US-UK EEID Collab: Persistence of a highly contagious pathogen: ecological and evolutionary mechanisms in foot-and-mouth disease virus
Lead Research Organisation:
The Pirbright Institute
Department Name: Livestock Viral Diseases
Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) affects livestock and wild animals, African buffalo especially. The disease is widely distributed in the developing world and the lack of effective control in these territories is a constant threat to developed countries like the USA and UK where the disease does not normally occur due to rigid control policies. This highly contagious viral disease causes a fever and painful blisters on the feet, teats and in the mouth, leading to lameness, a drop in milk production, loss of appetite and condition and significant social and economic impact.
Countries that want to export to high value markets like the UK and USA need to demonstrate total control of FMD, as a consequence FMD distorts the global trade of livestock and their products. Clearly, countries who have invested in eradicating the disease do not want it back, for example; introduction of FMD into the UK in 2001 cost over US$ 9 million to control and resulted in the slaughter of over 6 million animals. FMD undermines trade, impedes investment in the livestock sector, stops poor people having access to markets and limits options for their future and the future of their families. As a consequence, FMD is considered to be the most economically important disease of livestock and the World Health Organisation for Animal Health and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations have recently joined forces to establish a strategy for global FMD control.
In Africa, African buffalo are the natural reservoir host for FMD, the virus is maintained in herds for long periods of time and buffalo act as a source of infection for livestock, wildlife and other buffalo. We do not understand how the virus is maintained in buffalo populations or how the virus is transmitted from buffalo, to other animals. In addition, vaccines used to protect cattle are not very effective for the types of viruses present in buffalo, which are diverse and constantly mutating and changing. This situation creates friction in developing countries between the livestock producers, with a need for efficient livestock production systems to alleviate poverty, and conservationists trying to preserve wildlife populations and ecosystems.
The aim of this project is to determine the primary mechanism of FMD virus persistence in buffalo populations and understand how the virus constantly undergoes mutation and change in buffalo populations. Global FMD eradication, or control, will never be achieved unless we understand these mechanisms. Understanding inter-annual persistence will be invaluable for identifying troughs of low risk that can be exploited as a time for effective intervention and control strategies for livestock populations. Our findings will be scalable to buffalo populations throughout Africa. Understanding how virus is maintained in buffalo and transmitted to susceptible animals will allow us to develop better livestock vaccines and control policies to support economic development and preserve wildlife in Africa.
Countries that want to export to high value markets like the UK and USA need to demonstrate total control of FMD, as a consequence FMD distorts the global trade of livestock and their products. Clearly, countries who have invested in eradicating the disease do not want it back, for example; introduction of FMD into the UK in 2001 cost over US$ 9 million to control and resulted in the slaughter of over 6 million animals. FMD undermines trade, impedes investment in the livestock sector, stops poor people having access to markets and limits options for their future and the future of their families. As a consequence, FMD is considered to be the most economically important disease of livestock and the World Health Organisation for Animal Health and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations have recently joined forces to establish a strategy for global FMD control.
In Africa, African buffalo are the natural reservoir host for FMD, the virus is maintained in herds for long periods of time and buffalo act as a source of infection for livestock, wildlife and other buffalo. We do not understand how the virus is maintained in buffalo populations or how the virus is transmitted from buffalo, to other animals. In addition, vaccines used to protect cattle are not very effective for the types of viruses present in buffalo, which are diverse and constantly mutating and changing. This situation creates friction in developing countries between the livestock producers, with a need for efficient livestock production systems to alleviate poverty, and conservationists trying to preserve wildlife populations and ecosystems.
The aim of this project is to determine the primary mechanism of FMD virus persistence in buffalo populations and understand how the virus constantly undergoes mutation and change in buffalo populations. Global FMD eradication, or control, will never be achieved unless we understand these mechanisms. Understanding inter-annual persistence will be invaluable for identifying troughs of low risk that can be exploited as a time for effective intervention and control strategies for livestock populations. Our findings will be scalable to buffalo populations throughout Africa. Understanding how virus is maintained in buffalo and transmitted to susceptible animals will allow us to develop better livestock vaccines and control policies to support economic development and preserve wildlife in Africa.
