Innovative Adsorbent Materials and Processes for Integrated Carbon Capture and Multi-pollutant Control for Fossil Fuel Power Generation
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Nottingham
Department Name: Sch of Chemical and Environmental Eng
Coal is currently responsible for 40% of global electricity generation, which is increasing, largely due to the expanding economies of Asia, particularly China where a new coal-fired power station comes on stream every week. Indeed, it is generally recognised that the long-term future of coal for power generation must be linked to the drive towards near-zero emission power plant, with Lord Stern stating recently We need to get better at carbon capture and sequestration very quickly . To address this challenge, the proposed collaborative research programme aims to aid the development of new approaches to integrate carbon capture and multi-pollutant control technologies in pulverised fuel (PF) coal combustion to achieve near zero emissions more effectively. These technologies are based on a range of novel regenerable adsorbent materials being developed by the partners, which are capable of achieving the simultaneous removal of SOx, NOx, HCl, HF, and toxic metals, particularly mercury. This will be achieved either immediately prior to CO2 capture or simultaneously in CO2 capture through the successful development and integration of the novel sorbent materials to provide high purity CO2 streams ready for compression. The overall aim of the proposed collaborative research programme is to conduct the underpinning research to accelerate the development and demonstration of novel integrated carbon capture & simultaneous multi-pollutant control technologies, with the ultimate goal of reducing the cost of near zero emission coal plant considerably so that the new technologies can impact of the implementation of the next generation of carbon capture plants in the 2020s after the first demonstrations and commercial deployment with existing technology being achieved by 2020. Further, the new technologies can also be easily adapted to various scales of other coal-fired industrial boilers across China.The proposal builds upon a series of earlier UK-China collaborative activities organised and/or attended by the 5 partners and produces synergies between the complimentary R & D strengths of internationally leading UK and Chinese institutions in clean coal technology. The UK partners have visited China recently to identify areas and opportunities for collaboration and these visits include Prof. Guo, Prof. Snape, Dr Sun and Dr Liu to NSFC, MOST CAS and Southeast University, as well as and Chinese energy industries. Indeed, the current research funding obtained by the Chinese partners for next 5 years is in excess of RMB 50M under the CAS, NSFC, 863 and 973 Programmes, which will underpin their activities in the research programme as confirmed in the letters of support. Major collaborative activities include extensive materials development encompassing characterisation and modelling, understanding their performance at scale and also addressing all the underlying critical fundamental issues associated with materials and process development. Examples to demonstrate the two way exchange of ideas, the close working relationships and the mutual benefits that will be obtained include: (i) A range of advanced materials, including grafted nano-porous materials and carbon composite materials and carbon/metal oxides hybrid materials will be exchanged between ICC-CAS, Nottingham, UCL and Tsinghua to facilitate full characterisation and modelling of their absorption performance and selected new materials will be synthesised to gain an understanding of their performance at scale over realistic lifetimes in the facilities at Tsinghua and Southeast Universities. (ii) The flexible manganese oxides developed at Nottingham will be circulated to other partners for identifying other applications, including trapping arsenic and,, then prepared at scale for lifetime and regeneration tests in the pilot facilities at ICC-CAS, Tsinghua and Southeast Universities.

Yin S
Solids Holdup of High Flux Circulating Fluidized Bed at Elevated Pressure
in Chemical Engineering & Technology

Xie J
Simulation on gasification of forestry residues in fluidized beds by Eulerian-Lagrangian approach.
in Bioresource technology

Zhang C
CO 2 Capture with Activated Carbon Grafted by Nitrogenous Functional Groups
in Energy & Fuels

Yin S
in Chemical Engineering Communications

Sun C
Development of Low-Cost Functional Adsorbents for Control of Mercury (Hg) Emissions from Coal Combustion
in Energy & Fuels

Plaza M
Influence of oxidation upon the CO2 capture performance of a phenolic-resin-derived carbon
in Fuel Processing Technology

Wiatros-Motyka M
High capacity co-precipitated manganese oxides sorbents for oxidative mercury capture
in Fuel

Gadipelli S
Postsynthesis Annealing of MOF-5 Remarkably Enhances the Framework Structural Stability and CO 2 Uptake
in Chemistry of Materials

Srinivas G
Exceptional CO 2 capture in a hierarchically porous carbon with simultaneous high surface area and pore volume
in Energy Environ. Sci.

