Rhizo-Rice: a novel ideotype for deeper roots and improved drought tolerance
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences
Rice is a mainstay of global food security. Drought stress is a primary limitation to rice yields and is projected to worsen in the future due to the effects of global climate change. The development of rice cultivars with better drought tolerance is therefore an important strategic goal for global food security.
This project addresses this need by developing Rhizo-rice, new rice lines that have root traits that permit them to have both improved soil exploration and more efficient water capture under drought conditions. Rhizo-rice lines will have 1) steeper root growth angles, 2) fewer major roots, 3) greater root branching in deep soil, 4) increased formation of root air spaces (aerenchyma), which reduces the cost of root tissue, and 5) smaller water conductance vessels (xylem), which forces the plant to use soil water more sparingly. It is hypothesized that these traits will have much more value in combination than would be predicted from their isolated effects. This project will evaluate the benefits of Rhizo-rice lines in the field and computer simulation modelling and will discover genetic elements controlling Rhizo-rice root traits. Furthermore, we will evaluate these root traits in rice breeding lines in use in Thailand and will train Thai scientists in methods to incorporate root traits in rice breeding programs.
This project integrates leading rice researchers and breeders in Thailand, leading crop physiologists in the UK and at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, and leading root modelers in the UK. We will investigate how different root architectures and drought conditions affect rice growth by measuring features of the root system in rice plants grown in different conditions. By recording the number, length and angle of different types of roots and taking microscopy images of the root structures, we will test how these features affect drought tolerance. These measurements will be complemented by computational modelling, which will enable us to test many different root structures and drought conditions. We have previously developed computational models to simulate root growth in maize, barley, common bean, lupin and squash. We will adapt these models to simulate rice root growth, which will enable us to predict the best type of root growth to maximise water uptake in drought conditions. Finally, we will determine which genes are responsible for creating the desirable root structures. We will use recently developed techniques to analyse the genes and root structures in many different varieties of rice, which will enable us to identify suitable varieties for maximising drought tolerance. This project will generate several tools to facilitate the breeding of more drought tolerant rice lines. It will validate specific root traits as selection targets in rice breeding; will discover genetic markers for these traits; will identify sources for desirable root traits in rice germplasm, and will enhance the ability of Thai scientists to create a team for breeding rice lines with superior root traits.
This project addresses this need by developing Rhizo-rice, new rice lines that have root traits that permit them to have both improved soil exploration and more efficient water capture under drought conditions. Rhizo-rice lines will have 1) steeper root growth angles, 2) fewer major roots, 3) greater root branching in deep soil, 4) increased formation of root air spaces (aerenchyma), which reduces the cost of root tissue, and 5) smaller water conductance vessels (xylem), which forces the plant to use soil water more sparingly. It is hypothesized that these traits will have much more value in combination than would be predicted from their isolated effects. This project will evaluate the benefits of Rhizo-rice lines in the field and computer simulation modelling and will discover genetic elements controlling Rhizo-rice root traits. Furthermore, we will evaluate these root traits in rice breeding lines in use in Thailand and will train Thai scientists in methods to incorporate root traits in rice breeding programs.
This project integrates leading rice researchers and breeders in Thailand, leading crop physiologists in the UK and at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, and leading root modelers in the UK. We will investigate how different root architectures and drought conditions affect rice growth by measuring features of the root system in rice plants grown in different conditions. By recording the number, length and angle of different types of roots and taking microscopy images of the root structures, we will test how these features affect drought tolerance. These measurements will be complemented by computational modelling, which will enable us to test many different root structures and drought conditions. We have previously developed computational models to simulate root growth in maize, barley, common bean, lupin and squash. We will adapt these models to simulate rice root growth, which will enable us to predict the best type of root growth to maximise water uptake in drought conditions. Finally, we will determine which genes are responsible for creating the desirable root structures. We will use recently developed techniques to analyse the genes and root structures in many different varieties of rice, which will enable us to identify suitable varieties for maximising drought tolerance. This project will generate several tools to facilitate the breeding of more drought tolerant rice lines. It will validate specific root traits as selection targets in rice breeding; will discover genetic markers for these traits; will identify sources for desirable root traits in rice germplasm, and will enhance the ability of Thai scientists to create a team for breeding rice lines with superior root traits.
Planned Impact
This project addresses drought tolerance in rice, which is a primary constraint to the production of a leading global crop. It therefore addresses a problem of surpassing significance for global food security and economic development in many poor nations. This project is also significant in testing novel hypotheses regarding root traits that improve drought tolerance in rice. These concepts are directly relevant to other tillering cereal crops including wheat, barley, rye, and oats, and more generally all cereal crops including maize, sorghum, and millet. Collectively these crops sustain most of humanity. Drought is the most important global limitation to food production, and is projected to worsen in the future due to global climate change. By contributing to the development of more drought tolerant crops, this project addresses a surpassing challenge for human welfare.
