An information-dynamical approach to characterise and model complex systems

Lead Research Organisation: University of Aberdeen
Department Name: Physics


This project has as its main goal the determination of the pathways for the information flow in complex systems and complex networks. We also aim at proposing ways to determine how much information can be exchanged among the many subsystems forming those complex systems. We will then apply this knowledge to characterise, predict, and model data coming from complex systems. These applications can be imagined as a sophisticated, simple and innovative way for conditional monitoring a complex system. By a COMPLEX NETWORK we mean networks formed by nodes whose dynamical description is known in a way that if needed we can simulate the system in the computer. Examples of complex networks that we will be considering in this project are neural networks, chaotic networks, and ecological stochastic networks. By a COMPLEX SYSTEM we mean a system formed by a large number of subsystems (which we conveniently refer to as nodes) that interact with other subsystems in a complicated manner and is subject to the influence and interactions with its environment. Its equations of motion, assumed to be higher dimensional, are unknown. Examples of complex systems we will be considering in this project are the weather, cardiac cells, and the human heart and brain. The reason for studying simultaneously complex networks and complex systems is essentially because our fundamental and more mathematical oriented work in complex networks will permit us to construct and test theoretical tools to be applied in the analysis of the data coming from complex systems. Besides, the data will guide us in the right direction to derive theoretical tools aimed in solving long-lasting problems in complex systems.Measuring information transfer in complex networks and complex systems is a very difficult task. In the real world data sets do not always contain a sufficient amount of points with a sufficient resolution to calculate accurate probability of events. As a result, standard techniques provide often biased results with the value for the amount of information obtained depending on the resolution of the experiment and on the number of points. For that reason, we have developed an alternative approach for measuring the amount of information exchanged between two nodes in a complex network or the amount of information shared between two data sets, without having to calculate probabilities. And this project will test, apply and generalise this approach within the context of complex systems. For example, we will show that our approach allows one to measure information exchange not only between two nodes in a complex network but also between groups of nodes. This will allow us to measure how much information two data sets share even when the data sets have different dimensions. Another example of how the proposed approach will be helpful for treating complex systems is because it can be applied to data sets acquired with completely different sampling rates. We will separate this work into two Research projects. Research Project 1 is devoted to study complex networks, and it will be mainly carried out by one post-doc, whereas Research Project 2 is devoted to study complex systems, and it will be mainly carried out by 2 PhD students (with assistance from the post-doc). One of the main outcomes of this project is to provide minimal models for the complex networks and the complex systems studied by creating the Network of Measured Data, which is the network that represents how nodes in the networks are functionally connected and how data in the complex systems are also functionally connected. The Network of Measured Data can be imaged as the skeleton of the system which will assist us in the modelling of data coming from complex systems. These models will not yield the dynamics responsible for a given data set, but will approximately reconstruct a data set based on another data set that is functionally connected to the data set to be modelled.

