Control of early embryogenesis by extra-embryonic peptides
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Warwick
Department Name: School of Life Sciences
Like animals, plants use asymmetric cell divisions to create pattern and diversity. However, how plants specify and carry out asymmetric divisions is not yet understood. This proposal focuses on uncovering the role of intercellular communication as a mechanism driving asymmetric division of the zygote in plants. We have uncovered a group of peptides expressed in embryo surrounding cells that regulate the early divisions of the zygote. We will use these findings to identify novel components to the network of genes and proteins that are involved in regulating early embryo development and patterning. Through this work we will uncover the molecular processes that allow surrounding tissues to coordinate the development of plant embryos.
Technical Summary
Asymmetric division is integral to plants and animals as it creates pattern and diversity. In plants, asymmetric division is critical in zygotes as it establishes the apical-basal axis and drives embryo patterning at the earliest stage. However, the precise mechanism that regulates this process remains unknown. This proposal will address this significant gap in our knowledge by elucidating the molecular components of a newly identified cell signaling pathway required for correct embryogenesis, which integrates signals derived from the surrounding extra-embryonic tissues. In addition, using genetic and molecular analyses we will uncover the genetic framework that regulates early embryogenesis. Collectively, this work will for the first time provide molecular-genetic and biochemical evidence for embryo surrounding tissues in regulating asymmetric division of the zygote and subsequent embryo patterning in plants.
Planned Impact
Data and material generated from this proposal will be made freely available. In addition, the University of Warwick will exploit IP generated through other aspects of the works. We will engage with industrial beneficiaries with regards to the improvement of seed traits through existing collaborations with two agrobiotechnology partners.
We will disseminate our findings by making our data publicly available through peer-reviewed publications. The resources will be deposit at EMBL-EBI, BMRB and NASC. Training in scientific research skills will be provided to the RPDA, RA by the PI, colleagues at the University of Warwick and by existing collaborations with international researchers. We will disseminate our results to the public through media reports and by interacting directly with the public and plant breeders. Pathways to impact will be monitored and evaluated every six months.
We will disseminate our findings by making our data publicly available through peer-reviewed publications. The resources will be deposit at EMBL-EBI, BMRB and NASC. Training in scientific research skills will be provided to the RPDA, RA by the PI, colleagues at the University of Warwick and by existing collaborations with international researchers. We will disseminate our results to the public through media reports and by interacting directly with the public and plant breeders. Pathways to impact will be monitored and evaluated every six months.

Costa LM
Central cell-derived peptides regulate early embryo patterning in flowering plants.
in Science (New York, N.Y.)

Ingram G
Peptide signalling during angiosperm seed development.
in Journal of experimental botany

Durr J
Highly efficient heritable targeted deletions of gene clusters and non-coding regulatory regions in Arabidopsis using CRISPR/Cas9.
in Scientific reports

Wibowo A
Partial maintenance of organ-specific epigenetic marks during plant asexual reproduction leads to heritable phenotypic variation.
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

Frerichs A
Specific chromatin changes mark lateral organ founder cells in the Arabidopsis inflorescence meristem.
in Journal of experimental botany

Fernie AR
From genome to phenome: genome-wide association studies and other approaches that bridge the genotype to phenotype gap.
in The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology

Antunez-Sanchez J
A new role for histone demethylases in the maintenance of plant genome integrity

Antunez-Sanchez J
A new role for histone demethylases in the maintenance of plant genome integrity.
in eLife

Lee YS
A transposon surveillance mechanism that safeguards plant male fertility during stress.
in Nature plants

Durr J
A Novel Signaling Pathway Required for Arabidopsis Endodermal Root Organization Shapes the Rhizosphere Microbiome.
in Plant & cell physiology

Wibowo A
Predictable and stable epimutations induced during clonal plant propagation with embryonic transcription factor
in PLOS Genetics
Description | We have uncovered that small proteins that surround the zygote regulate embryo development in plants |
Exploitation Route | yes, scientific publications and research projects |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink |
URL | |
Description | Funds have been used to allow four school pupils to undertake a week placement in our laboratory. They learned basic molecular biology and microscopy skills. |
First Year Of Impact | 2015 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink |
Impact Types | Societal |
Description | BioProNET business interaction voucher |
Amount | £10,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 04/2017 |
End | 12/2017 |
Description | KWS collaboration |
Organisation | KWS UK |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Use of embryonic factors to enhance plant transformation |
Collaborator Contribution | Use of different transcription factors to enhance plant transfromation |
Impact | none yet |
Start Year | 2018 |