Technical Summary
Understanding how extremely contagious, acute, strongly immunizing pathogens persist, especially in moderately sized populations, represents a puzzle in disease ecology. We will investigate how foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) persists in its reservoir host. Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) inflicts severe economic losses and is arguably the most important trade-restricting livestock disease. Extreme contagiousness is a key feature of FMD, however acute infection is characterised by a short viraemic phase, a rapid, effective and long lived immune response and a short infectious period. Following acute infection, most buffalo become carriers, and virus can be detected in oesophageal-pharyngeal scrapings for years. Although transmission by carrier buffalo has been demonstrated, most attempts at affecting transmission have failed. Given the apparent inefficiency of transmission, it would seem unlikely that carriers are the usual source of infection in herds. FMDV maintains a high force of infection in buffalo herds, consistent with a common mechanism for inter-annual persistence. We will combine small-scale transmission experiments and longitudinal data from a confined collared buffalo herd, allowing us to compile a dataset of unprecedented detail on FMDV transmission, host immunity, host contact networks and viral evolution. We will investigate the conditions under which carriers resume shedding of virus and transmission and explore the role of viral genetic and antigenic evolution during both acute and carrier phase in FMDV persistence. We will use a series of mathematical models to test which conditions are compatible with FMDV persistence in populations, and validate models using samples from 200 free-ranging buffalo collected previously. We will determine how the virus evolves and how new antigenic variants are generated in buffalo populations. Ultimately, an understanding of FMDV persistence in the wildlife reservoir is required to achieve global FMD control.
Planned Impact
Africa has been endowed with abundance of wildlife, and in many regions, wildlife and their ecosystems have been well protected within national parks and game reserves. The near-symbiotic association between FMDV and African buffalo is unique, contributing to an epidemiological situation that presents an impasse to rural development. The global socio-economic impact of FMD is colossal. This impact can be separated into two components: the direct losses due to a reduction in production and changes in herd structure creating a food security issue and contributing to malnutrition; and indirect losses that relate to the significant costs of FMD control and management and poor access to markets, impeding investment in the livestock sector and limiting options for poor farmers and their families. Inevitably, in communities neighbouring ecosystems that contain African buffalo, the domestic animal / wildlife interface presents unique challenges to livestock disease control. In addition, the on-going creation of transfrontier conservation areas in southern and eastern Africa presents a particular challenge to the management of FMD because they render the domestic animal / wildlife interface increasingly intense and complex. This unique situation has necessitated that African countries invest in regular vaccination programmes if they are to effectively manage FMD and consequently participate in international and regional trade in livestock and livestock products. Since 2000, numerous outbreaks of FMD were recorded in vaccinated cattle populations in southern Africa. In all these outbreaks the source of virus was traced to buffalo, with subsequent spread from buffalo to cattle. The FAO and the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) are joining forces to combat FMD on a global scale, laying out a detailed strategy for global control. Unless we understand how FMDV is maintained in the wildlife reservoir host, global control will not be a reality.
This project will directly contribute to understanding the mechanisms for inter-annual persistence of FMDV and the high rate of infection in naïve buffalo, and ultimately transmission from buffalo herds to livestock. We will determine the role of persistently infected carrier animals, virus evolution and antigenic drift for FMDV persistence at the population level. Understanding the mechanisms for inter-annual persistence in herds will be invaluable for identifying inter-epidemic troughs that can be exploited as a time for effective intervention and control strategies for at-risk livestock populations. Our findings will be scalable to buffalo populations throughout Africa and will be invaluable for answering broader policy questions on vaccinate-to-live FMDV control strategies and FMDV persistence for global control. In the long term, there are 6 major impacts that will arise from the proposed work:
1. Provide new knowledge and disease models for FMD control and policy options in endemic countries
2. Provide strong foundation knowledge and identify feasible options for wildlife conservation projects and decision makers to preserve wildlife populations and ecosystems
3. Influence global FMD control policies
4. Support and directly address a significant problem facing poor livestock producers
5. Mitigate for risk of incursions into FMD free regions
6. Strengthen research, infrastructure and FMDV control capacity in Africa.
This project will directly contribute to understanding the mechanisms for inter-annual persistence of FMDV and the high rate of infection in naïve buffalo, and ultimately transmission from buffalo herds to livestock. We will determine the role of persistently infected carrier animals, virus evolution and antigenic drift for FMDV persistence at the population level. Understanding the mechanisms for inter-annual persistence in herds will be invaluable for identifying inter-epidemic troughs that can be exploited as a time for effective intervention and control strategies for at-risk livestock populations. Our findings will be scalable to buffalo populations throughout Africa and will be invaluable for answering broader policy questions on vaccinate-to-live FMDV control strategies and FMDV persistence for global control. In the long term, there are 6 major impacts that will arise from the proposed work:
1. Provide new knowledge and disease models for FMD control and policy options in endemic countries
2. Provide strong foundation knowledge and identify feasible options for wildlife conservation projects and decision makers to preserve wildlife populations and ecosystems
3. Influence global FMD control policies
4. Support and directly address a significant problem facing poor livestock producers
5. Mitigate for risk of incursions into FMD free regions
6. Strengthen research, infrastructure and FMDV control capacity in Africa.
Beechler BR
Host immunity, nutrition and coinfection alter longitudinal infection patterns of schistosomes in a free ranging African buffalo population.
in PLoS neglected tropical diseases
Beechler BR
Bovine tuberculosis disturbs parasite functional trait composition in African buffalo.
