the end point recycles back to the entry point.

Our work so far has led to a better understanding of the subtle interplay between ribosome recycle, stability and other factors which affect protein synthesis and mRNA stability. There are at least four sets of contributions which emerge from this grant:

1. Development of modelling and analysis methodologies for translation.
As a byproduct and foundational aspect of the work in this project, we have a performed a comprehensive comparison of modelling approaches for translation so that a suitable combination could be best deployed. In the course of this we have formulated and developed a new computational/modelling tool using so-called Probabilistic Boolean Networks, to aid in the dissection of translation which is applicable in a wide range of contexts, beyond the current project.

2. We have used the tools developed, along with a hierarchy of models to investigate the interplay between translation, premature termination, recycle and stability, combined with experiments. We have uncovered a significant new fact that for the mRNA being studied, a new mechanism for decay exists, for very early stop codons, which is independent of the basic mechanism of Nonsense Mediated Decay. Our systems analysis combining experiments and modelling points to a new combination of factors leading to the destabilization of the mRNA and the role of recycle therein,

3. As part of this investigation, we were led to investigate the effect of the recently discovered phenomenon of ribosomal rescanning, and have created most likely the first mathematical model of its kind in the world

4. Beyond this, we have also been developing a systems and control framework for investigating mechanisms of surveillance of mRNA, to systematically uncover the interplay between the surveillance mechanism and the complexity of translation. This again creates a systems framework for investigating the effects of mRNA surveillance in multiple settings.
This is an enabling framework which allows for the experimental investigation of surveillance in both bacteria and eukaryotes. As a by-product, it is also an example of a control systems (surveillance) strategy used by cells for what is essentially a stochastic transport system. This provides new insights into dissecting control mechansims on these classes of complex systems, which is relevance both elsewhere in biology, as well as engineering systems. This work in particular represents the creation of a new interface between the field of cell biology of mRNA translation and that of control engineering
Exploitation Route The findings obtained here will aid in the understanding of this basic process which is responsible for the synthesis of most proteins. Proteins are the workhorse of cells, and the process of mRNA translation is hence very broadly relevant to cellular biology, biotechnology and medicine. As such, mRNA translation is absolutely central to both systems and synthetic biology, from both basic and applied perspectives.

(i) We have created new tools which can be employed by others in quantitatively analyzing mRNA translation. This is especially relevant as many aspects of the intrinsic complexity of translation are being experimentally uncovered with new experimental techniques.
In particular, we have (a) Compared different modelling methodologies for translation and (b) Formulated a new computational tool for assessing protein production rates and their dependence
on intrinsic features of translation, without having to use simulation alone. This tool has been realized by using technology from different areas (boolean networks) in this context.This can complement other computational approaches for dissecting translation

(ii) It provides new knowledge into how the mRNA may be destabilized and how different factors may interact with translation. In particular, we have uncovered a mechanism (from both experiments and modelling) through which an mRNA can be destabilized, independent of nonsense mediated decay, and investigate the factors responsible to it, including the role of recycle. The systems framework as well as the method of analysis can be used in multiple application contexts, in basic biology, biomedicine and biotechnology. The individual biological results themselves are also of relevance in all these places.

Additionally we have also developed a quantitative model of ribosomal rescanning, which is the perhaps the first model of its kind. This is a basic biological process which has been uncovered relatively recently, for which no models exist. Such models could be employed by other investigators in multiple contexts

Overall through our different modelling and analysis approaches and experiments, we have created a systems analysis for the coordination of termination, stability and recycle.

