A Mathematical Modelling approach to defining factors which cause keel fractures in free range laying hens
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Bristol
Department Name: Clinical Veterinary Science
Skeletal health in laying hens is a major problem, reducing profitability, creating a poor public perception of egg production, and influencing consumer choice. Recent studies showed up to 80% of free range hens suffer keel bone breakage. Thus, despite many welfare benefits over battery cages, free range systems present unique and urgent economic and welfare problems. The 2012 EU ban on battery cage systems required that 18 million birds be "transferred" to alternative systems, mostly free range - equating to a potential 14 million more hens suffering bone breakage each year in the UK. The industry views this as unsustainable, and DEFRA regards this as a major welfare concern. Egg production in the UK is an important wealth creator, worth £868 million/year, but its narrow profit margins make it particularly vulnerable to market forces. The UK is entirely compliant with the 2012 battery cage ban, however this is not the case for most EU countries, and it is forecast that 23% of EU eggs will be produced illegally, with cheap imports a particular threat to the UK industry. Therefore resolution of these welfare and productivity problems is particularly timely, and falls within the BBSRC priority areas of Food Security, Animal Health, Welfare of Managed Animals, Data Driven Biology, Collaborative Research with Users, Systems Approaches to the Biosciences, Livestock Production and Research to Inform Public Policy.
Collisions within housing structures are believed to be the principle cause of keel fractures. However, difficulties in observing breaks as they happen prevent a clear understanding of the critical factors associated either with the hen or the particular impact which determines the occurrence or severity of a fracture. A lack of knowledge as to which factors are causal in keel fractures, prevents steps being taken to alleviate these in an informed and objective manner.
This study will replicate keel fractures in an ex-vivo impact testing system, allowing precise quantitation of bird factors such as weight, age, keel strength and compliance, and collision factors such as impact energy and material compliance, and directly relate these to the occurrence and severity of keel fractures. We will use a novel mathematical modelling approach that will define which factors influence fracture occurrence and provide a "risk assessment" of fractures in an individual bird or housed flock of given characteristics. The model will be validated using live birds placed in two contrary housing environments designed to provide low and high energy flights. Birds will be fitted with "impact loggers" (already correlated with the impact testing system) to determine the energies associated with arrested flights. Individual bird factors will be determined (as described above) at the end of the housing period, and keel breaks assessed. In this way the model predictions will be tested against actual fractures at individual bird and housing system level.
On-farm studies will determine kinetic energy profiles of particular commercial housing types which we have previously shown to have widely differing fracture rates. Our impact monitors will provide a physical measure of housing risk, and allow us to test the model in predicting fractures in commercial settings.
The outcomes from this study will allow commercial housing systems to be functionally assessed for their projected keel breakage risk, and will identify key elements of housing design or bird physiology that may be targeted by producers or policy makers to reduce fracture rates. Such a prospective "risk assessment" could be used to evaluate effects of housing changes within days rather than months. Therefore this study has the potential to greatly improve the health and welfare of laying hens, the public attitudes to egg production, and the profitability and sustainability of the UK egg industry in the face of difficulties arising from the EU ban on battery cage systems.
Collisions within housing structures are believed to be the principle cause of keel fractures. However, difficulties in observing breaks as they happen prevent a clear understanding of the critical factors associated either with the hen or the particular impact which determines the occurrence or severity of a fracture. A lack of knowledge as to which factors are causal in keel fractures, prevents steps being taken to alleviate these in an informed and objective manner.
This study will replicate keel fractures in an ex-vivo impact testing system, allowing precise quantitation of bird factors such as weight, age, keel strength and compliance, and collision factors such as impact energy and material compliance, and directly relate these to the occurrence and severity of keel fractures. We will use a novel mathematical modelling approach that will define which factors influence fracture occurrence and provide a "risk assessment" of fractures in an individual bird or housed flock of given characteristics. The model will be validated using live birds placed in two contrary housing environments designed to provide low and high energy flights. Birds will be fitted with "impact loggers" (already correlated with the impact testing system) to determine the energies associated with arrested flights. Individual bird factors will be determined (as described above) at the end of the housing period, and keel breaks assessed. In this way the model predictions will be tested against actual fractures at individual bird and housing system level.
