Novel Communications Signal Processing Techs. for Transmission Over MIMO Frequency Selective Wireless Channels Using Polynomial Matrix Decompositions
Lead Research Organisation:
Loughborough University
Department Name: Electronic, Electrical & Systems Enginee
Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
Jonathon Chambers (Author)
A Polynomial matrix QR decomposition and iterative decoding of frequency selective MIMO channels
Jonathon Chambers (Author)
A Novel Algorithm for Calculating the Singular Value Decomposition of a Polynomial Matrix
Foster J
An Algorithm for Calculating the QR and Singular Value Decompositions of Polynomial Matrices
in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
Anandkumar Amod Jai Ganesh
Robust game-theoretic algorithms for distributed resource allocation in wireless communications
Anandkumar A
Robust rate-maximization game under bounded channel uncertainty
Anandkumar A
Robust Rate-Maximization Game Under Bounded Channel Uncertainty
Anandkumar A
Robust Rate Maximization Game Under Bounded Channel Uncertainty
in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology
Description | This project has established polynomial matrix algorithms as a new time-domain technique for broadband MIMO communications. We have shown that our methods offer improvement over OFDM in certain practical situations. The polynomial matrix techniques were found to be unsuitable for the design of resource allocation algorithms for MU-MIMO systems due to the lack of decentralized control strategies. Game theory was found to be an excellent tool for the design of distributed algorithms for power control in MU-MIMO systems. The application of iterative waterfilling algorithms for power control in broadband MU-MIMO systems was analytically characterized using techniques from game theory. A distribution-free robust iterative waterfilling algorithm was proposed and characterized, with sufficient conditions for existence an uniqueness of the solution. Further, these techniques were extended to systems with bounded uncertainty in channel state information. This world-leading work has been written up as a PhD thesis at Loughborough University. In the context of SU-MIMO channels, it was shown that the Polynomial Matrix QR decomposition algorithm (developed under this project) provides a useful alternative to the conventional OFDM approach for exploiting the spatial diversity offered by fast fading channels. Hoowever,the polynomial matrix method avoids the peak to average power ratio (PAPR) problem associated with the OFDM approach. |
Exploitation Route | Researchers in ICT could use the algorithms in other application domains. |
Sectors | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) |
Description | Findings have been transferred to the academic and industrial communities through conferences and journal publications. |
Sector | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) |