Planned Impact

Short-term: How can we monitor the brain? How measurements should be done? How many places in the brain should be monitored? Which data should be stored? How to predict the behaviour of a place in the brain by observing another place? These questions are universal in the sense that not only neuroscientists would benefit from them but also people from a large spectra of other areas. Replace the word brain appearing in this paragraph by temperature or humidity, patient by station, comma by a place in the Earth and healthy by another place in the Earth, and then, our project would provide answers for these same problems in the area of climate or whether, economy and health. Our knowledge will be immediately transferred to the society and academical world in a series of ways. We will train 2 PhD students and 1 post-doc who may deliver this knowledge to the industrial and academical word. Additionally, we will make available open-source computer codes in Matlab for industrialist and academic people to treat their data and allowing them to answer similar questions to those previously stated. Another way we plan to transfer our knowledge will be by inviting researchers of related fields to Aberdeen, to participate in conferences and to submit manuscripts to scientific journals, including the open-access journals. Long-term impact: From the academic point of view, I propose to identify the deterministic dynamical components of a complex system. But, the applicability of the proposed approaches are beyond the spectra of the academic world. It will provide a powerful tool to deal with problems the society is currently facing. Some examples are the geophysical hazards caused by climatic and meteorological conditions (e.g, floods, hurricanes and droughts) and the ones caused by geological and geomorphological reasons (e.g., landslides, tsunamis and earthquakes). In all these cases, monitoring of the Earth needs to be done in a huge amount of points, the data is higher-dimensional and, in spite of that one wants to predict when the next tsunami is about to happen, by making observations in a place where it will probably not happen. The transition to a low carbon economy will require an electricity grid that provides a more reliable and cost effective system for transporting electricity from power stations to homes, business and industry. The solution for this is the construction of a smarter grid that understands variation in energy source and demand. In order to construct and use a ``smarter'' grid the energy agencies of the UK have firstly to bear in mind that: (i) a complete monitoring of all the grid state variables is very unlikely; (ii) optimal supply of demand can only be achieved if a good prediction of both supply and demand is accomplished. This project proposes an intelligent way to make an autonomous an efficient monitoring of a complex system as the ``smarter'' grid and it proposes a way to model and make predictions for the supply and demand of energy in this grid. My plan to transfer the acquired knowledge to the people responsible for constructing a ``smarter'' power grid is already taking place. I am participating in the energy theme meetings and discussions of the Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) in order to use physics to solve strategic problems related to energy. Maintaining reliable energy supplies and promoting competitive markets in the UK is one of the resons why the subsea should be explored. This work can contribute to that by allowing one to make an efficient monitoring of the subsea oil & gas fields. Our scientific achievements will be transported to the oil and gas industries through our current participation in the series of meetings organised by the National Subset Research Institute ( to create a common environment between academics and the oil & gas industry for the development of new technologi


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De Souza S (2017) Characterization in bi-parameter space of a non-ideal oscillator in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

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Depetri GI (2016) Tilted excitation implies odd periodic resonances. in Physical review. E

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Dos Santos V (2016) Unstable dimension variability structure in the parameter space of coupled Hénon maps in Applied Mathematics and Computation

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Lameu E (2016) Network and external perturbation induce burst synchronisation in cat cerebral cortex in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation

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Murilo S. Baptista (2012) Mutual Information Rate and Bounds for It

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Murilo S. Baptista (2012) Mutual Information Rate and Bounds for It

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Nardelli P (2014) Models for the modern power grid in The European Physical Journal Special Topics

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Pereira FA (2014) Sound synchronization of bubble trains in a viscous fluid: experiment and modeling. in Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics

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Ren H (2017) Tumour chemotherapy strategy based on impulse control theory in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences

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Ren H (2016) Cascade failure analysis of power grid using new load distribution law and node removal rule in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

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Ren H (2017) A chaotic spread spectrum system for underwater acoustic communication in Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications

