In Vivo Reporting using Nanosystems Chemistry and Optical Spectroscopy
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Strathclyde
Department Name: Pure and Applied Chemistry
The research focus of this feasibility account is in the application of nanoscience into living systems for improvement of health. There are two themes which run through this research focussing on diagnostics and therapeutics. Our existing Platform Grant has allowed us to start looking at functionalised nanoparticles as responsive nanosensors for analysing cell receptors and enzyme activity within cells based on the change in surface enhanced Raman scattering in a number of target systems. The focus so far has been on immunologically compromised cells and, through very exciting preliminary data and discussion with interested, more clinically based parties, we propose to use this feasibility account to allow us to conduct preliminary studies transposing our research to the next level and to that of genuine in vivo experimentation and implementation of nanoscience. So far, the focus has been on diagnostic information retrieval however, here we propose to couple this with a therapeutic aspect. The mounting of biological drugs, such as therapeutic antibodies, onto nanoparticles appears to have significant effect on the efficacy of the drug when used in vitro. To test this in vivo is very challenging and largely an unknown entity. New biological drugs that have been developed are not fully characterised in terms of where they locate within a body and where they provide their most beneficial action. Despite this, FDA approval has been given and we propose to use our combination of nanoscience, spectroscopy functionalisation and immunological/clinical expertise to create a series of cross disciplinary highly adventurous in vivo experiments with a view to pump priming a much larger and consolidated programme of work.
Planned Impact
The main benefit to arise from this research will be information relating to the assessment of functionalised nanoparticles to provide improved in vivo diagnosis and imaging of different types of inflammatory disease. The research grouping consists of physical scientists, life scientists and clinicians and as such we will be able to assess the impact of the work in terms of providing positive indications for further investigation or indeed, identify where there may be relevane to other members of the scientific community outwith the consortium. Outreach will be made to ensure the scientific and commercial communities become aware of the potential impact of this research. All of the researchers are active in ensuring that the wider community is aware of the work they are doing and this has had different impacts and benefits at a number of different levels. For instance, several spin out companies have already been formed by the applicants individually rather than as a group and Professor McInnes is also very experienced in dealing with pharmaceutical companies in terms of clinical trials. Obviously the main benefit to the wider population is that through a better understanding of inflammatory disease improved treatments and disease management will be able to take place which leads to enhanced quality of life and health. This will be longer term following on from the initial work conducted through the feasibility account. In order to ensure that impact is maximised from this work, we will actively engage with other researchers but also with the end user communities to ensure that the science is being directed in the most effective manner. We have involved the end user communities through Professor McInnes and we will continue to assess the impact that the science is likely to have on the end user community as this will shape the direction that our feasibility study takes.

Karen Faulds
Intracellular Analysis by SERRS and Nanoparticles

Laing S
Quantitative detection of human tumor necrosis factor a by a resonance raman enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.
in Analytical chemistry

Stevenson R
Nanoparticles and inflammation.
in TheScientificWorldJournal

McQueenie R
Detection of inflammation in vivo by surface-enhanced Raman scattering provides higher sensitivity than conventional fluorescence imaging.
in Analytical chemistry

Stevenson R
Analysis of intracellular enzyme activity by surface enhanced Raman scattering.
in The Analyst
Description | This was a one year proposal which brought together physical scientists and immunologists to investigate the potential for using functionalised nanoparticles as in vivo reporters of inflammation. We prepared a set of gold nanoparticles which were functionalised with a specific antibody which would immobilise the nanoparticles on inflamed tissue. We then compared these nanoparticles with fluorophores attached to the same antibody to allow a comparison between these two optical techniques which are commonly used in bioanalysis. The main hypothesis being tested was to examine whether these nanoparticle systems could be used in vivo and then how well they compared to fluorescent tags. The target we used was atherosclerotic plaque build-up in the aorta of mice. Initially we compared harvested tissues and were able to examine the aorta of mice with atherosclerotic plaques using both fluorescence and SERS and also control antibody functionalised nanoparticles and fluorophores. We were able to discriminate very accurately the sites of inflammation in the aorta using the functionalised nanoparticles and were able to prove that the signal to noise ratio was superior to that obtained by fluorescence. This gave us confidence to go ahead and try some genuine in vivo analysis where we were able to examine the plaque build-up in the mouse ear using two photon fluorescence microscopy to provide the depth penetration for the fluorescence and then using a SERS based approach to look for the functionalised nanoparticles. Again we were able to compare signal to noise ratios and found a much bigger discrimination possible using the functionalised nanoparticles. This was a highly significant finding and was the first genuine comparison between functionalised nanoparticles and SERS versus fluorescence for in vivo analysis. We have gone on from this preliminary result to seek further funding in this area to target more extensive biomedical experimentation. |
Exploitation Route | This has again acted as the foundation for a new ESPRC award. |
Sectors | Chemicals Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Description | Joint research with UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW |
Organisation | University of Glasgow |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | University of Strathclyde researchers worked on this project with researchers from UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW |
Start Year | 2010 |