Studentship: Avian Astrovirus genome encapsidation: a novel molecular target for antiviral interventions
Lead Research Organisation:
The Pirbright Institute
Department Name: UNLISTED
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Technical Summary
Astroviruses are of both medical and veterinary importance with vaccines or therapeutics currently unavailable. The molecular biology of these viruses is currently poorly understood and will be important in future control efforts. In common with other viruses Astroviruses must enclose their genome in a protein capsid. To achieve this, other +ssRNA viruses utilise multiple RNA:capsid protein interactions to provide specificity of genome encapsidation and to ensure the correct and efficient assembly of intact mature capsids as a key step in the viral infection cycle. In collaboration between the Pirbright Institute and the Twarock Group at the University of York we wish to establish the molecular basis of genome encapsidation by Avian Nephritis Virus, a member of the Avastrovirus genus. Following on from work performed on other viruses by the Twarock group and collaborators, this studentship will examine the interactions of viral genomic RNAs with their cognate capsid proteins. For this, a variety of molecular and structural techniques will be used to generate molecular and biochemical data to inform computational modelling of the molecular processes underpinning ANV genome encapsidation, which will in turn provide new insights and experimental avenues to pursue to understand this process.
Planned Impact