Investigating the contribution of stress granules to mRNA translation during viral infection.

Lead Research Organisation: University of Surrey
Department Name: Microbial & Cellular Sciences




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Description This award has supported experimental work to dissect the contribution of stress granules formation to the reprogramming of translation during MNV translation: 1-GFP-tagged proteins developed in the Ruggieri Lab have allowed to record live cell imaging data allowing us to identify the kinetics of stress granules formation during MNV infection; 2-Confocal microscopy experiments have also been performed to demonstrate that viral replication complex proteins and stress granules components colocalise during infection. These were the two objectives stated in the grant application.
Overall this suggests that viruses can hijack stress granules components for their replication, paving the way for further studies on viral evasion of stress responses and defining a new escape mechanism paradigm.
Exploitation Route Given the increasingly broad relevance of stress granules in the development of cancer or neurodegenerative diseases we anticipate that the imaging tools developed within this project will impact the work of companies using stress granules as biomarkers of diseases.
Sectors Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology

Description Alessia Ruggieri - University of Heidelberg 
Organisation Heidelberg University Hospital
Department Department Molecular Virology
Country Germany 
Sector Hospitals 
PI Contribution This award has helped consolidate a bilateral collaboration with the Ruggieri group at the University of Heidelberg, which was instrumental in securing the BBSRC research grant BB/P018068/1 and expanding on findings from BB/000943/1.
Collaborator Contribution Development of fluorescently tagged proteins for live cell imaging studies of RNA granules during viral infection.
Impact research articles in preparation
Start Year 2017