Genetic manipulation of photoprotection and photooxidative stress tolerance in rice
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Biosciences
All plants, including crop plants need to absorb light energy from the sun in order to grow, develop and eventually produce a harvestable product such as fruit or grain. Light is needed for plant development and it is also needed in photosynthesis where it is combined with carbon dioxide and water to synthesis sugars. The amount of light available cannot be controlled by the plants and depending on climatic factors, photosynthesis can be limited by light or it can absorb more than it needs. When too much light is absorbed, or 'harvested' there is a real danger that the energy will be passed to oxygen to form radicals which will damage plant tissues and even cause plant death. There are a number of mechanisms operating at the molecular level which sense the amount of surplus energy and 'dissipate' it harmlessly in a process called non photochemical quenching or NPQ. One mechanism involves the protein called PsbS which is present in all plants and acts as a 'switch' between light harvesting and energy dissipation. Another mechanism involves the synthesis of carotenoid molecules (specifically xanthophyll cycle XC carotenoids) which are colourful pigments (also present in all plants). They are also important antioxidants in the human diet. In plants they have a dual role: firstly they too regulate the process of NPQ, 'tuning' it to last a short or a long time. Secondly they are proven and powerful antioxidants in leaves, preventing damage to membranes. So far these molecules have only been investigated in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. There is a real need to investigate how these properties could be used in crop plants in order to improve growth and yield especially in stressful situations such as heat, drought or cold where, combined with high light, much damage from oxygen radicals can occur. This project uses a model crop, rice, in which the levels of PsbS and XC carotenoids have been manipulated by plant transformation procedures. Rice was chosen because it is easy to transform and has a sequenced genome. Plants with raised and lowered amounts of PsbS and raised and lowered amounts of XC carotenoids have been produced. The objectives of this proposal are to test the effects of these alterations on the efficiency with which light is absorbed and utilised by the plant. Are they at optimum levels or can we improve them? Secondly these plants, especially with raised levels of XC carotenoids should have an enhanced resistance to stress where membranes are the target, for example cold or heat and in the light. We will look for an enhanced tolerance to these stresses.. We will examine the biochemistry of plant membranes to find out how much more, or less, resistance exists. Lastly we will examine the growth rate and the potential for production of these plants in situations similar to growth in the field for grain production. We will find out whether the enhanced level of resistance to stress and the altered light use efficiency has a cost for the plant, or if it provides a real advantage. An important question to ask is whether the natural fluctuating levels of light we see outside in the field situations is efficiently converted by these processes or whether there is scope for improvement. There is good reason to believe that this project will show that we can make crop plants more resistant to environmental stress. Responses of plants to environmental stress should become more important as the impact of climate change is felt by agriculture. Additionally these processes should be of benefit to all crop plants including those which are used for energy crops or biofuels.
Technical Summary
Rice plants (Oryza sativa) var. kaybonnet (japonica) were transformed. The genes used encoded for the thylakoid protein PsbS and the carotenoid biosynthesis enzyme beta-carotene hydroxylase (ChyB). Preliminary microarray studies in rice had shown that expression of these genes was consistent with the role in the optimisation of photoprotection. PsbS is a regulator of the photoprotective process non-photochemical quenching (NPQ). ChyB regulates the pool size of xanthophyll cycle (XC) carotenoids which have a role in NPQ regulation. However XC carotenoids are also antioxidants in leaves, reducing levels of lipid peroxidation under photooxidative stress conditions. Overexpression was achieved by using the genes in the sense direction under the control of the strong cestrum yellow leaf curling virus promoter. Reduced expression was achieved using an RNA interference approach with the same promoter. Transformation took place as part of a collaboration with Syngenta (Raleigh NC). Preliminary data showed that levels of NPQ, PsbS protein and XC carotenoid levels in leaves of rice transformants were equivalent to those achieved in published data for Arabidopsis thaliana. Evidence of altered tolerance to excess light stress was observed in whole rice plants. Techniques used will include gas exchange (leaf and whole plant), chlorophyll fluorescence, lipid peroxidation assays, pigment HPLC analysis, western blotting, PCR. Objectives: 1. Establish and quantify the kinetics of short-term responses of NPQ and leaf photosynthesis to alterations in light intensity for each transgenic type. 2. Define the temperature tolerance range under high light intensity for each transgenic type. Test the hypothesis that lipid peroxidation is a central mechanism of tolerance. 3. Quantify whole plant photosynthesis under high and fluctuating irradiance levels. 4. Quantify growth rate, biomass production capacity, leaf NPQ and radiation use efficiency under natural fluctuating light.
People |
Erik Murchie (Principal Investigator) |

