Repairs to a femtosecond laser system essential for nonlinear optical studies
Lead Research Organisation:
Heriot-Watt University
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Physical Science
Much of the research of the Nonlinear Optics Group at Heriot-Watt University is based around a single femtosecond laser system. This laser system consists of a regenerative amplifier that is seeded by a mode-locked femtosecond and pumped by a Q-switched nanosecond laser (Merlin). The output of this amplifier is used to pump an optical parametric amplifier that, via several nonlinear conversion processes, provides access to femtosecond radiation from 400-3200 nm. The Merlin pump laser is an intra-cavity doubled Nd: YLF proving up to 10W of output average power at 527 nm. This laser was installed in 1998 (GR/L62542), is flash lamp pumped and is now an obsolete model. It is this pump laser that is now in need of replacement. In addition, the regenerative amplifier is very unstable and requires replacement of optical components e.g. Pockel's cell and compressor grating that have both become lossy over the past 9 years due to the deterioration of these two key optical components. The successful completion of two EPSRC funded grants and a further three projects involving DTA PhD students are dependent on the continued operation of this laser system. Two postdoctoral research associates regularly use this system as well as various visiting researchers. Our request is for funds to enable us to repair the laser system and return it to optimum specifications. The research described in this proposal will result in the development of compact lasers which are essential for sensing and medical applications as well as the fundamental understanding of the new semiconductor devices which underpin modern photonics for telecom, displays and signal processing.
People |
Ajoy Kar (Principal Investigator) |

Ghosh D
Generation of supercontinuum and its theoretical study in three-ring silica microstructured optical fibers
in Applied Optics

McCarthy J
Spectrally tailored mid-infrared super-continuum generation in a buried waveguide spanning 1750 nm to 5000 nm for atmospheric transmission
in Applied Physics Letters

Stepniewski G
Broadband supercontinuum generation in normal dispersion all-solid photonic crystal fiber pumped near 1300 nm
in Laser Physics Letters

Buczynski R
Supercontinuum generation up to 2.5 µm in photonic crystal fiber made of lead-bismuth-galate glass
in Laser Physics Letters

Buczynski R
Two Octaves Supercontinuum Generation in Lead-Bismuth Glass Based Photonic Crystal Fiber
in Materials

Bookey Henry T.
Near infrared transmission in dual core lead silicate photonic crystal fibres

Rangel-Rojo R
Anisotropy in the nonlinear absorption of elongated silver nanoparticles in silica, probed by femtosecond pulses
in Optics Communications

Bookey HT
Experimental demonstration of spectral broadening in an all-silica Bragg fiber.
in Optics express

Barron AL
Two dimensional interferometric optical trapping of multiple particles and Escherichia coli bacterial cells using a lensed multicore fiber.
in Optics express

McCarthy JE
Mid-infrared spectral broadening in an ultrafast laser inscribed gallium lanthanum sulphide waveguide.
in Optics express

Ródenas A
Three-dimensional mid-infrared photonic circuits in chalcogenide glass.
in Optics letters

Barney ER
Correlating structure with non-linear optical properties in xAs40Se60·(1-x)As40S60 glasses.
in Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP

Description | Supercintinuum generation in the mid-infrared. Nonlinear optical studies in Chalcogenides and Graphene. |
Exploitation Route | These studies are very important for developing future sensors and mode locked lasers. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) |
URL | |
Description | Supercontinuum sources were developed for the mid-infrared part of the spectrum. Mid-infrared supercontinuum is useful for sensing. |
First Year Of Impact | 2010 |
Sector | Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Environment |