Description This project had as its main goal the determination of the pathways for the information flow in complex networks and systems, in order to characterize, model, and predict their behavior. To achieve these goals, I have set 3 hypotheses, and 12 Tasks. Some of the challenges in each of the Tasks were fully accomplished, others were expanded to incorporate more general situations or adapted to reduce the complexity of the calculations involved (Hypothesis 1), other new Tasks were planed and executed by the developments of the project, and only 1 Task was postponed for further research proposals (Task 1.5). A fundamental part of this project was to test and apply to the analysis of complex systems obtained equations to estimate the rate of information exchanged between time-series in complex networks, the quantity MIR, and its upper bound (Task 1.2, 1.3, 2.2, 2.3). The initial step involved showing how to estimate MIR from time-series that were finite, with lower resolution, in the presence of noise, in systems possessing nodes with highly different time-scales, and when a Markov partition - from which probabilities are calculated - is unknown. This was resolved in , we have characterized and constructed Markov memoryless models of the DNA symbolic sequences. These models provided us with functional networks of the DNA, where nodes represent a group of similar symbolic words and links represent the rate of information shared between any two groups of words. This model was applied, among other things, to discover the functionality of genes in one organism based on genes of other organisms. In the work , we showed that causal measures that determine how the past of a variable influences the present and future of another variable (Task 1.4), usually calculated over very higher dimensional spaces, can be estimated from lower-dimensional spaces composed by 2 time-series measurements, a fact that contributes to simplify tremendously the computational efforts today required to measure causality. This showed us that Hypothesis 1 was not necessary to resolve the proposed Tasks in this project. Another relevant challenge of this project was to determine which kind of topology favors exchange of information and synchronization in complex networks, and how this is connected to the physical or biological properties of the system being studied (Tasks 1.3, 2.4-2.7). Assisted by the equation that estimate the upper bound of MIR, we were able to shown that for brain networks to maintain a higher level of information transmission, the network must have clusters with small-world topologies being sparsely inter-connected. For the DNA, assisted by the equation for the MIR, we showed that the words abundantly present in genes coding for structural RNAs were responsible for most of the information contained in it. This research topic was analytically studied in the work , where we have shown how the amount of information produced and exchanged between two or more inter coupled complex networks is related to the network topology and its synchronous behaviors. Other areas we have engaged during this research period were in the modeling of cancer treatments, oral tolerance metabolism, social networks, and the stability and control of the smart grid, and observability, and network flow.
Exploitation Route One of my plans to produce impact in this project was to make computer codes available for free download. The computer codes to simulate complex neural networks in a parallel environment were published online at rchall.html?searchall=baptista The codes constructed to model and predict the behavior of DNA sequences and to understand the relationship between energy and information in Hamiltonian systems. (Task 1.1 and Task 2.2) we also uploaded. Other codes developed during the project will be uploaded in the following weeks/months. We have collaborated with Brazilian researchers to understand the action of chemotherapy in cancer treatment, on how to enhance oral tolerance metabolism (when the body reacts against a poisonous product), and on social networks of literature. We hope these works can one day help in developing better cancer and metabolism treatments, and on the understanding on the real historical facts based on the literature. Finally, our works on power grid, stability and control might also contribute to a better energy future. Our recent developed work has great potential to help others and the society. For example, our work on network flow allows one to trace power flow in a power-grid, thus determining how much energy arrives in a consumer from a particular generator, or distributor node, an information necessary for the creation of the smart grid. Our recent work on observability allows one to know which is the minimal set of nodes observations need to be taken in order to fully reconstruct the states of a complex nonlinear network. This knowledge, which was so far not possible to be obtained for larger network is necessary for modelling a system, and in terms of practical societal applications, necessary to know which nodes in a power-grid need to be observed in order to know how to control the fluctuations of the grid. This information is vital to the creation of a reliable system to deliver energy.
Sectors Communities and Social Services/Policy

Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)






Description We have recently published a PCT patent "Wireless Communication and Transmission Encoding Method" regarding our proposed wireless communication system. Currently, we are searching a company to help us licensing the patent. To that goal, we have applied to a research grant from NERC to a technology proof of concept call to do laboratory tests of our communication system. These tests will make out technology more attractive to companies. NERC has not support our submission, however tests and the extensions of our initial idea are now being conducted together with our Chinese partner Dr Hai-Peng Ren. We have applied for a patent based on our PCT patent application in the UK (United Kingdom Patent Application No. 1620295.4 ), and are now waiting for a response from the patent officer. We expect that our computer codes available for free download under the creative common license will impact on our group international recognition. I have recently (26/02/2018-02/03/2018) delivered courses for an international School : School on Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Complex Networks in the Big Data Era ( e-series-analysis-and-complex-networks-in-the-big- data-era/). Several of the outputs produced from this EPSRC grant were delivered to the students and young researchers, coming mainly from around South American, and there were computer Labs, were the students have learned to calculate causal measures defined in a work to be published this year, and based on the PhD student Ezequiel Bianco-Martinez "Space-time nature of causality". This paper is submitted to the journal Chaos and is under review. Participants were also shared all the computer codes that have been produced from this grant and that can be downloaded form the PURE repository of our University. During this School, we have discussed applications of our work on causality on several impacting areas such as in Health (sport) and Environment. Finally, we have applied for a Newton Fund, together with the Federal University of Sao Paulo (Brazil) and with socio-ecologists to study and model dam socio-economic ecosystem's in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Our contribution will be mainly based on the work conducted during this grant, and related to causality analysis. Other areas we have engaged during this research period were in the modeling of cancer treatments, oral tolerance metabolism, social networks, and the stability and control of the smart grid, and observability, and network flow. These works have great capability to produce non-academic impact, and we might have more to comment on those in the next year report. For example, our work on network flow allows one to trace power flow in a power-grid, thus determining how much energy arrives in a consumer from a particular generator, r distributor node, an information necessary for the creation of the smart grid. Our recent work on observability allows one to know which is the minimal set of nodes observations need to be taken in order to fully reconstruct the states of a complex nonlinear network. This knowledge, which was so far not possible to be obtained for larger network is necessary for modelling a system, and in terms of practical societal applications, necessary to know which nodes in a power-grid need to be observed in order to know how to control the fluctuations of the grid. This information is vital to the creation of a reliable system to deliver energy.
First Year Of Impact 2015
Sector Communities and Social Services/Policy,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Education,Energy,Environment,Transport
Impact Types Societal