Key project impacts will include:
1) This project will have direct benefits for rice breeding in Thailand. The ideotypes, selection protocols, genetic markers, parental lines, and trained Thai researchers developed in this project will directly benefit rice breeding programs in Thailand, because our project team includes leading members of Thai rice research and breeding programs. Ongoing drought breeding programs for rice are directly engaged in the project and will employ these tools and advances as soon as they are developed.
2) By exploring the root adaptations of the uniquely diverse Thai rice germplasm, this project is likely to discover parents and markers that have importance to the global rice community.
3) Our project team includes the leading drought physiologist at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), so our discoveries will directly benefit the world's leading international rice research organization, with breeding programs and outreach throughout the global rice community. IRRI germplasm is shared openly throughout the world and is especially important in developing nations of Asia. The link with IRRI will facilitate the inclusion of outputs from this project into IRRI's Multi-Environment Testing (MET; 6 countries in Southeast Asia) and the International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice (INGER: 30 countries across Asia) systems for evaluation of promising germplasm, as well as the stress-tolerance rice evaluation networks (such as STRASA) in Africa and South Asia. This will enable our project to extend impact to huge numbers of beneficiaries.
4) By testing novel hypotheses about drought adaptation in cereal crops, this project will make basic contributions to our scientific understanding of root biology, environmental stress biology, and plant-soil interactions. Although these concepts were developed to address the practical challenge of growing food crops under drought, they are fundamentally new concepts that advance our understanding of plant biology.
5) This project will develop SimRoot/rice, a powerful new discovery platform for rice research. SimRoot has been a unique research tool that has been instrumental in understanding the acquisition of soil resources by root systems of maize, common bean, and squash. SimRoot/rice will be a powerful research tool for the rice research community for diverse problems including drought adaptation but also nutrient acquisition, yield optimization, and rice responses to global climate change. We will actively engage with researchers in industry to ensure the tools developed are fully exploited.
6) This project will educate thousands of people in root biology methods via web outreach. Our existing root biology web site serving root biologists and crop breeders reaches over 50,000 users annually in three languages (English, Spanish, and Portuguese). This project will add rice as a focus and Thai language versions of these materials, which will support the global rice community and specifically the rice community in Thailand.
Key project impacts will include:
1) This project will have direct benefits for rice breeding in Thailand. The ideotypes, selection protocols, genetic markers, parental lines, and trained Thai researchers developed in this project will directly benefit rice breeding programs in Thailand, because our project team includes leading members of Thai rice research and breeding programs. Ongoing drought breeding programs for rice are directly engaged in the project and will employ these tools and advances as soon as they are developed.
2) By exploring the root adaptations of the uniquely diverse Thai rice germplasm, this project is likely to discover parents and markers that have importance to the global rice community.
3) Our project team includes the leading drought physiologist at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), so our discoveries will directly benefit the world's leading international rice research organization, with breeding programs and outreach throughout the global rice community. IRRI germplasm is shared openly throughout the world and is especially important in developing nations of Asia. The link with IRRI will facilitate the inclusion of outputs from this project into IRRI's Multi-Environment Testing (MET; 6 countries in Southeast Asia) and the International Network for Genetic Evaluation of Rice (INGER: 30 countries across Asia) systems for evaluation of promising germplasm, as well as the stress-tolerance rice evaluation networks (such as STRASA) in Africa and South Asia. This will enable our project to extend impact to huge numbers of beneficiaries.
4) By testing novel hypotheses about drought adaptation in cereal crops, this project will make basic contributions to our scientific understanding of root biology, environmental stress biology, and plant-soil interactions. Although these concepts were developed to address the practical challenge of growing food crops under drought, they are fundamentally new concepts that advance our understanding of plant biology.
5) This project will develop SimRoot/rice, a powerful new discovery platform for rice research. SimRoot has been a unique research tool that has been instrumental in understanding the acquisition of soil resources by root systems of maize, common bean, and squash. SimRoot/rice will be a powerful research tool for the rice research community for diverse problems including drought adaptation but also nutrient acquisition, yield optimization, and rice responses to global climate change. We will actively engage with researchers in industry to ensure the tools developed are fully exploited.
6) This project will educate thousands of people in root biology methods via web outreach. Our existing root biology web site serving root biologists and crop breeders reaches over 50,000 users annually in three languages (English, Spanish, and Portuguese). This project will add rice as a focus and Thai language versions of these materials, which will support the global rice community and specifically the rice community in Thailand.