Ajigboye O
The role of photoprotection in defence of two wheat genotypes against Zymoseptoria tritici
in Plant Pathology

Burgess A
High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Structural Data Quantify the Impact of Photoinhibition on Long-Term Carbon Gain in Wheat Canopies in the Field
in Plant Physiology

Burgess A
Interactions between nitrogen nutrition, canopy architecture and photosynthesis in rice, assessed using high-resolution 3D reconstruction
in in silico Plants

Burgess AJ
A canopy conundrum: can wind-induced movement help to increase crop productivity by relieving photosynthetic limitations?
in Journal of experimental botany

Burgess AJ
The effect of canopy architecture on the patterning of "windflecks" within a wheat canopy.
in Plant, cell & environment

Durand M
Diffuse solar radiation and canopy photosynthesis in a changing environment
in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology

Gojon A
Approaches and determinants to sustainably improve crop production
in Food and Energy Security

Hawkesford, Malcolm J.; Barraclough, Peter
The Molecular Basis of Nutrient Use Efficiency in Crops

Hubbart S
The photoprotective protein PsbS exerts control over CO(2) assimilation rate in fluctuating light in rice.
in The Plant journal : for cell and molecular biology
Description | This project is exploring the impact of genetically manipulating key photoprotective genes in a crop species (rice). We are examining the chloroplast, leaf and whole plant impact of manipulating key photo protective genes PsbS and B-carotene hydroxylase (ChyB) . Although not part of the grant remit we are also exploring plants which have altered expression of the cyclic electron transport gene Pgr5 and Light Harvesting complex genes. Key findings from this project (ie results that we intend to publish in peer reviewed journals). 1. A key published finding is that the major photoprotective protein PsbS imposes a limitation on leaf photosynthesis in fluctuating light. This also results in a lowered plant biomass under these conditions. We have data that extends this to the crop canopy level. We showed that this was due to a lowering of electron transport rate in fluctuating light. We show that lowered PsbS amounts result in a greater susceptibility to photoinhibition (Hubbart et al (2012) Plant Journal 71(3) p402). 2. PsbS has a major effect on the dissipation of excess excitation energy (excess sunlight) measured as non photochemical quenching (NPQ) during induction of photosynthesis, in contrast to the model plant Arabidopsis. 3. B-carotene hydroxylase accumulation results in a large xanthophyll cycle pool size (XC) and enhanced formation of the pigment zeaxanthin. This causes a slower induction of NPQ (although the final de-epoxidation state is the same) and a higher eventual NPQ value, in contrast to Arabidopsis. If we reduce the XC pool size using RNAi plants then the NPQ capacity is lower, again in contrast to Arabidopsis. 4. When challenged with photo oxidative stress (high light and low temperatures) , an altered XC does not result in a different photo inhibition level in comparison with WT control , however the recovery of photosynthesis (leaf CO2 assimilation) at moderate temperatures was higher in leaves that accumulated XC. 5. When both types of plants (PsbS and ChyB) were grown as complete crop canopies in a specially built glasshouse the whole plant responses were very different from those in the controlled environment. In particular the PsbS over expressors had a biomass that was much greater than the CE rooms suggesting that the protection from photoinhibition in more challenging environments was critical in crop species. In 2018 we published a new paper (Hubbart et al 2018, Nature Communications Biology) reporting that over expression of PsbS resulted in high biomass grain yield and radiation use efficiency in these rice lines. 6. Pgr5 is a cyclic electron transport regulator. Over expression of this gene led to a higher NPQ values even at relatively low light levels in contrast to Arabidopsis where it is considered to be important only at high light. 7. All transgenic lines were grown in the agronomy glasshouse (Futurecrop) as crop canopies. Biomass, light interception, radiation and radiation use efficiency (RUE) were measured, alongside photo inhibition and photosynthesis (via monitoring fluorometers). Significantly, the PsbS over expressers had higher biomass and radiation use efficiency than the wild the plants before flowering. After flowering there was no signifiant difference in RUE. Grain yield and biomass was higher in PsbS OE compared to the wild type plants. This suggests that protection from photo inhibition via NPQ in field conditions when plants are small is limiting biomass production. We conclude that when plants are small the large leaf surface area exposed to high light is important. When the canopy forms and more leaves are shaded, this factor is less important and the processes described in (1) become more prevalent. See point 5 - these results have now been published in a high impact journal and this grant number cited. 8. All lines (OE and RNAi) were grown in a LED-based CE chamber under fluctuating light (between 800 and 150 mol m-2 s-1 every 3 minutes) and compared to a treatment that had the same photon dose but supplied as an 'unchanging' light level. Significantly ChyB OE and PsbS OE lines both had higher biomass at leaf 8 stage than the wild type plants in the fluctuating conditions. This supports the previous conclusion that photo inhibition (and possibly oxidative stress) was a limiting factor in growth in fluctuating light in small plants. We expect three more peer - reviewed publications based on the results of 4 - 8. |