Description ESRC strategic network
Amount £99,989 (GBP)
Organisation Economic and Social Research Council 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 12/2015 
End 12/2016
Description Newton Fund, research mobility
Amount $5,140 (USD)
Organisation Newton Fund 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2016 
End 12/2016
Description Research Link Workshop
Amount £50,808 (GBP)
Organisation British Council 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2015 
End 03/2015
Description SUPA PhD workshop
Amount £1,685 (GBP)
Organisation The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA) 
Sector Academic/University
Country United Kingdom
Start 01/2014 
End 01/2014
Description Science Without Borders
Amount R$ 186,747 (BRL)
Organisation Government of Brazil 
Department Coordination of Higher Education Personnel Training (CAPES)
Sector Public
Country Brazil
Start 11/2013 
End 10/2016
Description Causality in finance data 
Organisation Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have done a causality analysis of the data
Collaborator Contribution She gave us small time-sampling data about the volume of financial transactions and return for stocks
Impact we are writing a paper about it
Start Year 2013
Description Chaos in experimental systems with applications in Engineer 
Organisation Universidade de São Paulo
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are working to, among other things, create networks of electronic circuits that have the property of reservoir computing, and I will be responsible to understand how information is transmitted and its limits as a function of the network characteristics, and finally processed. This subject is connected to this current EPSRC proposal. The in-kind money placed bellow referes to the value of 1 PhD sandwich to come to the UK next year 2015 to work with me in this topic, 1 year post-doc to work in Brazil, air tickets, and living expenses while I stay in Brazil.
Collaborator Contribution They are mounting the experiments.
Impact Felipe Augusto Cardoso Pereira Murilo da Silva Baptista, and Jose Carlos Sartorelli, "Sound synchronization of bubble trains in a viscous fluid: Experiment and modeling", PHYSICAL REVIEW E vol. 90, 042902 (2014).
Start Year 2013
Description Inference in complex networks 
Organisation Polytechnic University of Catalonia
Country Spain 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have shown analytically and numerically that one can infer a dynamic network with 100% of accuracy.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Masoller, from Polytechnic University of Catalunya, was since long working in inference in weather networks (with a grant supported by EU fp7) and had large experience in the topic.
Impact N. Rubido, A. Marti , E. Bianco-Martinez, C. Grebogi, M. S. Baptista, and C. Masoller, "Exact detection of direct links in networks of coupled maps", New Journal of Physics, vol. 16 093010 (2014). We are currently discussing writing a EU proposal in laser communication.
Start Year 2013
Description Mathematical models of cancer 
Organisation Ponta Grossa State University
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution This is my collaboration with the group of Dr Antonio Batista at the Ponta Grossa State University
Collaborator Contribution They dedicate his and his group time to work on projects related to this grant
Impact K. C. Iarosz, F. S. Borges, A. M. Batista, M. S. Baptista, R. A. N. Siqueira, R. L. Viana, S. R. Lopes, "Mathematical model of brain tumour with glia-neuron interactions and chemotherapy treatment";, Journal of Theoretical Biology {\bf 368}, 113 (2015).
Start Year 2013
Description Modeling and control of cancer, characterisation of nonlinear systems, and behaviour in neural networks 
Organisation Ponta Grossa State University
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have worked to test the mathematical and biological plausibility of the models and the stability of the control of cancer. We have worked to characterise the Collpitts oscillators, a nonlinear oscillator that can be used to communicate, and to understand how behaviour emerges in complex neural networks being perturbed by complex stimuli.
Collaborator Contribution They have initially proposed all the mathematical models of cancer dynamics, and neural networks, and have performed all the simulations in all works.
Impact R. C. Bonetti, S.L.T. de Souza, A. M. Batista, J. D. Szezech Jr., I. L. Caldas, R.L. Viana, S. R. Lopes, {\underline{M. S. Baptista}}, "Super persistent transient in a master-slave configuration with Colpitts oscillators", J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. vol. 47, 405101 (2014). F. S. Borges, K. C. Iarosz, H. P. Ren, A. M. Batista, {\underline{M. S. Baptista}}, R. L. Viana, S. R. Lopes, and C. Grebogi, "Model for tumour growth with treatment by continuous and pulsed chemotherapy", Biosystems, vol. 116, 43-48 (2014). We have just submitted 1 paper to publication and are working on 2 others.