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Integrated root phenotypes for improved rice performance under low nitrogen availability.
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The hidden beauty of roots
in The Art of Theoretical Biology

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A mechanistic framework for auxin dependent Arabidopsis root hair elongation to low external phosphate.
in Nature communications

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Rice auxin influx carrier OsAUX1 facilitates root hair elongation in response to low external phosphate.
in Nature communications

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The Xerobranching Response Represses Lateral Root Formation When Roots Are Not in Contact with Water
in Current Biology

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Genetic control of root architectural traits in KDML105 chromosome segment substitution lines under well-watered and drought stress conditions
in Plant Production Science

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Modeling root loss reveals impacts on nutrient uptake and crop development.
in Plant physiology

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In silico evidence for the utility of parsimonious root phenotypes for improved vegetative growth and carbon sequestration under drought.
in Frontiers in plant science
Description | By screening and phenotyping 135 rice lines in drought-stress and well-watered conditions for root architecture and anatomy, we have identified several root traits that result in increased shoot dry weight under drought stress. 10-20 genotypes were selected for further detailed root characterization. We have identified QTL for several key rice root traits, including root number per tiller (under both flooded and drought conditions), lateral root density, root angle, xylem area, root thickness and aerenchyma area. We have developed and parameterised the first model of the rice root system, using the OpenSimRoot framework. Using high performance computing simulations, we have evaluated how combinations of root traits affect nitrogen capture, and identified several combinations which are predicted to optimize nitrogen capture. We have implemented a new submodel in the OpenSimRoot platform to simulate the drought environment and have used this new functionality to investigate how root architectural and anatomical traits affect water uptake under drought. |
Exploitation Route | The identified combinations of anatomical and architectural root traits, selection protocols and genetic markers will be exploited directly by the plant breeders in our team to generate rice lines with improved water uptake in drought conditions; furthermore, our results will be communicated to their colleagues and collaborators via presentations and planned journal publications. In addition, the modelling developments are shared with the research community as part of the open-source platform, OpenSimRoot, enabling future projects to study aspects of rice root systems and the effects of drought in other species. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Environment |
Description | Rice is a primary crop for global food security. With the limited availability of arable land and natural resources, rice productivity must increase dramatically to meet a growing demand. Our project has identified root phenotypes that lead to increased shoot biomass and yields in low nutrient soils and drought conditions. Using an interdisciplinary approach, beneficial root phenes were evaluated via computational modelling, and key phenes were tested in field trials in Thailand. Our findings were communicated the both the scientific and plant-breeding communities though open-access publications, and presentations at a wide-range of conferences and events. Ongoing plant breeding efforts of both the Newton-fund partners in Thailand and IRRI, together with their established collaborators, is enabling our findings to be exploited to improve rice yields. Furthermore, establishing connection between drought root responses that were identified in Newton Fund and stomatal features have led to a proposal had being submitted to a funding agency in Thailand. We have asked the collaboration from University of Nottingham through Dr. Malcolm Bennett and Dr. Craig Sturrock in connection with the evaluation of root development using the micro CT. Dr. Julie Gray will also be involved in investigating stomatal traits and other features. After thorough understanding of the traits, roots and stomata will be combined in economically important rice variety in Thailand often affected by drought. |
First Year Of Impact | 2020 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink |
Impact Types | Societal |
Description | Annual grant to IRRI from the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) |
Amount | $100,000 (USD) |