Exploitation Route | Plant breeding companies and seed companies may be interested in using the results of this research for traits in suboptimal environments. Modulation of photo protective genes for heat and cold shock could be made in crop species and tested in agronomically relevant conditions. It may be advantageous for stress- regulated promoters to up regulate these genes according to the environment. Plant breeders, biotechnology companies and non profit research organisations (e.g. CGIAR) are potential users. |
Sectors | Agriculture Food and Drink Energy Environment Other |
Description | Improved understanding of how photo protection can be used in crop improvement programmes to enhance yield in optimal and suboptimal environments and improve livelihoods of those who depend on productivity for financial livelihood and health. The data may be used by companies who are interested in developing such improvements of commercial gain and we have has interest form Syngenta in taking the NPQ improvement and expanding its application into disease resistance and chemical treatment, for which I am currently writing a grant application. The data from PSBS in rice have been moved to wheat and resulted in a successful application to NIAB to produce the world's first wheat over-expressing PSBS lines as part of the Community resources programme. These wheat lines are currently under investigation. |
First Year Of Impact | 2013 |
Sector | Agriculture, Food and Drink,Other |
Impact Types | Economic |
Description | C4 screening |
Amount | £125,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | International Rice Research Institute |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | Philippines |
Start | 01/2008 |
End | 01/2011 |
Description | Thailand workshop |
Amount | £15,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | British Council |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2014 |
End | 09/2014 |
Description | Wolfson lab refurbishment Phenomics lab |
Amount | £217,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | WL140052 |
Organisation | The Wolfson Foundation |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 12/2014 |
End | 12/2016 |
Title | Photoinhibition |
Description | Accurately measure photo inhibition in leaves using chlorophyll fluorescence, an advance on previous |
Type Of Material | Physiological assessment or outcome measure |
Year Produced | 2012 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | non as yet but ccompanies interesteed in development include Walz |
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Description | International Rice Research Institute |
Organisation | International Rice Research Institute |
Country | Philippines |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | PhD students at Nottingham University carried out research in collaboration with this project. Papers published to aid the C4 rice project |
Collaborator Contribution | Supplied seed for analysis and resources for genetic analysis, field measurements. |
Impact | Papers (Feldman et al 2014, Smillie et al 2012) 3 PhD students have completed entire PhDs via this collaboration |
Description | NIAB |
Organisation | National Institute of Agronomy and Botany (NIAB) |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | academic research on transgenic wheat plants |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of the transgenic wheat plants |
Impact | Non yet |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | Syngenta |
Organisation | Syngenta International AG |
Country | Switzerland |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Academic research on transcriptomics and transgenic plants created by Syngenta |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of transgenic plants and transcriptomic analysis |
Impact | academic papers notably Hubbart et al (2012) |
Description | Cereals |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an open day or visit at my research institution |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Stand at UK cereals Event to share University research and teaching scope. Public outreach and student recruitment UG recruitment in Agriculture degrees |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2010,2012 |
Description | Chelsea Flower Show |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Co-oraginsed and attended a University stand on under-utilised crops at the Chelsea Flower show that won 'Best in group', mentioned on National TV . TV mention, newspaper mention. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2013 |
