Sandpit: an organic approach to virtual participatory design (SEEDS)
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Leeds
Department Name: Mechanical Engineering
There is growing recognition that, while large portions of society are benefitting from emerging digital technologies, a substantial minority is not. For example, the UK Government, in its October 2008 Action Plan for Consultation (Delivering Digital Inclusion), argued that digital exclusion is an increasingly urgent social problem. The report's summary asserted that digital technologies pervade every aspect of modern life but, for example, 17 million people in the UK do not use computers and the Internet, and there is a strong correlation between digital and social exclusion. As a result, a substantial proportion of the population does not enjoy the benefits and opportunities that come through the use of digital technologies. Furthermore, the report recognises that there are significant and untapped opportunities to use technology better on behalf of citizens and communities, including improved services that better address the needs of disadvantaged groups and individuals. Inability to use emerging digital technologies is leaving more and more people behind, limiting their opportunities in areas as diverse as work, entertainment, communication, transport services, and healthcare. This problem is compounded by the fact that developments of new technologies do not tend to be developed with the needs of disengaged users in mind. Recent recommendations to the Digital Inclusion Minister from the Dundee inclusion network suggested, A greater focus needs to be given to the untapped creativity and innovation among the digitally excluded. The digital economy could provide ways of exploiting this and benefit society by promoting a sense of belonging/social cohesion. Government must understand why citizens chose or do not chose to use and learn to use a piece of technology or digital resource. For example, a large percentage of older people want to learn how to do one specific thing, rather than simply to use the internet . Their interest is triggered by becoming aware of a particular piece of technology which would benefit them. The long term goal of this research is to gain a better understanding of the needs of socially excluded people within the Digital Economy and to develop exemplar interfaces and interaction techniques designed to be sensitive to the needs and wants of these groups of people. This project is a feasibility study to determine new methods of engaging digitally excluded individuals in the Digital Economy. The goal is to shape technology and services to meet their particular needs and circumstances and help educate young designers how best to incorporate disabled and older people's needs in the design process. We intend to exploit digital technologies to create a virtual environment in which individuals' stories can be captured and made available to a range of designers (by designers we mean both design students and other problem solvers) in order that they might propose design responses to meet the needs, wants and aspirations that emerge from the stories. We propose a feasibility study where we will define a methodology and apply it with representatives from two communities that are often reported as being digitally excluded: older users and people with learning disabilities. We are proposing a user-push methodology. The goal will be both to empower citizens to participate in developing their own solutions that will serve to motivate their inclusion in the Digital Economy and to uncover motivational factors that could facilitate adoption of digital technologies. The research challenges being addressed in the project are embodied by the following questions:- What can't people currently do which they would do if they were digitally engaged?- What is the motivation for engaging with technology?- How might the disengaged, designers, and other interested parties be brought together to create solutions that address the needs of individuals?
- University of Leeds (Lead Research Organisation)
- Manchester City Council (Collaboration)
- Local Enterprise Partnerships (Collaboration)
- Lancaster University (Collaboration)
- N8 Industry Innovation Forum (Collaboration)
- ICare Group (Collaboration)
- City Health Care Partnership CIC (Collaboration)
- UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS (Collaboration)
- Smith and Nephew (Collaboration)
- Carers Leeds (Collaboration)

Coleman G
Engaging the disengaged

Elizabeth Valentine
Towards and organic participatory approach to design for digital inclusion

Graham Coleman
Engaging those who are Disinterested: Access for digitally excluded older adults

Hanson V
Progress on Website Accessibility?
in ACM Transactions on the Web

Hanson V
Technology skill and age: what will be the same 20 years from now?
in Universal Access in the Information Society

L Gibson
Seeds - Designing for (and with) the Digitally Disengaged

Sears A
Representing users in accessibility research
in ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing

Sears A
Representing users in accessibility research
Description | We explored how best to share understanding of the needs of older adults with designers. In our experiments with students at Dundee, Leeds and Kent we found that students were best able to empathise with older adults when they told stories that were presented to the students in video format. |
Exploitation Route | Conducting similar studies with a wider range of student and professional audiences. Creating videos for use in such studies and design practice. |
Sectors | Creative Economy Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Education |
Description | The results of this project have influenced follow-on activities with non-academic partners. This included a N8 funded innovation project where ideas from the SEEDS project were used to inform a series of design workshops with people with chronic wounds, their carers and carers of people with dementia. (see See for further details) |
First Year Of Impact | 2014 |
Sector | Healthcare |
Impact Types | Societal |
Description | Leverhulme Trust |
Amount | £200,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | UNK |
Organisation | The Leverhulme Trust |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 06/2009 |
End | 06/2011 |
Description | Design for Wellbeing: Ageing and leisure |
Organisation | University of Leeds |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Engineering & visual arts-based design - service design |
Collaborator Contribution | Expertise and case study on future food |
Impact | reports to company |
Start Year | 2013 |
Description | Leeds LSSI Seed Corn Funding for Social Science/STEM Collaboration fund grant |
Organisation | University of Leeds |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Project on Design for Well-being in Leeds City Centre with Dr Kishore Budha (School of Design, Leeds). Research was reported in national press, e.g., |
Collaborator Contribution | Contributed human-centred design thinking to complement design methodology work |
Impact | [1] Budha, K.N., Galfarsoro, I., McKay, A., Tang, T. (2014) "Ageing & wellbeing: understanding and changing elderly people's experiences of the city (centres as commons)". In British Sociological Association Annual Conference. Leeds, UK. April 2014. [2] Budha, K.N., Galfarsoro, I., McKay, A., Tang, T. (2014). "Designing innovation for wellbeing: City centres, leisure and wellbeing". In conference on Technology, Care and Ageing: Enhancing Independence. Leeds, April 2014. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | Carers Leeds |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | City Health Care Partnership CIC |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | ICare Group |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | Lancaster University |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | Local Enterprise Partnerships |
Department | Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | Manchester City Council |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | N8 Industry Innovation Forum |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | Smith and Nephew |
Department | Smith and Nephew Wound Management |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |
Description | Virtuous Cycles of Well-being (Stage 1 & 2, funded by N8 Industry Innovation Forum) |
Organisation | University of Liverpool |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | Design thinking and prototyping applied to wound management & caring for people with dementia |
Collaborator Contribution | Provision of domain expertise and case studies |
Impact | - Designs that are under consideration for commercialisation - Publications: [1] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". Abstract accepted for Oral Presentation at the EWMA-GNEAUPP 2014 (European Wound Management Association) conference in Madrid, Spain. May 2014. [2] Bennett, K. M., Grasso, F., Lowers, V., McKay, A., Milligan, C. (2014) "Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing: The Use of an App to Support Older Adults with Wounds". Abstract accepted Health Informatics Symposium to be held at Liverpool Hope University on July 1, 2014. [3] McKay, A., Ridout, A. (2014) Article for Carers Leeds newsletter on N8 Virtuous Cycles of Wellbeing project. April 2014 [4] McNichol, E., McKay, A., Milligan, C., Bennett, K., Hulme, R., Joy, H. (2014). "A Patient Led Approach to Product Innovation in Patient Education and Wound Management". paper submitted to Journal of the European Wound Management Association. |
Start Year | 2012 |