NSF: Molecular Engineering of Polymers for Processing Performance and Properties
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Leeds
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy
To design the molecular architecture of polymer chains for desired processing performance, a highly interdisciplinary effort will be required which incorporates experts in experimental and theoretical rheology, polymer processing, polymerization kinetics and catalysts, and polymer synthesis and characterization (this expertise cannot be found in any one location). Scientists from two U.S. universities (with expertise in non-linear rheology, polymer processing and anionic synthesis) will join forces with scientists from seven English universites and one from Holland to attack this problem. The research effort will capitalize on the Leeds-based Microscale Polymer Processing (MuPP) consortium with main contributions from Leeds (molecular rheology, reaction kinetics), Durham (anionic chemistry). The group at Imperial College, London is joining this co-operative programme with expertise in polymerization catalyst development for tailored molecular structure. The approach is to use model systems to establish a rheological standard by which to identify the structures present in commercially produced PE's and then develop correlations between polymerization kinetics, molecular architecture and processing performance.

Read DJ
Linking models of polymerization and dynamics to predict branched polymer structure and flow.
in Science (New York, N.Y.)

Read D
A full-chain constitutive model for bidisperse blends of linear polymers
in Journal of Rheology

Chambon P
Synthesis, Temperature Gradient Interaction Chromatography, and Rheology of Entangled Styrene Comb Polymers
in Macromolecules

Auhl D
Elongational flow of blends of long and short polymers: effective stretch relaxation time.
in Physical review letters
Description | We have developed tools which can predict the flow properties of plastics based on their molecular structure. This permits design of plastic materials which can be formed into products more efficiently, cheaply, and robustly. |
Exploitation Route | Chemical companies are using the software to help their research in designing new plastic and rubber materials. |
Sectors | Chemicals |
Description | Emerging from this award, and related grants, we developed know-how and a software tool for predicting the flow behaviour of industrial polymer resins on the basis of their branched molecular structure. Numerous chemical companies are now using our software to help with their research activities in designing new polymer resins, and in reactor design. |
First Year Of Impact | 2012 |
Sector | Chemicals |
Impact Types | Economic |
Description | University of Tennessee |
Organisation | University of Tennessee |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
Start Year | 2007 |
Description | Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State U |
Organisation | Virginia Polytechnique Institute and State University |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
Start Year | 2007 |
Title | BoB rheology |
Description | This predicts linear and non-linear rheology of branched polymer resins |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2007 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | This is becoming widely used in chemical company research departments to predict rheology of their polymer resins. It has led to several consultancy agreements, and also to significant ongoing research funding from a chemical company. |
URL | http://sourceforge.net/projects/bob-rheology/ |