in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Combrink L
Age of first infection across a range of parasite taxa in a wild mammalian population.
in Biology letters
Couch CE
Diet and gut microbiome enterotype are associated at the population level in African buffalo.
in Nature communications
Ferretti L
Pervasive within-host recombination and epistasis as major determinants of the molecular evolution of the foot-and-mouth disease virus capsid.
in PLoS pathogens
Glidden CK
Distinct life history strategies underpin clear patterns of succession in microparasite communities infecting a wild mammalian host.
in Molecular ecology
Title | Additional file 1 of Viral dynamics and immune responses to foot-and-mouth disease virus in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) |
Description | Additional file 1. Normal body temperature in African buffalo. A The black line is the fitted nonlinear curve, while the green points represent the data from 12 animals, with temperatures collected every 5 min. B Residuals over time from the nonlinear regression in A. C A scatter plot showing the range of residuals which were found to vary between -1.022 and 1.114, which we assume is normal physiological variation. |
Type Of Art | Film/Video/Animation |
Year Produced | 2022 |
URL | |
Title | Additional file 1 of Viral dynamics and immune responses to foot-and-mouth disease virus in African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) |
Description | Additional file 1. Normal body temperature in African buffalo. A The black line is the fitted nonlinear curve, while the green points represent the data from 12 animals, with temperatures collected every 5 min. B Residuals over time from the nonlinear regression in A. C A scatter plot showing the range of residuals which were found to vary between -1.022 and 1.114, which we assume is normal physiological variation. |
Type Of Art | Film/Video/Animation |
Year Produced | 2022 |
URL | |
Description | Extremely contagious pathogens are a global biosecurity threat because of their high burden of morbidity and mortality, and their capacity for fast-moving epidemics that are difficult to quell. Understanding the mechanisms enabling persistence of highly transmissible pathogens in their host populations is thus a central problem in disease ecology. Combining experimental and theoretical approaches, we investigated how highly contagious foot-and-mouth disease viruses persist in their wildlife reservoir, African buffalo. We found that viral persistence via transmission among acutely infected hosts alone is unlikely. However, including even very occasional transmission from persistently infected carriers reliably rescues the most infectious viral strain from fade-out. Additional mechanisms, such as antigenic shift, loss of immunity, or spillover among host populations, may be required for persistence of less transmissible strains. |
Exploitation Route | Quantifying the risk of African buffalo transmitting foot-and-mouth disease virus to farmed livestock is a major priority for the control of FMD in Africa. This work underpins the development of evidence based risk assessments and control programmes. Also, understanding the molecular mechanisms of the differential capacity of different strains of FMDV to persist and transmit to in contact animals identified in these studies will be the subject of future funding applications and have broader impact on understanding disease ecology. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink |
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Title | Age of first infection across a range of parasite taxa in a wild mammalian population |
Description | Newborn mammals have an immature immune system that cannot sufficiently protect them against infectious diseases. However, variation in the effectiveness of maternal immunity against different parasites may couple with temporal trends in parasite exposure to influence disparities in timing of infection risk. Determining the relationship between age and infection risk is critical in identifying the portion of a host population that contributes to parasite dynamics, as well as the parasites that regulate host recruitment. While age-prevalence curves have been used as a rough estimation of timing of infection, there are no data directly identifying timing of first infection among parasites in wildlife. Here, we took advantage of a longitudinal dataset, tracking infection status in a herd of African buffalo, with a number of individuals born during the study or immediately prior to the start of the study, to ask: (1) How does age of first infection differ amongst parasite taxa? and (2) Are buffalo parasite communities age-structured? We found distinct differences in age of first infection among parasites that aligned with mode of transmission and parasite taxonomy. Furthermore, we found parasite community composition differs between animals <1.5 years and animals > 1.5 years of age. These results emphasize the importance of understanding infection risk in juveniles, especially in host species where young animals are purported to sustain parasite persistence and / or where mortality rates of juveniles strongly influence population dynamics. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
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Title | Buffalo close association matrices: Kruger National Park, South Africa |
Description | Many infectious pathogens are shared through social interactions, and examining host connectivity has offered valuable insights for understanding patterns of pathogen transmission across wildlife species. African buffalo are social ungulates and important reservoirs of directly-transmitted pathogens that impact numerous wildlife and livestock species. Here, we analyzed African buffalo social networks to quantify variation in close contacts, examined drivers of contact heterogeneity, and investigated how the observed contact patterns affect pathogen invasion likelihoods for a wild social ungulate. We collected continuous association data using proximity collars and sampled host traits approximately every two months during a 15-month study period in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Although the observed herd was well connected, with most individuals contacting each other during each bimonthly interval, our analyses revealed striking heterogeneity in close-contact associations among herd members. Network analysis showed that individual connectivity was stable over time and that individual age, sex, reproductive status, and pairwise genetic relatedness were important predictors of buffalo connectivity. Calves were the most connected members of the herd, and adult males were the least connected. These findings highlight the role susceptible calves may play in the transmission of pathogens within the herd. We also demonstrate that, at time scales relevant to infectious pathogens found in nature, the observed level of connectivity affects pathogen invasion likelihoods for a wide range of infectious periods and transmissibilities. Ultimately, our study identifies key predictors of social connectivity in a social ungulate and illustrates how contact heterogeneity, even within a highly connected herd, can shape pathogen invasion likelihoods. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2023 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
