Mapping the lipid envelope composition of SARS-CoV2 for reducing transmission, thrombosis and inflammation

Lead Research Organisation: CARDIFF UNIVERSITY
Department Name: School of Medicine


Coronaviruses are enveloped viruses, like influenza, Herpex Simplex and HIV. Thus, they are surrounded by a lipid bilayer derived from the host cell, in this case oral/lung epithelia. Surprisingly little is known about coronavirus membranes. Old studies suggest that virions bud from the phospholipid (PL)-rich ERGIC membrane, unlike many other enveloped viruses which bud from the plasma membrane, this a high level of PLs is likely. Importantly, the envelope of the SARS-CoV2 virus has not been mapped.

We successfully purified SARS-CoV2 virus from Vero cell cultures on sucrose gradients, validated purity by nanosight, and are analysing its lipid composition using established mass spectrometry protocols (Stanton/O'Donnell laboratories). We can detect common PL and the full repertoire is currently being mapped and quantified. However, this now needs to be extended using human patient virus isolates since the composition is predicted to depend on the host cell and its metabolism. Notably, how virus membranes vary dependent on the host is unknown. Virus will be isolated from saliva, sputum and BAL of hospitalised patients with COVID 19. We have already obtained BAL, and subglottic aspirates, from patients intubated on ITU, and isolated live virus with titres >104 PFU/ml. Saliva will be obtained from patients using infrastructure set up as part of our ongoing clinical trial (ISRCTN25647404). We have isolated virus from saliva (104 - 105 PFU/ml) from patients on our ward. Virally-infected epithelial cells can also be harvested from the nasal mucosa using direct brushing. We plan to obtain virus from asymptomatic students donating to our university testing centre (if samples are available at that time). Virus will be purified using sucrose gradient centrifugation (already validated using Vero-derived virus). Lipids will be extracted using a chloroform/methanol method before lipidomics as described below. As this is a pilot study, we will aim for 20 BAL and 50-100 saliva samples as first step. Ethical approval processes for observational studies are well established and we anticipate no problems.

A second approach will be to analyse virus cultured in A549 (human alveolar epithelial cell line transfected to overexpress ACE2 and TMPRSS2). This can be manipulated through exposure to cytokines consistent with the inflammatory status observed in COVID19 (PMID:32302401,32353870, 32678432). This model will allow scale up of virus isolation, enabling in-depth mechanistic studies to be undertaken. Virus will be cultured in A549 (+ACE2/TMPRSS2). The impact of inflammation will be tested using cytokines known to be elevated in COVID19, to mimic inflamed airway cytokine storm. These will include: IL-1b, IL-2, IL-6, IL-7, IL-8/CXCL8, IL-10, IL-17, IFNg, IFNg-inducible protein 10, monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP1), G-CSF, macrophage inflammatory protein 1a, and TNFa (PMID:32302401,32353870, 32678432). Two other cytokines of significant interest are IL-4/IL-13, known to play a key role in allergic lung diseases like asthma. IL-4/IL-13 will be tested +/- dexamethasone. Importantly, IL-4/IL-13 are inducers of procoagulant eoxPL generation in airway epithelia (PMCID:PMC5765418). It is therefore critical that we determine the impact these cytokines have on envelope composition, to determine how this may impact dissemination of bioactive lipids via the virion envelope. This will be conducted on in vitro and in vivo isolated virus and to complement this we will also analyse the subcellular membranes of A549 cells.

Third, we will conduct a transcriptomic analysis of A549 cells during infection focusing on lipid metabolism. This will determine which lipid signalling pathways are utilised/hijacked by the virus to support replication (particularly PL synthesis), aiming to identify druggable targets for intervention based on interfering with the lipid envelope. RNAseq will be performed for a time course of 3 independent experiments.


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Description The lipid envelope of SARS-CoV2 is an essential component of the virus, however its molecular composition is unknown. Addressing this knowledge gap could support the design of anti-viral agents, and further understanding of viral interaction with extracellular host proteins, infectivity, pathogenicity, and innate immune system clearance. Lipidomics analysis of SARS-CoV2 particles generated from Vero or A549 cells revealed that the virus envelope comprised mainly of phospholipids (PL), primarily phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) and phosphatidylinositol (PI), with very little cholesterol, sphingolipids or other lipids, indicating significant differences from host membranes. Unlike healthy cellular membranes, procoagulant aminoPL (aPL), specifically PE and phosphatidylserine (PS), were present on the external side at levels far exceeding those seen on activated platelets. As a result, purified virions directly promoted coagulation in an in vitro test.

Since the last update, we have commenced analysis of a large number of virus purified from clinical samples and the data is being generated currently. We also generated samples from experiments designed to understand how the virus is influenced by inflammation and soluble lipid metabolic enzymes, and data analysis is ongoing.

For the 2024 update, we have now completed lipidomics of all the above experiments and a paper is being drafted for submission. We have made several new findings including how inflammation (IL4) changes the lipid profile, while other treatments (IL6, dexamethasone) don't. We have data on phospholipase hydrolysis of the membrane and a comparison of 4 pandemic strains in relation to global lipidomics.
Exploitation Route Understanding the chemical composition of the viral lipid envelope should help us design more effective ways to target this component of the virus, and this is applicable to many other respiratory viruses, e.g. influenza also.
Sectors Healthcare

Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Title Mass spectrometry of SARS-CoV2 lipids from viral envelope 
Description Untargeted and targeted lipidomics datasets which cover two cultures of SARS-CoV2 virus envelope. 
Type Of Material Biological samples 
Year Produced 2022 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact none yet 
Description Provision of virus strains by Palmarini lab 
Organisation University of Glasgow
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution It was established that the Palmarini lab would be able to provide new mutant virus strains for lipidomics, as part of the grant
Collaborator Contribution None yet
Impact None yet. So far, we have obtained the virus strains needed via one of our co-investigators, so we didn't need to obtain any from Prof Palmarini yet.
Start Year 2021