Smart Grid Oscillation Management for a Changing Generation Mix
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Edinburgh
Department Name: Energy Systems
The major changes in the mix of generation technologies introduce new challenges for managing the stability of the power system. The move to increasing penetration of renewable generation, and reducing dependence on large thermal plant has unpredictable effects on the stability of oscillations in the network. Power oscillations have been seen at windfarms in Northern Ireland, where the penetration of wind is relatively high. If the stability of oscillations deteriorates, there is a risk of blackouts and network constraints. The aim of this project is to address the problem of risks relating to oscillatory stability. The proposed project includes two main components: 1) to develop measurement-based operational tools that enable the system operator to manage oscillatory issues in real-time 2) to understand the causes and find strategies to deal with windfarm-related oscillations.
People |
Janusz Bialek (Principal Investigator) |
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McNabb P
Classification of mode damping and amplitude in power systems using synchrophasor measurements and classification trees
in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems
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Lubosny Z
Supervisory Control of a Wind Farm
in IEEE Transactions on Power Systems