On-farm studies will determine kinetic energy profiles of particular commercial housing types which we have previously shown to have widely differing fracture rates. Our impact monitors will provide a physical measure of housing risk, and allow us to test the model in predicting fractures in commercial settings.
The outcomes from this study will allow commercial housing systems to be functionally assessed for their projected keel breakage risk, and will identify key elements of housing design or bird physiology that may be targeted by producers or policy makers to reduce fracture rates. Such a prospective "risk assessment" could be used to evaluate effects of housing changes within days rather than months. Therefore this study has the potential to greatly improve the health and welfare of laying hens, the public attitudes to egg production, and the profitability and sustainability of the UK egg industry in the face of difficulties arising from the EU ban on battery cage systems.
Technical Summary
Skeletal health in laying hens is a major welfare and economic problem, creating a poor public perception of egg production, and influencing consumer choice. Recent studies showed up to 80% of hens suffer keel bone breakage in free range systems (FRS). So, despite many welfare benefits, FRS present unique and urgent problems. Resolution of this problem is particularly timely, as the 2012 EU ban on battery cage systems requires that 18 million birds be "transferred" to alternative systems, mostly FRS - equating to a further 14 million hens suffering bone breakage each year in the UK. The industry views this as unsustainable, and DEFRA as a major concern. Collisions are believed to be the principle cause of keel fractures; however difficulties in observing breaks as they happen prevent a clear understanding of the critical factors.
This study will replicate keel fractures in an ex-vivo impact testing system. Bird factors, e.g. weight, age, keel strength and compliance, and collision factors such as impact energy and material compliance will be mathematically modelled to define which factors influence fracture occurrence and provide a "risk assessment" of fractures in a bird or flock of given characteristics. This model will be validated using live birds in housing environments designed to provide a range of bird and collision variables, and tested against predictions at individual bird and pen level. On-farm studies will determine kinetic energy profiles of particular commercial housing types with widely varying fracture rates to provide a physical measure of housing risk, and to test the model in predicting fractures in commercial settings.
The outcomes from this study will allow commercial housing systems to be functionally assessed for their keel breakage risk, and identify key elements of housing or bird physiology that may be modified by producers to reduce fracture rates, thus improving health and welfare, and the sustainability of the UK egg industry.
This study will replicate keel fractures in an ex-vivo impact testing system. Bird factors, e.g. weight, age, keel strength and compliance, and collision factors such as impact energy and material compliance will be mathematically modelled to define which factors influence fracture occurrence and provide a "risk assessment" of fractures in a bird or flock of given characteristics. This model will be validated using live birds in housing environments designed to provide a range of bird and collision variables, and tested against predictions at individual bird and pen level. On-farm studies will determine kinetic energy profiles of particular commercial housing types with widely varying fracture rates to provide a physical measure of housing risk, and to test the model in predicting fractures in commercial settings.
The outcomes from this study will allow commercial housing systems to be functionally assessed for their keel breakage risk, and identify key elements of housing or bird physiology that may be modified by producers to reduce fracture rates, thus improving health and welfare, and the sustainability of the UK egg industry.
Planned Impact
Who will benefit, and how?
Laying Hens
The principal beneficiaries of this study are laying hens. Recent studies have shown that around 80% of free range hens suffer keel bone breakage at some stage in their laying cycle, representing approximately 8.5 million hens in the current UK flock. With the EU ban on conventional cages, up to 26.5 million hens will be housed in free range units, and the total number of laying hens with broken bones may rise to 23 million. Keel breaks lead to pain and prevent natural behaviours, and have been described by DEFRA (FAWC) as the most important problem facing laying hens. With our ongoing relationships with industry and policy makers we expect any benefits will be realised within or shortly beyond the timescale of the grant.
Egg producers
The UK industry produces 8.8billion eggs per year, with a retail value of £844million. With widely reported welfare problems, the producers are acutely aware of their poor public image. Also, reduced productivity, hen mortality and splintered bone in spent layer breast meat, represent a significant loss in profitability. UK producers regard the current breakage levels as a severe problem, and those projected post 2012 as unsustainable. The outcomes from this study will identify key elements of housing design or bird physiology that may be targeted by producers or policy makers to reduce fracture rates. The industry will benefit from improved productivity, and with the possibility of marketing eggs as "welfare friendly", enhanced profitability and public image, resulting in greater international competitiveness for UK producers.