Start Year 2012
Description Modelling the brain 
Organisation Ponta Grossa State University
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have been developing models of rain like neural networks
Collaborator Contribution Dedicated time and CPU time to work on this project
Impact F. S. Borges, E. L. Lameu, A. M. Batista, K. C. Iarosz, M. S. Baptista, R. L. Viana, "Complementary action of chemical and electrical synapses to perception", Physica A, 430, 236 (2015). E. L. Lameu, F. S. Borges, A. M. Batista, M. S. Baptista, R. L. Viana, "Network and external perturbation induce burst synchronisation in cat cerebral cortex", Commum. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simulat. 34, 45 (2016). Rafael R. Borges, Fernando S. Borges, Ewandson L. Lameu, Antonio Marcos Batista, Kelly C. Iarosz, Ibere L. Caldas, Chris G. Antonopoulos,Murilo S. Baptista, "Spike timing-dependent plasticity induces complexity in the brain",
Start Year 2013
Description Observability in Complex Networks 
Organisation University of Rouen
Country France 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have demonstrated how observability can be quantified by an exponent that can be easily estimated by symbolic means
Collaborator Contribution Christophe Letellier has contributed his long expertise to the topic of observability
Impact E. J. Bianco-Martinez, M. S. Baptista, C. Letellier, "Symbolic computations of non-linear observability", Physical Review E, vol. 91, 062912 (2015).
Start Year 2014
Description Topology of periodic windows in parameter spaces 
Organisation Universidade de São Paulo
Country Brazil 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution In this work, we are studying the changes one has of finding a parameter for a non-linear system that makes it to behave periodically. Msc Everton Medeiros is doing a PhD sanduiche with me from the Science Without Borders program.
Collaborator Contribution Dr Everton has done all the numerical simulations related to this work.
Impact E. Medeiros, I. L. Caldas, M. S. Baptista, "Parameter Uncertainties on the Predicability of Periodicity and Chaos", manuscript in preparation.
Start Year 2013
Description Wireless communication with chaos 
Organisation Xi'an University of Technology
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We are creating a chaos-based wireless communication system. We have recently (Feb. 2016) applied to t grant from NERC to technological proof of concept to mount a prototype model of the communication system.
Collaborator Contribution We are creating a chaos-based wireless communication system. The partner is now doing an experiment to test the idea.
Impact Hai-Peng Ren, M. S. Baptista, C. Grebogi, ``Finding Missed Symbols from Filtered Chaotic Signal'', International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol 22, 1250199 (2012). Hai-Peng Ren, M. S. Baptista, C. Grebogi, "Wireless communication with chaos", Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 184101 (2013). Hai-Peng Ren, Qing-Ju Kong, Chao Bai, M. S. Baptista, and Celso Grebogi, "A Chaotic Spread Spectrum System for Underwater Acoustic Communication", subm. for publication in Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. PATENT: H.-P. Ren, M. S. Baptista, C. Grebogi, "Wireless Communication and Transmission Encoding Method", UK Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), Application Number PCT/2015/051411, Based on United Kingdom Patent Application No. 1307830.8, 2015.
Start Year 2011
Description modelling, stability analysis, controlling power-grids 
Organisation University of Oulu
Country Finland 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scientific discoveries, approaches, and time.
Collaborator Contribution Scientific discoveries, approaches, and time.
Impact Hai-Peng Ren, Ji-Hong Song, Rong Yang, M. S. Baptista, Celso Grebogi , "Cascade failure analysis of power grid using new load distribution law and node removal rule", Physica A, vol. 442, 239 (2016). N. Rubido Obrer, C. Grebogi, M. S. Baptista, "General analytical solutions for DC/AC circuit network analysis", Arxiv:1405.1739 (2014). Also in Spring PhD thesis award (Springer, 2015). P. H. J. Nardelli, N. Rubido, Chengwei Cheng, Murilo S. Baptista, C. Pomalaza-Raez, P. Cardieri, and M. Latva-aho, "Network models for the structures of modern electric power grids", review article. Europhysics Journal Special Topic vol. 223, 2423-2427 (2014). C. Wang, C. Grebogi, M. S. Baptista, "Modelling, controlling, predicting blackouts", arXiv:1603.01509. We are now preparing a paper where we will show how to perfectly control the power grid.
Start Year 2014
Description modelling, stability analysis, controlling power-grids 
Organisation University of the Republic
Country Uruguay 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scientific discoveries, approaches, and time.
