RT-ISIS: Real-Time In Situ In vivo Surgical Sensing and Imaging
Lead Research Organisation:
Imperial College London
Department Name: Institute of Biomedical Engineering
Recent technological advances in surgery have resulted in a broad range of new techniques for reducing patient trauma, shortening hospitalisation, and improving diagnostic accuracy and therapeutic outcome. RT-ISIS is in response to the current paradigm shift and clinical demand in bringing cellular and molecular imaging modalities to an in vivo / in situ setting to allow for real-time tissue characterisation, functional assessment, and intraoperative guidance. The aim of RT-ISIS is to simultaneously develop and apply new multimodality imaging methods based on excitation/emission spectral resolution suitable for endoscopy and laparoscopy. The project involves significant R&D challenges, and the end results are likely to trans-form clinical research and practices in cancer staging, minimally invasive surgery, interventional imaging, and the development of molecular imaging techniques.

Atasoy S
Probabilistic region matching in narrow-band endoscopy for targeted optical biopsy.
in Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention

Clancy NT
Light sources for single-access surgery.
in Surgical innovation

Clancy NT
Spectrally encoded fiber-based structured lighting probe for intraoperative 3D imaging.
in Biomedical optics express

Giannarou S
Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality

Giannarou S
Probabilistic tracking of affine-invariant anisotropic regions.
in IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence

Lee SL
From medical images to minimally invasive intervention: Computer assistance for robotic surgery.
in Computerized medical imaging and graphics : the official journal of the Computerized Medical Imaging Society

Li R
Parallel detection of amplitude-modulated, ultrasound-modulated optical signals.
in Optics letters

Mountney P
Optical biopsy mapping for minimally invasive cancer screening.
in Medical image computing and computer-assisted intervention : MICCAI ... International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention
Description | RT-ISIS is in response to the current paradigm shift and clinical demand on bringing cellular and molecular imaging modalities to an in vivo - in situ settings to allow for real-time tissue characterisation, functional assessment, and intra-operative guidance. It aims to improve the consistency and safety of keyhole surgery, further expanding its functional capabilities for improved tissue detection, labelling, and targeting both at macro and cellular levels. The technical challenge that the project addresses is the provision of in situ multi-scale integration of laser induced fluorescence imaging with white-light endoscopic video during keyhole surgery where large-scale tissue deformation is present. The project has resulted in automated image guidance and integrated morphological and functional mapping that cater for tissue deformation and instrument interaction. The morphological and functional 'see-through' vision provided by RT-ISIS has expanded the current capability of image guided surgery. |
Exploitation Route | Veterinary medicine and industrial inspection. The project is in collaboration with Karl Storz Endoscopy, a leading manufacturer in keyhole instruments. |
Sectors | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Healthcare |
URL | http://ubimon.doc.ic.ac.uk/rtisis/m679.html |
Description | The project has resulted in the development of real-time tissue characterisation schemes used in surgery. This has led to further collaboration with industry (Maura Kea Technologies) for the development of real-time optical biopsy and tissue retargeting. |
First Year Of Impact | 2013 |
Sector | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Healthcare |
Impact Types | Economic |
Description | Optical Platform for Therapy and diagnostic Imaging in Minimally Invasive Surgical Endoscopy |
Amount | € 1,616,146 (EUR) |
Funding ID | 242991 |
Organisation | European Research Council (ERC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | Belgium |
Start | 12/2009 |
End | 09/2015 |
Description | SMART-Endomicroscopy (Sensing and Mechatronically Assisted Real-Time Endomicroscopy) |
Amount | £996,324 (GBP) |
Funding ID | EP/I027769/1 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 08/2011 |
End | 09/2015 |
Description | Hamlyn Winter School on Surgical Imaging and Vision |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | The Winter School focuses on both technical and clinical aspects of Surgical Imaging and Vision, with invited lectures, hands-on demonstrations, workshops, and mini-projects. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
URL | http://hamlyn.doc.ic.ac.uk/winterschool/ |