Description | Organise meeting of the UK Rice Research Community 2019 at University of Nottingham |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | At U. Nottingham, I co organised the second meeting of the UKRRC. This is due to be held on the 2nd and 3rd May 2019. The UK Rice Research consortium (UKRRC) has been established to highlight the breadth and quality of research in UK's based research institutions on rice, and to provide a focal point for building new networks both within the UK and with international partners. Analysis shows that in previous years rice has mostly been used as a model organism for basic plant research, but recently this has changed to more applied research. For much of the world's poor, rice (O. sativa) provides the majority of daily calories. Rice productivity has more than doubled in recent decades, resulting from continued breeding efforts. However, to meet the demands imposed by the projected increase in population, rice production has to continue growing rapidly, while meeting challenges imposed by a changing climate. With the recent sequencing of >3000 different varieties, there is a huge genetic resource available for identifying polymorphisms associated with desirable traits e.g. tolerance to biotic or abiotic stress, yield, nutritional content etc., which in due course can be bred into major crop varieties. The UKRRC is building upon genomic resources and large-scale phenotyping platforms, and works with international partners on fundamental science and applied breeding programmes to tackle food security challenges, as highlighted under Research and Partnerships. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Organising Monogram 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Erik Murchie cp - organised Monogram 2019 which is too be held in April 2019 . The Monogram Network meeting is the annual get together for the small grain cereal and grass research community. Academics, commercial scientists, and plant breeders gather to share the latest advances in scientific research, exchange ideas, and talk about collaboration. Monogram 2019 provides an exciting opportunity for sharing ideas and networking in a relaxed environment. Everyone from graduate students to established academics, commercial scientists and plant breeders are welcome to attend. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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Description | Public lecture in series 'whats it all about' held at Sutton Bonington |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Public lecture on research into improving crop photosynthesis and its wider importance and interest for society and food security . It was held at the University of Nottingham (Sutton Bonington) in April 2015 and open largely to the local public . |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015 |
Description | Public lecture on photosynthesis improvement in crops |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Public/other audiences |
Results and Impact | Public lecture on research into improving crop photosynthesis and its wider importance and interest for society and food security . It was held at the University of Nottingham (University Park) in August 2015 and open largely to the local public . |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2015 |
Description | SEB Main Meeting presentation: |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Talk: Characterizing the natural variation in dynamic photosynthetic traits in African rice |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2021 |
Description | Teaching workshop -workshop on phenotyping photosynthetic phoneme at U. Wageningen |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Regional |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Teaching undergraduates and postgraduates and industry representatives about techniques in photoprotection and canopy structure phenotyping. This resulted in questions and discussions |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2014 |
Description | invited speaker : CO2 assimilation in Plants from Genome to Biome |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Other audiences |
Results and Impact | he growing concern over global food and energy security results from rising population, while land degradation and climate change continue to limit production. One of society's major challenges is to grow more biomass on less land, using less water, fertilizer, fungicides and pesticides than ever before. To accomplish this, a new "green revolution" that surpasses the rate of current crop and fuel production is required and improving photosynthetic CO2 assimilation is key to achieving this goal. The Gordon Research Conference (GRC), CO2 Assimilation in Plants from Genome to Biome, is among the most critical forums for bringing together the top plant scientists in the world, along with rising early-career scientists, to share and discuss the critical advances on this grand challenge. At this meeting scientists will present and discuss cutting edge, often unpublished research, that is geared toward the new "green revolution" and that will develop ideas and collaborations to guide and support research on carbon aspects of photosynthesis for years to come. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
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