Collaborator Contribution Scientific discoveries, approaches, and time.
Impact Hai-Peng Ren, Ji-Hong Song, Rong Yang, M. S. Baptista, Celso Grebogi , "Cascade failure analysis of power grid using new load distribution law and node removal rule", Physica A, vol. 442, 239 (2016). N. Rubido Obrer, C. Grebogi, M. S. Baptista, "General analytical solutions for DC/AC circuit network analysis", Arxiv:1405.1739 (2014). Also in Spring PhD thesis award (Springer, 2015). P. H. J. Nardelli, N. Rubido, Chengwei Cheng, Murilo S. Baptista, C. Pomalaza-Raez, P. Cardieri, and M. Latva-aho, "Network models for the structures of modern electric power grids", review article. Europhysics Journal Special Topic vol. 223, 2423-2427 (2014). C. Wang, C. Grebogi, M. S. Baptista, "Modelling, controlling, predicting blackouts", arXiv:1603.01509. We are now preparing a paper where we will show how to perfectly control the power grid.
Start Year 2014
Description modelling, stability analysis, controlling power-grids 
Organisation Xi'an University of Technology
Country China 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Scientific discoveries, approaches, and time.
Collaborator Contribution Scientific discoveries, approaches, and time.
Impact Hai-Peng Ren, Ji-Hong Song, Rong Yang, M. S. Baptista, Celso Grebogi , "Cascade failure analysis of power grid using new load distribution law and node removal rule", Physica A, vol. 442, 239 (2016). N. Rubido Obrer, C. Grebogi, M. S. Baptista, "General analytical solutions for DC/AC circuit network analysis", Arxiv:1405.1739 (2014). Also in Spring PhD thesis award (Springer, 2015). P. H. J. Nardelli, N. Rubido, Chengwei Cheng, Murilo S. Baptista, C. Pomalaza-Raez, P. Cardieri, and M. Latva-aho, "Network models for the structures of modern electric power grids", review article. Europhysics Journal Special Topic vol. 223, 2423-2427 (2014). C. Wang, C. Grebogi, M. S. Baptista, "Modelling, controlling, predicting blackouts", arXiv:1603.01509. We are now preparing a paper where we will show how to perfectly control the power grid.
Start Year 2014
Description network of turbulent flows 
Organisation University of Thessaly
Department Physical Education and Sports Sciences Thessaly
Country Greece 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have analysed data from a turbulent flow to construct the network of non-local interactions
Collaborator Contribution Dr Theodoros Karakasidis has provided us with data and we are now discussing further collaboration.
Impact We are working on the data, still
Start Year 2013
Title Wireless Communication and Transmission Encoding Method 
Description This patent describes the technical details to create a wireless communication system based on chaos, whose theoretical idea was published in a paper partially supported by this EPSRC grant. Hai-Peng Ren, M. S. Baptista, C. Grebogi, "Wireless communication with chaos", Phys. Rev. Lett., 110, 184101 (2013). 
IP Reference GB1307830.8 
Protection Patent application published
Year Protection Granted
Licensed No
Impact We have applied for a patent in the UK (United Kingdom Patent Application No. 1620295.4) based on our PCT patent application (No. PCT/GB2015/051411), and are waiting for a deef-back.
Title Evolving neuron brain-like networks 
Description Codes and topologies used in the paper Antonopoulos CG, Srivastava S, Pinto SEdS, Baptista MS (2015) Do Brain Networks Evolve by Maximizing Their Information Flow Capacity? PLoS Comput Biol 11(8): e1004372. doi:10.1371/ journal.pcbi.1004372 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact so far 95 reads in research gate 
Title One node driving synchronisation 
Description Codes created for work in Wang, C. et al. One node driving synchronisation. Sci. Rep. 5, 18091; doi: 10.1038/srep18091 (2015). 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact the paper has had so far 58 reads in Research Gate 
Title Studying the relation between information and energy in Hamiltonian systems 
Description Codes created for the paper Antonopoulos CG, Bianco-Martinez E, Baptista MS (2014) Production and Transfer of Energy and Information in Hamiltonian Systems. PLoS ONE 9(2): e89585. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089585 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Impact 33 reads in research gate 
Title modelling the DNA 
Description All the software codes developed to model the DNA in the paper : Srivastava S, Baptista MS. 2016 Markovian language model of the DNA and its information content. R. Soc. open sci. 3: 150527. 
Type Of Technology Software 
Year Produced 2015 
Open Source License? Yes  
Impact so far there was 1 download of the codes and 38 reads in Research Gate 
Description Collective Almost Synchronization 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I gave a talk at the Institute of Theoretical Physics in Sao Paulo, State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP)