Poultry house designers
The outcomes from this study will allow commercial housing systems to be functionally assessed for their projected keel breakage risk, and housing design to be modified by poultry house manufacturers to reduce fracture rates. Such a "risk assessment" could be used to evaluate effects of housing design changes within days rather than months, for the first time allowing objective optimisation for hen welfare.
Public perception of egg production is poor, and consumer choice is increasingly driven by welfare issues. Eggs are an important component of our diet, and consumers will benefit from being provided "welfare friendly" eggs.
UK egg annual trade deficit is approximately £120 million. The UK is entirely compliant with the 2012 EU ban on battery cages, however as many as 17 EU states and 23% of production is expected to be non-compliant. The already narrow profit margins within UK industry will be squeezed further in competition with cheap non-compliant EU imports. Reducing or eliminating the economic burden associated with keel breakage in compliant free range systems, will protect and benefit both the egg industry and the UK economy.
Policy makers
Findings from our recent DEFRA and BBSRC studies are already guiding policy makers in the egg production industry. FAWC recently cited hen keel breakage as being of the highest priority. Policy makers will soon be seeking the sort of solutions to the unsustainably high bone breakage in free range hens that our research could provide. Andrew Joret, Research Director of Noble foods, our industrial partner, is Chairman of the British Egg Association, Deputy Chairman of the British Egg Industry Council (Chair of their Technical Committee), and Chairman of the International Egg Commission. He is ideally placed to influence these policy leaders. In addition, the British Egg Marketing Board Trust has offered to disseminate our findings (see letter of support).
The training of technical and postdoctoral researchers will provide a skill resource which will translate into a number of research areas. Training is an essential part of this study, and researchers have access to a vast wealth of cross disciplinary expertise within the research team, and a rare opportunity to work with industry.
Laying Hens
The principal beneficiaries of this study are laying hens. Recent studies have shown that around 80% of free range hens suffer keel bone breakage at some stage in their laying cycle, representing approximately 8.5 million hens in the current UK flock. With the EU ban on conventional cages, up to 26.5 million hens will be housed in free range units, and the total number of laying hens with broken bones may rise to 23 million. Keel breaks lead to pain and prevent natural behaviours, and have been described by DEFRA (FAWC) as the most important problem facing laying hens. With our ongoing relationships with industry and policy makers we expect any benefits will be realised within or shortly beyond the timescale of the grant.
Egg producers
The UK industry produces 8.8billion eggs per year, with a retail value of £844million. With widely reported welfare problems, the producers are acutely aware of their poor public image. Also, reduced productivity, hen mortality and splintered bone in spent layer breast meat, represent a significant loss in profitability. UK producers regard the current breakage levels as a severe problem, and those projected post 2012 as unsustainable. The outcomes from this study will identify key elements of housing design or bird physiology that may be targeted by producers or policy makers to reduce fracture rates. The industry will benefit from improved productivity, and with the possibility of marketing eggs as "welfare friendly", enhanced profitability and public image, resulting in greater international competitiveness for UK producers.
Poultry house designers
The outcomes from this study will allow commercial housing systems to be functionally assessed for their projected keel breakage risk, and housing design to be modified by poultry house manufacturers to reduce fracture rates. Such a "risk assessment" could be used to evaluate effects of housing design changes within days rather than months, for the first time allowing objective optimisation for hen welfare.
Public perception of egg production is poor, and consumer choice is increasingly driven by welfare issues. Eggs are an important component of our diet, and consumers will benefit from being provided "welfare friendly" eggs.
UK egg annual trade deficit is approximately £120 million. The UK is entirely compliant with the 2012 EU ban on battery cages, however as many as 17 EU states and 23% of production is expected to be non-compliant. The already narrow profit margins within UK industry will be squeezed further in competition with cheap non-compliant EU imports. Reducing or eliminating the economic burden associated with keel breakage in compliant free range systems, will protect and benefit both the egg industry and the UK economy.
Policy makers
Findings from our recent DEFRA and BBSRC studies are already guiding policy makers in the egg production industry. FAWC recently cited hen keel breakage as being of the highest priority. Policy makers will soon be seeking the sort of solutions to the unsustainably high bone breakage in free range hens that our research could provide. Andrew Joret, Research Director of Noble foods, our industrial partner, is Chairman of the British Egg Association, Deputy Chairman of the British Egg Industry Council (Chair of their Technical Committee), and Chairman of the International Egg Commission. He is ideally placed to influence these policy leaders. In addition, the British Egg Marketing Board Trust has offered to disseminate our findings (see letter of support).
