Theory of electronic processes in Molecules Subject to Intense X-ray Radiation: Towards Single-Molecule X-ray Diffraction Spectroscopy
Lead Research Organisation:
Imperial College London
Department Name: Physics
Understanding of mechanisms guiding the wide variety of biochemical processes in living organisms requires determination of structure of the biomolecules (for example, proteins) taking part in these processes. Indeed, vast scientific resources have been put into trying to unveil protein structure. The spectacular success that has been achieved along this path has contributed immensely to our ability to fight diseases by designing new drugs. Throughout the last century, this success has been marked by numerous Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry. In spite of the remarkable achievements of the present-day methods, the structures of a vast bulk of biomolecules still remain a mystery. The reason is that the prerequisite for application of the main existing technique, called X-ray diffraction, is crystallization of the biomolecules under study. It turns out that obtaining a crystal, that is a geometrically ordered solid structure, out of protein solution is often an extremely difficult task. To overcome this difficulty, some researchers suggested to analyse proteins by X-ray diffraction in gas phase rather than in a crystal. This would certainly require application of much more intense X-ray radiation than the one available today since this way one would try to obtain a picture of a single biomolecule. Fortunately though, new powerful X-ray sources called X-ray free electron lasers are now being built at a number of facilities throughout the world. It has been proposed that the X-ray radiation generated by these new sources will be strong enough to give a picture of a single protein molecule in a single shot. The principal problem with such an approach is that the very same radiation that creates an image of a target molecule can also destroy the target. The fate of the new method of the single-molecule X-ray diffraction hangs on the delicate balance between these two basic consequences of X-ray-molecule interaction: diffraction of the radiation versus decomposition of the molecule. The central problem is to design such a radiation pulse that is strong enough and long enough to provide the diffraction picture of sufficient quality, but still short enough not to cause the molecule to disintegrate during the action of the pulse. Design of such pulses is possible only if one is able to understand in detail all possible mechanisms of molecular decomposition and eventually to model it in a computer simulation. The central goal of the present proposal is exactly this: theoretical study of the electronic processes that lead to disintegration of a molecule under the action of intense X-ray and computer simulation of this process based on the detailed understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms. These mechanisms include ionisation of molecules by the X-ray radiation and various types of rearrangements of the remaining electrons following the ionisation events. Often, such rearrangements lead to a delayed emission of more electrons and the magnitudes of these delays determine eventually the way in which the molecule decomposes and the time scale of the decomposition process. Thus, I plan to invest a considerable effort in trying to predict the time scales of the various electronic rearrangement processes as well as to determine the main factors that affect these time scales. The results of the proposed theoretical work will guide the application of the novel X-ray radiation sources towards towards determination of molecular structure by single-molecule X-ray diffraction.
People |
Vitali Averbukh (Principal Investigator) |
Averbukh V
Interatomic electronic decay processes in singly and multiply ionized clusters
in Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena
Cooper B
Single-photon laser-enabled auger spectroscopy for measuring attosecond electron-hole dynamics.
in Physical review letters
Cooper B
Analysis of a measurement scheme for ultrafast hole dynamics by few femtosecond resolution X-ray pump-probe Auger spectroscopy.
in Faraday discussions
Craigie J
Rates of exponential decay in systems of discrete energy levels by Stieltjes imaging.
in The Journal of chemical physics
Feifel R
Ultrafast Molecular Three-Electron Auger Decay.
in Physical review letters
Kolorenc P
K-shell Auger lifetime variation in doubly ionized Ne and first row hydrides.
in The Journal of chemical physics
Kolorenc P
Collective relaxation processes in atoms, molecules and clusters
in Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
Kopelke S
Autoionization widths by Stieltjes imaging applied to Lanczos pseudospectra.
in The Journal of chemical physics
Kopelke S
Ab initio interatomic decay widths of excited states by applying Stieltjes imaging to Lanczos pseudospectra.
in The Journal of chemical physics
Leeuwenburgh J
High-order harmonic generation spectroscopy of correlation-driven electron hole dynamics.
in Physical review letters
Description | The main physical problem my group and I have been trying to solve over that last few years is how can one measure ultrafast hole migration in ionised molecules using attosecond time-resolved spectroscopy? The phenomenon of molecular hole migration has been predicted theoretically in the 90s, but so far no one succeeded to measure it experimentally, first because of the time scales involved (typically just a few femtoseconds) and second because the state of the art attosecond measurement technique - so called attosecond streaking [Nature 414, 509 (2001); 419, 803 (2002)] - is not applicable for processes where no secondary electron is emitted. Measuring molecular hole migration is generally conceived as one of the few central challenges in the field of attophysics. My team has succeeded to formulate several original spectroscopic schemes for measuring ultrafast electron hole migration in molecules. More specifically, we have accomplished the following: (*) Theoretical development of single-photon laser-enabled Auger (spLEAD) spectroscopy for measuring electron hole dynamics, in particular hole migration [PRL 111, 083004 (2013)]. spLEAD is a new many-electron phenomenon that my EPSRC CAF funded postdoc B. Cooper and I proposed. First spLEAD measurements in the glycine amino acid are planned by our experimental colleague, Professor John Tisch (Physics, Imperial) and his group. (*) Theoretical development of the HHG spectroscopy for Auger and hole migration dynamics [PRL 111, 123002 (2013), work of my EPSRC CAF project PhD student, J. Leeuwenburgh, collaboration with Professors Ivanov, Marangos (Physics, Imperial)]. Preliminary measurements have been already started by Jon Marangos and his younger colleagues. Professor Ivanov and I contributed equally to this work. (*) Theoretical development of time-dependent Auger spectroscopy of hole migration with application to the glycine amino acid [work of my EPSRC CAF funded postdoc B. Cooper, in collaboration with Kolorenc, Marangos & Frasinski, FD 171 (2014)]. Also submitted as a beamtime proposal to the highly competitive LCLS X-ray FEL facility; the proposal has been approved; the beamtime is scheduled for January 2015. Apart from the ultrafast hole migration, we have also successfully targeted time-resolved ICD spectroscopy. We have provided theoretical support for one of the two first time-resolved ICD measurements [PRL 111, 093402 (2013), I am the leading theoretician on the paper]. Finally, we have developed many-body Green's function based theory of molecular photoionization and molecular strong field dynamics. We have matched the so-called algebraic diagrammatic construction (ADC) ab initio method already employed by us for photoionization cross-sections [JCP 139, 144107 (2013); 140, 184107 (2014)] with the B- spline single-electron basis [JCP, accepted (2014), work done in collaboration with Professor P. Decleva, Trieste] to create the first of its kind molecular theory describing time-dependent many-electron phenomena beyond the single excitation level. We consider it as a major methodological development that paves the way for modelling exciting new many-electron physics. |
Exploitation Route | Our findings are of primary importance for any experimental group working in the area of attophysics. |
Sectors | Education Other |
Description | The theoretical research performed within this award led me to closely interact with the X-ray free electron laser community, which benefited from my findings academically. As a result of this interaction, I was able to suggest a technological solution to the big data problem arising in the data processing of European XFEL. This solution included joint project between Eurpopeal XFEL and a London-based Imperial College spin-out company. |
First Year Of Impact | 2019 |
Sector | Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Impact Types | Economic |