URL | |
Title | Data from: Bovine tuberculosis disturbs functional trait composition in African buffalo |
Description | Novel parasites can have wide-ranging impacts, not only on host populations, but also on the resident parasite community. Historically, impacts of novel parasites have been assessed by examining pairwise interactions between parasite species. However, parasite communities are complex networks of interacting species. Here, we used multivariate taxonomic and trait-based approaches to determine how parasite community composition changed when African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) acquired an emerging disease, bovine tuberculosis (BTB). Both taxonomic and functional parasite richness increased significantly in animals that acquired BTB than in those that did not. Thus, the presence of BTB seems to catalyze extraordinary shifts in community composition. There were, however, no differences in overall parasite taxonomic composition between infected and uninfected individuals. The trait-based analysis revealed that direct-transmitted, quickly replicating parasites increased following BTB infection. This study demonstrates that trait-based approaches provide novel insight for understanding parasite community dynamics in the context of emerging infections. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2019 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
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Title | Data from: Host immunity, nutrition and coinfection alter longitudinal infection patterns of schistosomes in a free ranging African buffalo population |
Description | Schistosomes are trematode parasites of global importance, causing infections in millions of people, livestock, and wildlife. Most studies on schistosomiasis, involve human subjects; as such, there is a paucity of longitudinal studies investigating parasite dynamics in the absence of intervention. As a consequence, despite decades of research on schistosomiasis, our understanding of its ecology in natural host populations is centered around how environmental exposure and acquired immunity influence acquisition of parasites, while very little is known about the influence of host physiology, coinfection and clearance in the absence of drug treatment. We used a 4-year study in free-ranging African buffalo to investigate natural schistosome dynamics. We asked (i) what are the spatial and temporal patterns of schistosome infections; (ii) how do parasite burdens vary over time within individual hosts; and (iii) what host factors (immunological, physiological, co-infection) and environmental factors (season, location) explain patterns of schistosome acquisition and loss in buffalo? Schistosome infections were common among buffalo. Microgeographic structure explained some variation in parasite burdens among hosts, indicating transmission hotspots. Overall, parasite burdens ratcheted up over time; however, gains in schistosome abundance in the dry season were partially offset by losses in the wet season, with some hosts demonstrating complete clearance of infection. Variation among buffalo in schistosome loss was associated with immunologic and nutritional factors, as well as co-infection by the gastrointestinal helminth Cooperia fuelleborni. Our results demonstrate that schistosome infections are surprisingly dynamic in a free-living mammalian host population, and point to a role for host factors in driving variation in parasite clearance, but not parasite acquisition which is driven by seasonal changes and spatial habitat utilization. Our study illustrates the power of longitudinal studies for discovering mechanisms underlying parasite dynamics in individual animals and populations. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
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Title | Data from: Serum biochemistry panels in African buffalo: Defining reference intervals and assessing variability across season, age and sex |
Description | Serum biochemical parameters can be utilized to evaluate the physiological status of an animal, and relate it to the animal's health. In order to accurately interpret individual animal biochemical results, species-specific reference intervals (RI) must be established. Reference intervals for biochemical parameters differ between species, and physiological differences including reproductive status, nutritional resource availability, disease status, and age affect parameters within the same species. The objectives of this study were to (1) establish RI for biochemical parameters in managed African buffalo (Syncerus caffer), (2) assess the effects of age, sex, pregnancy, and season on serum biochemistry values, and (3) compare serum biochemistry values from a managed herd to a free-ranging buffalo herd and to values previously published for captive (zoo) buffalo. Season profoundly affected all biochemistry parameters, possibly due to changes in nutrition and disease exposure. Age also affected all biochemical parameters except gamma glutamyl transferase and magnesium, consistent with patterns seen in cattle. Sex and reproductive status had no detectable effects on the parameters that were measured. The biochemical profiles of managed buffalo were distinct from those observed in the free-ranging herd and captive buffalo. Biochemical differences between buffalo from captive, managed, and free-ranging populations may be related to nutritional restriction or lack of predation in the context of management or captivity. The reference intervals provided in this study, in addition to the seasonal and age-related patterns observed, provide a foundation for health investigations that may inform management strategies in this ecologically and economically important species. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2018 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
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