Self-organized nanostructures and transparent conducting electrodes for low cost scaleable organic photovoltaic devices
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Bath
Department Name: Chemistry
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.

Buckingham M
Aerosol-Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition of CdS from Xanthate Single Source Precursors
in Crystal Growth & Design

Cosham S
Synthesis and Characterization of Fluorinated ß-Ketoiminate Zinc Precursors and Their Utility in the AP-MOCVD Growth of ZnO:F
in European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

Cosham S
Synthesis, Structure and Chemical Vapour Deposition Studies on the Group 13 Complexes [Me 2 M{tfacnac}] [M = Al, Ga, In; Htfacnac = F 3 CC(OH)CHC(CH 3 )NCH 2 CH 2 OCH 3 ]
in European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

Cosham S
Precursors for p-Type Nickel Oxide: Atmospheric-Pressure Metal-Organic Chemical-Vapour Deposition (MOCVD) of Nickel Oxide Thin Films with High Work Functions
in European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

Cosham SD
New organo- and amidozinc derivatives of primary amines.
in Dalton transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)

Leventis HC
Nanostructured hybrid polymer-inorganic solar cell active layers formed by controllable in situ growth of semiconducting sulfide networks.
in Nano letters

Wildsmith T
Exclusive formation of SnO by low temperature single-source AACVD.
in Chemical communications (Cambridge, England)
Description | A wide variety of CVD precursors, derived from novel anionic nacac ligand sets, were developed. Although of limited applicability, due to insufficient volatility, for atmospheric pressure CVD, ALL the new compounds synthesised show rich potential as bespoke oxide precursors under reduced pressure conditions |
Exploitation Route | The focus of the project, because of its close tie in with the 'on-line' production methods of the float glass industry, was entirely focused on the requirements of a an atmospheric CVD process. This will continue to be an extremely challenging objective with conventional delivery methods. The compounds are all completely practicable precursors at reduced pressures, however. Further CVD at reduced pressures is required to fully assess the rich potential of the new precursors devised. |
Sectors | Energy |