Martin DJ
Highly efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution from water using visible light and structure-controlled graphitic carbon nitride.
in Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English)

Zhang W
Capturing CO2 from ambient air using a polyethyleneimine-silica adsorbent in fluidized beds
in Chemical Engineering Science

Zhang W
Performance of polyethyleneimine-silica adsorbent for post-combustion CO2 capture in a bubbling fluidized bed
in Chemical Engineering Journal

Martin D
Highly Efficient Photocatalytic H 2 Evolution from Water using Visible Light and Structure-Controlled Graphitic Carbon Nitride
in Angewandte Chemie

Xie J
Three-Dimensional Eulerian-Eulerian Modeling of Gaseous Pollutant Emissions from Circulating Fluidized-Bed Combustors
in Energy & Fuels

Wdowin M
Experimental study of mercury removal from exhaust gases
in Fuel

Zhu B
Nitrogen-enriched and hierarchically porous carbon macro-spheres - ideal for large-scale CO 2 capture
in J. Mater. Chem. A

Wang X
Optimization of in Situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion through Experimental Investigations with a Cold Experimental System
in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Travis W
Superior CO 2 adsorption from waste coffee ground derived carbons
in RSC Advances

Sun N
Surface-modified spherical activated carbon materials for pre-combustion carbon dioxide capture
in RSC Advances

Gadipelli S
Graphene-based materials: Synthesis and gas sorption, storage and separation
in Progress in Materials Science

Zhu B
Naturally derived porous carbon with selective metal- and/or nitrogen-doping for efficient CO 2 capture and oxygen reduction
in Journal of Materials Chemistry A

Zhu B
Naturally Nitrogen and Calcium-Doped Nanoporous Carbon from Pine Cone with Superior CO 2 Capture Capacities
in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering

Wang X
Experimental Evaluation of a Chinese Sulfur-Containing Lean Iron Ore as the Oxygen Carrier for Chemical-Looping Combustion
in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Wang X
Experimental Evaluation of a Novel 20 kW th in Situ Gasification Chemical Looping Combustion Unit with an Iron Ore as the Oxygen Carrier
in Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

Zhang W
Parametric study on the regeneration heat requirement of an amine-based solid adsorbent process for post-combustion carbon capture
in Applied Energy

Zhang W
Process simulations of post-combustion CO 2 capture for coal and natural gas-fired power plants using a polyethyleneimine/silica adsorbent
in International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control

Liu J
High Density and Super Ultra-Microporous-Activated Carbon Macrospheres with High Volumetric Capacity for CO 2 Capture
in Advanced Sustainable Systems
Description | The significant breakthroughs of the research funded by this grant are: 1. For post-combustion CO2 capture, silica-polyethylene adsorbents prepared on a kilogram scale were found to be extremely stable over long operating periods in simulated flue gas, The key is keeping the adsorbent hydrated during adsorption to prevent oxidation and desorption to prevent urea formation. It was also demonstrated tat silica-PEI is suitable for capture CO2 from air. 2. A new class of manganese oxides have been developed for Hg capture from gases which can be applied to a wide range range of process, including both combustion and gasification of coal. |
Exploitation Route | The publications form this grant are widely cited and our key developments on silica-PEI adsorbents for CO2 capture and manganese oxides adsorbents for Hg capture have been the springboard for further research on these materials. The research has led to further funding, for example form the Korean Institute of Energy, to scale-up the preparation of silica-PEI to 100 kg. Funding has also been secured for a pilot-scale facility to test 20 kg batches of adsorbents. |
Sectors | Energy |
Description | The findings of this project have had a significant impact on the development of solid adsorbents as a next generation technology for post combustion CO2 capture. Both silica-polyethylene-imine and potassium (K) containing activated carbons developed in this project can be prepared in large batches for future pilot-scale projects. Analysis has shown that both systems give vast reductions in regeneration energy compared to amine scrubbing with the K-containing activated carbons being optimal for flue gas from coal-fired power stations and industrial sources contain 15% by volume of CO2 or more. |
First Year Of Impact | 2015 |
Sector | Energy |
Impact Types | Societal Economic |
Description | Korean Government |
Amount | ₩240,000,000 (KRW) |
Organisation | Korea Institute of Energy Research |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | Korea, Republic of |
Start | 08/2015 |
End | 08/2018 |
Description | Korean Institute of Energy |
Amount | £1,000,000 (GBP) |
Organisation | Korea Institute of Energy Research |
Sector | Academic/University |
Country | Korea, Republic of |
Start | 05/2015 |
End | 06/2018 |
Description | Joint University of Nottingham-Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI ) Low Carbon Energy Research Centre |
Organisation | Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Department | Shanghai Advanced Research Institute (SARI) |
Country | China |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Since 2009, Nottingham and SARI have collaborated on two EPSRC China grants on developing new adsorbents for CO2 capture, both for post and pre-combustion. The research has resulted in a number of joint publications and has led to Colin Snape being appointed as a Distinguished Visiting Professor at SARI in January 2014 and to the signing MoU signed in September 2014 for joint development of adsorbent technology for CO2 capture, leading to the formation of the Joint Centre in 2015. Nottingham is covering the costs of researchers visiting SARI to taker forward collaborative research on CO2 capture, biomass/waste conversion with microwave technology |
Collaborator Contribution | Covering the costs to send researchers to the University of Nottingham to work on collaborative research. |
Impact | Joint publications already listed. |
Start Year | 2015 |