Organisation | Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives |
Sector | Public |
Country | Thailand |
Start | 01/2020 |
End | 12/2020 |
Description | Annual grant to IRRI from the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) |
Amount | $15,000 (USD) |
Organisation | Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives |
Sector | Public |
Country | Thailand |
Start | 01/2021 |
End | 12/2021 |
Description | Annual grant to IRRI from the Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) |
Amount | $100,000 (USD) |
Funding ID | A-2018-1 (Internal IRRI Reference number) |
Organisation | Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives |
Sector | Public |
Country | Thailand |
Start | 09/2017 |
End | 09/2018 |
Description | Cluster and Program Management Office (CPMO) Research Grant |
Amount | ฿1,830,000 (THB) |
Organisation | Government of Thailand |
Department | National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) |
Sector | Public |
Country | Thailand |
Start | 02/2016 |
End | 07/2018 |
Description | Research Grant for New Scholar |
Amount | ฿600,000 (THB) |
Organisation | Government of Thailand |
Department | National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) |
Sector | Public |
Country | Thailand |
Start | 04/2018 |
End | 04/2020 |
Description | Young Scientist and Technologist Programme |
Amount | ฿100,000 (THB) |
Organisation | Government of Thailand |
Department | National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) |
Sector | Public |
Country | Thailand |
Start | 07/2017 |
End | 05/2018 |
Description | Invited public lecture in the Frontiers of Science series, Penn State University |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | A free public lecture titled "The Race to Grow Enough Food for Everyone" was given by Prof Jonathan Lynch, to encourage public interest into the food security debate. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
URL | http://science.psu.edu/news-and-events/2017-news/Frontiers2-2017-3 |
Description | LightBox displayed at British Embassy in Bangkok |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Dr Phanchita Vejchasarn created a LightBox poster display to promote the research being undertaken in our RhizoRice Newton Fund project and to raise public awareness of climate impacts on global food security. The LightBox is now being displayed in front of the British Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand and will be displayed for 1 year. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Outreach workshops to school students on modelling plant growth |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Schools |
Results and Impact | A batch of ~40 A-level students participated in the workshop organised to create awareness about the applications of math modelling in understanding plant growth. Students got actively involved in the math problem-solving tasks, asking questions and showed enthusiasm towards learning about the role math modelling could play in plant and agriculture sciences. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
Description | Presentation at Gatsby summer school |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | I was invited to give an hour long presentation at the undergraduate summer school run by the Gatsby charitable trust. The was attended by around 80 first year biology undergraduates who were interested in learning more about plant sciences, with 3 students chosen from each of the participating universities across the country. My talk described how mathematics is being used in plant science research, and used some of the research developed in this grant to demonstrate the power of an interdisciplinary approach to science. Students reported that the lecture changed their perception of how plant science research is carried out. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
URL | http://www.gatsby.org.uk/plant-science/programmes/gatsby-plant-science-summer-school |
Description | youtube video of hour-long talk describing how maths is used to understand plant science |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A broadcast e.g. TV/radio/film/podcast (other than news/press) |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | A talk I gave to undergraduates at the Gatsby Summer school was recorded by a professional company and made into a youtube video. The talk uses some of the research carried out in this grant to demonstrate how mathematics is being used in current plant science research. The resulting youtube video is being promoted by the intobiology.org.uk website that supports UK biology students aged between 17 and 21, providing them with science news, careers guidance, and study skills support. My talk has had 54 views on youtube in 4 months. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
URL | http://intobiology.org.uk/dr-leah-band-maths-understand-plant-growth/ |