Marek's Disease virus spread: in and out of chickens (MADISPREAD)

Lead Research Organisation: THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE
Department Name: UNLISTED


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Technical Summary

Successful transmission of MDV entails efficient viral shedding from infected birds and entry of the virus via the respiratory route in both vaccinated and naïve birds. Improved knowledge about these two essential steps in virus replication and additional insights into the impact of immunity on the control of shedding are critical to ultimately reduce MDV contamination of the environment and infection of animals. Entry and shedding of MDV in vivo have been poorly studied compared to virus-induced tumorigenesis, host resistance and virulence, and our knowledge base is equally poor regarding studies on a correlation between the aptitude of a vaccine virus to be shed and the improvement with regard to control of spreading of virulent virus in chicken populations. Our project aims to study the key elements of virus entry and shedding on the cellular and molecular level. The control of virulent virus shedding in vaccinated birds will also be addressed. through the comparison between spread-competent vs spread-deficient vaccine viruses in their ability to control viral shedding.

Planned Impact



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