Lead Research Organisation:
University College London
Department Name: Chemistry
The current advancement of technology very much depends upon the discovery of new materials. It has been known for some time that combinations of elements not involving carbon (called inorganic materials) can have important uses in areas from electronics, computing and UV protection in products, to harnessing energy from the sun. In particular, when inorganic particles are very small, typically made up of a few hundred atoms (called nanomaterials), they can have unusual and exciting properties. The discovery of such nanomaterials is very much hampered by our inability to make these materials fast enough and then to be able to test them adequately for their properties.The proposed research seeks to develop a new, faster way of making and discovering inorganic nanomaterials that can absorb sunlight (as an free energy source), and use this energy to split water into its constituents, hydrogen and oxygen (in a process known as photocatalysis). The hydrogen can then be used for powering cars or devices of the future. Such a process is important to sustain the energy requirements of mankind on this earth when our fossil fuels (e.g. oil) are exhausted.
- University College London (Lead Research Organisation)
- Tescom Corporation UK (Project Partner)
- Thermo Fisher (To be removed 1) (Project Partner)
- Coates Lorilleux Ltd (Project Partner)
- Faraday: INSIGHT (Chemical throughput) (Project Partner)
- AMR Ltd (Project Partner)
- SRI International (Project Partner)
- Hydrogen Solar (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)
- Spectris (United Kingdom) (Project Partner)

Weng X
High-throughput continuous hydrothermal synthesis of an entire nanoceramic phase diagram.
in Journal of combinatorial chemistry

Wang X
Robust QSAR model development in high-throughput catalyst discovery based on genetic parameter optimisation
in Chemical Engineering Research and Design

Thompson K
Screening tests for the evaluation of nanoparticle titania photocatalysts
in Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology

Quesada-Cabrera R
High-Throughput Continuous Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanomaterials (Part II): Unveiling the As-Prepared Ce x Zr y Y z O 2-d Phase Diagram
in ACS Combinatorial Science

McCafferty L
Light-driven generation of chlorine and hydrogen from brine using highly selective Ru/Ti oxide redox catalysts
in Sustainable Energy & Fuels

Lin T
Rapid automated materials synthesis instrument: exploring the composition and heat-treatment of nanoprecursors toward low temperature red phosphors.
in Journal of combinatorial chemistry

Kellici S
High-throughput continuous hydrothermal flow synthesis of Zn-Ce oxides: unprecedented solubility of Zn in the nanoparticle fluorite lattice
in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
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Project Reference | Relationship | Related To | Start | End | Award Value |
EP/D038499/1 | 17/09/2006 | 29/04/2007 | £886,014 | ||
EP/D038499/2 | Transfer | EP/D038499/1 | 30/04/2007 | 31/01/2010 | £0 |