The training of technical and postdoctoral researchers will provide a skill resource which will translate into a number of research areas. Training is an essential part of this study, and researchers have access to a vast wealth of cross disciplinary expertise within the research team, and a rare opportunity to work with industry.
Buijs S
Behavioural and physiological responses of laying hens to automated monitoring equipment.
in Applied animal behaviour science
Casey-Trott T
Methods for assessment of keel bone damage in poultry.
in Poultry science
Eisler MC
Agriculture: Steps to sustainable livestock.
in Nature
Harlander-Matauschek A
Causes of keel bone damage and their solutions in laying hens
in World's Poultry Science Journal
Toscano MJ
Development of an ex vivo protocol to model bone fracture in laying hens resulting from collisions.
in PloS one
Description | Although not yet complete, the findings of this study have shown that quantifiable hazards within housing systems are a major driver in the development of keel fractures in laying hens. We have shown that impact energies of a similar magnitude to those experienced in commercial housing systems are sufficient to generate fractures in an ex-vivo model, and that the energy of impact is related to the risk and severity of fractures. As a result of this study a novel design of double-sensor 3D accelerometer has been developed able to distinguish defined behaviours which may be used in more comprehensive studies to remotely monitor behaviour in laying hens. Accelerometer and video monitoring of hens in customised pens with a standard and low-impact design, have demonstrated differences in keel fracture rate and accelerometry readouts. Susceptibility to fracture has also been linked to mechanical and radiological outcomes from bones taken at dissection. |
Exploitation Route | The design of accelerometers has already been taken up by research groups in the US. The accelerometers are also being used in a BBSRC funded iCASE studentship and will be used in a new BBSRC award (BB/N00860X). The concepts are now being tested in collaboration with Vencomatic (NL) and Stonegate (UK) to determine how the data can be used to improve housing conditions to reduce keel fracture rates. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Electronics |
URL | http://www.bbsrc.ac.uk/news/food-security/2013/130312-pr-bone-fractures-in-laying-hens/ |
Description | Although not yet complete, the findings of this study have shown that quantifiable hazards within housing systems are a major driver in the development of keel fractures in laying hens. We have shown that impact energies of a similar magnitude to those experienced in commercial housing systems are sufficient to generate fractures in an ex-vivo model, and that the energy of impact is related to the risk and severity of fractures. As a result of this study a novel design of double-sensor 3D accelerometer has been developed able to distinguish defined behaviours which may be used in more comprehensive studies to remotely monitor behaviour in laying hens. The two sensor 3D accelerometers developed in this study have been taken up by other research groups internationally, including Switzerland and the USA. |
First Year Of Impact | 2013 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink,Electronics,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology |
Impact Types | Societal Economic |
Description | Assessing keel health in commercial laying hens and potential methods for improvement |
Amount | £43,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | BB/K021303/1 |
Organisation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2013 |
End | 03/2016 |
Description | Data-driven housing design to improve bone health and welfare in laying hens |
Amount | £82,600 (GBP) |
Funding ID | BB/L016842/1 |
Organisation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2014 |
End | 08/2018 |
Description | Development of neural pain methodologies to improve assessment of bone-damage associated pain |
Amount | £2,500 (GBP) |
Funding ID | BB/K011316 |
Organisation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2012 |
End | 01/2013 |
Description | Development, validation and refinement of protocols to improve the welfare of pullets and laying hens |
Amount | £32,100 (GBP) |
Funding ID | BB/N021959/1 |
Organisation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 05/2016 |
End | 05/2019 |
Description | Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research (US) |
Amount | $431,998 (USD) |
Funding ID | ID 550830 |
Organisation | Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United States |
Start | 03/2018 |
End | 02/2022 |
Description | Functional housing systems for high welfare in laying hens: promoting natural behaviors in safe environments |
Amount | £540,500 (GBP) |
Funding ID | BB/N00860X/1 |
Organisation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 06/2016 |
End | 06/2019 |
Description | Functional housing systems for high welfare in laying hens: promoting natural behaviours in safe environments |
Amount | £540,600 (GBP) |
Funding ID | BB/N00860X/1 |
Organisation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 05/2016 |
End | 05/2019 |
Description | GENESIS: Modular Insect Bioconversion System for On-site Animal Feed Production |
Amount | £572,566 (GBP) |
Funding ID | 104387 |
