Machine Learning for Thread Level Speculation on Multicore Architectures
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Manchester
Department Name: Computer Science
Computer hardware has arrived in the era of multi-core systems. Processors with 2 and 4 cores are already in the high-street. Chip manufacturers promise to deliver many more cores per chip in the coming years. The big research challenge is: how can we make best use of all these resources? Existing programs and programming styles are unable to take real advantage of this hardware concurrency. Thread-Level speculation is one viable solution. TLS works by making predictions about future computations, proceeding to execute programs `speculatively' as if these predictions were true. As a backup, it checks the predictions, in parallel with the speculative computation. If the predictions turn out to be correct, then the computer has done useful work earlier than it could have done otherwise - ultimately meaning your programs run faster. On the other hand, if the predictions are false, then the system has to throw away results, and the speculative work is wasted.There are many different factors to consider in this new paradigm. TLS influences different parts of the system, including processor, memory, operating system, programming language and compiler. At each of these different levels, there are various policies and heuristics to set. These affect things like how make predictions about the future, how to stop different computational tasks from interfering with each other, how to decide which threads are more important, and how existing optimization techniques interact with speculation. This research project will explore these factors using Machine Learning. We will use state of the art feature selection and online machine learning techniques, developing the field where necessary, with the ultimate goal of creating a computer system that can automatically tune itself to run its programs as fast as the physical resources will allow.
Brown G
Conditional Likelihood Maximisation: A Unifying Framework for Information Theoretic Feature Selection
in Journal of Machine Learning Research
Brown Gavin
Conditional Likelihood Maximisation: A Unifying Framework for Information Theoretic Feature Selection
Pocock A
Online Nonstationary Boosting
Pocock Adam Craig
Feature selection via joint likelihood
Sechidis K
Dealing with under-reported variables: An information theoretic solution
in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning
Singer J
Static Java Program Features for Intelligent Squash Prediction
Singer J
Garbage collection auto-tuning for Java mapreduce on multi-cores
Singer J
Garbage collection auto-tuning for Java mapreduce on multi-cores
in ACM SIGPLAN Notices
Description | Computer hardware has arrived in the era of "multicore" systems. Processors with 2 and 4 cores are already in the high-street. Chip manufacturers promise to deliver many more cores per chip in the coming years. The big research challenge is: how can we make best use of all these resources? This project is exploiting Machine Learning technologies and perspectives to address the challenge. During the project we improved the state of the art for TLS both at the hardware and software level, with novel techniques for Java and C based programming languages. The research probed the limits of what could be achieved using TLS and the incorporation of 'idealised' machine learning techniques. This enables us to direct effort accordingly, and guide our resource allocations. In concert with this contribution to the systems community, we also developed fundamentally novel research for the ML community. We developed state of the art "feature selection" techniques, tuned for the parallel computing domain. As a result we have contributed a novel unifying framework to the machine learning community, explaining 20 years of research under a single paradigm. |
Exploitation Route | Several, most notably in industrial compiler and microprocessor design. |
Sectors | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) |
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Description | We developed a unifying mathematical framework for information theoretic feature selection, bringing almost two decades of research on heuristic filter criteria under a single theoretical interpretation. This is in response to the question: "what are the implicit statistical assumptions of feature selection criteria based on mutual information?". This unified over 25 years of work in the area - the journal paper (JMLR) associated with the work has been cited 110 times in 2 years. The software FEAST, published as part of this project, has been downloaded over 3500 times. This work also described a novel compact version management data structure optimized for space overhead when using a small number of TLS threads. Furthermore, we describe two novel software runtime parallelization systems that utilize this compact data structure. The latest journal paper (TACO) has been cited 9 times in less than 1 year. |
First Year Of Impact | 2012 |
Sector | Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Healthcare |
Impact Types | Societal Economic |
Title | FEAST |
Description | FEAST provides efficient implementations of "feature selection" algorithms, as developed during the project. These algorithms are widely seen as the first step in any "big data" analysis, hence are very widely used. |
Type Of Technology | Software |
Year Produced | 2012 |
Open Source License? | Yes |
Impact | Oracle Research Labs have adopted many of the techniques internally for their big data applications. |
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