(iii) We have been developing a systems framework for investigating surveillance mechanisms in mRNA translation. This involves using tools of systems and control engineering in conjunction with cellular biology to help unravel the functioning of multiple surveillance mechanisms in a host of organisms, both bacteria and eukaryotes. This provides enabling tools to experimentalists to unravel the functioning of these mechanisms (in both bacteria and eukaryotes) while simultaneously accounting for the complexity of translation.
Finally the same approaches can be used to design control stategies in complex systems involving stochastic transport either in engineering or chemistry. This also represents the development of a new interface between mRNA translation and systems/control engineering which can further be developed by other researchers

This knowledge and the newly developed tools can be used in the context of the huge number of translation processes which are responsible for the synthesis of most proteins. It is thus of relevance in basic biology and a number of application domains including biotechnology, biomedicine and agriculture.
Sectors Agriculture

Food and Drink


Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology


Description The work from this grant can be used to understand the effects of mRNA stability and destabilization, ribosomal recycling on mRNA translation and protein synthesis. Since protein synthesis is a very basic process very broadly relevant in cell biology, biomedicine and biotechnology, this can be fruitfully put to use in all these areas. This is especially true for the kind of research performed here. So far, we have used the work performed here and given talks in a wide range of settings including institutions of applied bioinformatics and biotechnology, and with colleagues in industry. This is in the context of systems biology (understanding natural systems), synthetic biology (engineering cellular systems) and bioengineering. At this stage the work represents basic foundational work in cellular biology underpinning a number of broad areas. There are already a couple of publications from this work, from the modelling side, relating to new modelling tools. This has been disseminated in multiple contexts. In addition there is another paper published in 2019, related to the effect of destabilizing mRNA with premature stop codons through an NMD independent mechanism, which is potentially broad significance, and this has also been discussed. This work (Gorgoni,Zhao, Krishnan,Stansfield) integrates experimental work (from the group of Prof. Stansfield) and mathematical modelling work. As part of this work, we have created the first model incorporating ribosomal rescanning, which has been discussed with colleagues in biology around the world. Finally, we (Zhao,Krishnan)are working on a paper which examines mRNA surveillance mechanisms from a control systems approach: this is being written currently, but basic aspects have already been discussed with colleagues in both cell biology and control engineering. This work presents the creation and development of a new link between cell biology and control engineering by focussing on surveillance mechanisms. This will be submitted for publication this year (draft in preparation)
Sector Education,Other
Impact Types Cultural

Title Probabilistic Boolean Network Tool for assessing steady states of mRNA translation 
Description The Probabilistic Boolean Network method allows for determining the steady states of mRNA translation without simulations. This can be sued for determining the sensitivity of different factors in affecting protein production without repeatedly simulating the stochastic system. The tool is quite general and can be used for any translation system. Due to size limitations it is best used on coarse grained descriptions of mRNA translation. 
Type Of Material Physiological assessment or outcome measure 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This tool is already being used by us in the context of assessing mechanisms which are involved in surveillance of mRNA. The surveillance of mRNA involves control systems which regulate mRNA translation, checking for errors. In dissecting this complex system, this tool provides a complementary approach to simulations and senstivity analysis. 
Title Model of destabilization of mRNA iwith recycle and rescan, independent of NMD 
Description Fundamental to our study (Cells 2019), we presented a model of mRNA destabilization independent of the NMD process. This involved the development of a model, incorporating mRNA translation, ribosomal recycle, rescan and destabilization by PABP removal 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact So far interest shown by colleagues 
Title Model of ribosomal rescanning 
Description As part of our recent publication (Cells 2019), we have developed a model of ribosomal rescanning and its impact on destabilization/stabilization of mRNA: this is among the first models of its kind. It is presented in detail in the relevant publication (with further details in Supplementary Material), which is accessible by others 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Year Produced 2019 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact So far it is an openly accessible tool which colleagues (modelling, systems, conbtrol) have expressed an interest in 
Title Probabilistic Boolean Network modelling and analysis framework for translation 
Description We develop a new tool grounded in probabilistic boolean network for analysis of mRNA translation. This has a number of new features, including the ability to calculate stationary distributions without repeated simulations. This provides a new tool for analysis of translation and translation models 
Type Of Material Computer model/algorithm 
Provided To Others? No  
Impact This is preliminary, but the methodology and tool is described in our papers. We are trying to develop this in the context of synthetic biology further