Organisation | Innovate UK |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 11/2018 |
End | 09/2020 |
Description | Identifying causes and solutions of keel bone damage in laying hens |
Amount | € 520 (EUR) |
Funding ID | CA15224 |
Organisation | European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) |
Sector | Public |
Country | Belgium |
Start | 02/2016 |
End | 01/2020 |
Description | Impacts of the rearing environment on keel bone integrity, spatial awareness abilities of laying hens |
Amount | $431,998 (USD) |
Organisation | Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United States |
Start | 11/2018 |
End | 10/2022 |
Description | Increasing insect consumption by laying hens in free range systems to reduce feed costs, enhance food quality and improve welfare |
Amount | £20,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | The Soil Association |
Sector | Learned Society |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 05/2015 |
End | 10/2015 |
Title | Development of an ex vivo method for keel fracture generation and analysis |
Description | A drop weight impact tester was used to generate precise quantifiable inpacts to the keels of (ex vivo) laying hens. This was used to estimate loads required for fracture, to determine the contribution of bird factors, such as bone mineral density, in determining fracture risk, and how change in housing materials might reduce fracture rates. |
Type Of Material | Model of mechanisms or symptoms - non-mammalian in vivo |
Year Produced | 2014 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | This method was used in studies funded by commercial collaborators to determine the influence of diet on fracture rates. |
Title | Development of twin sensor triaxial accelerometer |
Description | The tri-axial accelerometer has included an innovative hardware development of combining two sensors, one within the main body of the unit, and another on the end of a cable. This allows the specially designed firmware to exclude impact data from one sensor only, and only records data when both accelerometers register an event. Therefore trivial and irrelevant information, such as pecks to one of the sensors, to be excluded. Other firmware advances are an either/or threshold. |
Type Of Material | Physiological assessment or outcome measure |
Year Produced | 2015 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | The hardware and firmware innovations built into this technological development has allowed precise measurements of hen activity and exposure to hazards, whilst excluding irrelevant information. This has been utilised by groups in the US and Switzerland. |
Description | Global Farm Platform |
Organisation | Kerala Veterinary and Animal Science University |
Country | India |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Attended three international workshops. Obtained funding for research with KVASU, India Publication in Nature Organised an International conference with 180 delegates from over 30 countries |
Collaborator Contribution | Sethu Madhavan, KVASU; organised two workshops in Kerala, India in 2013 and 2015. Co-Applicant on BBSRC India Partnering Award. Graeme Martin, University of Western Australia; organised workshop in Perth Australia in 2014. Contributed to a co-authored Nature paper. |
Impact | Nature Paper. Steps to sustainable livestock International conference; Steps to sustainable livestock BBSRC India Partnering Award |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | Modular Insect Bioconversion System for On-site Animal Feed Production |
Organisation | Entomics Biosystems |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Running a feeding study to examine affects on health, welfare, behaviour and productivity |
Collaborator Contribution | Producing live insects in a bioconverter |
Impact | Funding only at this stage |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Noble Foods |
Organisation | Noble Foods Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Shared research findings |
Collaborator Contribution | Provided facilities essential for the collaboration. Provided hens for use in the study, and absorbed the costs of loss of productivity resulting from the research, such as loss of hens for sample collection. |
Impact | Publication, conference contributions, workshops. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Study of keel fractures in laying hens |
Organisation | SDC Trailers |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Performing on-farm assessment of keel fractures Research activities relating to externally funded garnts |
Collaborator Contribution | Funding a study Providing access to farms Partner on a number of grant applications (two funded) |
Impact | Two successful grant applications (BBSRC and Soil Association) |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | Radio interview on Radio 4 "Farming Today" |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | The interview was part of a showcase of welfare related work undertaken at the University of Bristol School of Veterinary Science. I was describing our BBSRC funded work looking at the influence of ranging in influencing welfare measures in laying hens. I described the sensing technology we use to assess location and activity, as well as discussing enrichments designed to increase range use. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2016 |