Dr Hilda Cerdeira, who invited me to give this talk became very intersted in our work
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012
Description Collective Almost Synchronization 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Postgraduate students
Results and Impact I gave a plenary talk at the Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, about our work on collective behaviour in complex networks

Students were interested to learn that collective behaviour can appear for arbitrary small levels of coupling strength in a complex network
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012
Description EPSRC Future Systems in ICT 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact The principal objectives of the workshop were to increase awareness and understanding of the Photonics for Future Systems priority beyond the photonics community, particularly amongst early career researchers, to bring together researchers from across the ICT community, and to discuss the future challenges and opportunities in this area.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2015
Description Marine and Subsea Sensing for Defence and Security Applications 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact The event has provided me more information on DARPA and MarCE, including recent and future sensor related projects. The aim of the day is to identify possibilities for future research partnerships.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description SU2P ICT Workshop 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact This workshop has discussed two communication technologies: "Visible Light" - Li-Fi; and "Wireless" - Wi-Fi, Cellular Mobile etc, and the opportunities and barriers to how they might be implemented in our future 5G communications landscape. I have met leading experts in both fields to present the state-of-the-art and discussed these two technologies that will frame all our communications needs into the future.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description advanced openmp parallel computing in Fortran and C, Edinburgh 2013, Antonopoulos 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Other academic audiences (collaborators, peers etc.)
Results and Impact Dr Chris Antonopoulos attended a one day course on advanced openmp parallel computing in Fortran and C. At the end of the course, he attended a 2 hours laboratory course on the application of taught material.

Important for our research on neural networks.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013