Materials World Network: Spin entanglement using transient electrons in C and Si-based materials

Lead Research Organisation: UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD
Department Name: Materials


Entanglement is one of the most profound concepts to emerge from quantum mechanics, and a phenomenon whose implementation in real materials requires exceptional control over state preparation, coherence, coupling and measurement. The collaborators have already begun to address these individual challenges using the complementary advantages of both electron and nuclear spin degrees of freedom in a diverse range of materials, with notable successes including the coherent storage of the electron spin state in the nuclear spin to achieve coherence times of several seconds, and the true entanglement of an electron and nuclear spin with high fidelity. In this proposal, we will bring together these individual components, exploiting the transient nature of the electron spin in systems such as optically-excited molecules and silicon-based devices, in order to mediate entanglement between multiple nuclear spins. In addition to providing a key component of emerging quantum technologies within the solid state, this will lead to a new understanding of the mechanisms and correlations behind decoherence of electron and nuclear spins states, under different environments and processes.The key idea in this proposal is to use the transient electron spins in certain materials and devices, not only to understand and overcome spin decoherence mechanisms, but also to mediate the entanglement of multiple nuclear spins. Through experiment, density functional theory and modeling of open quantum systems, we will address long-standing questions behind spin decoherence in various condensed matter systems as well as new emerging questions such as the evolution and destruction of entangled states. We will address further technologically relevant questions such as the effect of interfaces on spin coherence in semiconductor devices, as well as the effect of removal or addition of an electron spin (by optical, or electrical means) on the coherent state of coupled nuclear spins. Six graduate students and postdocs will participate in a stimulating international collaboration between Oxford, Heriot-Watt and Princeton, supported by the fluid exchange of young researchers between the participating institutions, as well as interactions with their collaborators around the world. The project partners will continue to host undergraduate students in their laboratory on summer projects connecting with this research proposal. The Oxford and Heriot-Watt teams will continue to participate in enhancing the public understanding of science by, for example, presenting work at the Royal Society Summer Exhibit and hosting local high-school students in their laboratories. The Oxford investigators have experience producing a series of award-winning video podcasts and the collaboration will build on this experience to produce a joint series of podcasts, aimed a general audience, describing the basic science behind this proposal and the exciting applications which it promises.The grant will support and strengthen an existing and highly successful collaboration between researchers at Princeton, Oxford and Heriot-Watt. The groups have a strong track record performing the experiments and developing the techniques which motivate and enable the research proposed here. Together, the investigators bring together a range of expertise, including magnetic resonance (ESR, ENDOR), quantum information theory, density functional theory, semiconductor physics and organic chemistry. The collaborative nature of this proposed activity allows the focus to be on fundamental physical questions spanning a diverse range of physical quantum spin systems, increasing the impact of the experiments and range of beneficiaries in the scientific community. Finally, the complementary instrumentation across the three institutions provides the necessary set of experimental tools required for this challenging experimental program.

Planned Impact

The research proposed here addresses important questions of fundamental science as well as seeking to establish key components of emerging technology based on the quantum dynamics of spins in condensed matter. Early technological applications include entanglement-enhanced magnetic field sensors for small changes in magnetic fields, and the establishment of single-photon quantum memories operating in the microwave regime. With sufficient refinement, the technologies we establish could be developed towards applications in quantum information processing. Quantum information processing is already profoundly affecting the fields of computing and physics, possessing a novelty and a richness that suggests the likelihood of great unanticipated impact. Such promise has lead to significant funding around the world (e.g. major 5-years grants have recently been awarded to the value of 63M in Singapore, 30M in Canada, at institutions with which we are collaborating) and was highlighted in a US Federal Vision published earlier this year. Two substantial Centres of Excellence in quantum control and quantum computation were established in the last year in Australia. The recent concept of a hybrid quantum device, a recurrent theme throughout this proposal, promises revolutionary advantages by allowing fast operation speeds (using electron spins) while having the ability to store quantum information for long times (using nuclear spins). We have found that the engaging 'weirdness' of quantum mechanics, and the technologies which it promises, have the potential to excite the wider public. The P.I. won the Cavendish Medal at (Science Engineering & Technology) SET for BRITAIN 2009 in the House of Commons, where he described his research to MPs. We have also exhibited our work at the Royal Society 2008 Summer Science Exhibition, and contributed to an award-winning series of podcasts on Quantum Nanotechnology on iTunes U. A popular article written by Dr Lovett is in the top 3% of downloads from the Institute of Physics website this year. Finally, the lab of Dr Morton is being featured in a documentary for National Geographic, being filmed in November 2010. We thus have considerable experience in the public engagement in science, and we shall look for new opportunities to share the excitement of the field of this project. Throughout the program we shall seek to educate policymakers in government, commerce, and industry, about the prospects for quantum technologies, and to using quantum nanoscience to help revive interest in the physical sciences in schools. Support of this program will also have a significant positive impact on the academic careers of the UK investigators, each of whom are at early stages in their careers, and significantly broaden the horizons of the UK post-doctoral researchers and students who will be able to experience a US research environment and establish their own international links.


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Wolfowicz G (2015) Coherent storage of microwave excitations in rare-earth nuclear spins. in Physical review letters

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Bienfait A (2017) Magnetic Resonance with Squeezed Microwaves in Physical Review X

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George RE (2013) Opening up three quantum boxes causes classically undetectable wavefunction collapse. in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America

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Lang V (2011) Electrically detected magnetic resonance in a W-band microwave cavity in Review of Scientific Instruments

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Atatüre M (2014) Quantum information. A gem of a quantum teleporter. in Science (New York, N.Y.)

Related Projects

Project Reference Relationship Related To Start End Award Value
EP/I035536/1 31/08/2011 28/09/2012 £643,635
EP/I035536/2 Transfer EP/I035536/1 29/09/2012 28/08/2016 £498,441
Description This award corresponds to a first phase of EP/I035536/2, which ends in August 2016.

The vast majority of our key *Objectives* of the grant were met. With reference to our original stated objectives:

1. "To perform spin manipulation and measurement using coupled electron-nuclear spins" was performed both using optically-excited triplet states in custom-designed molecular systems [Filidou et al. Nature Physics 2012] and using donors in silicon [Lo et al. Nature Materials 2015]. Through this objective we have established the strong advantages of using coupled electron and nuclear spins in quantum information processing, including the ability to initialize the nuclear spin by the electron spin, manipulate it on a timescale faster than what could otherwise be achieved, and measure its state, down to the level of a single atom.

2. "To optimise materials and devices for coupling nuclear spins to transient electron spins". This has been achieved using organic molecules which have been specifically designed in collaboration with organic chemists to achieve particular recombination rates, hyperfine couplings etc. Our initial work focused on optically excited triplet states of fullerene molecules [Filidou et al. Nature Physics 2012], and subsequent work explored charge-separated states in 'triad' systems [Kelber et al., Chemical Science 2015]. In parallel, we have developed silicon devices for the controllable ionization of dopants in silicon [Lo et al., Appl Phys Lett 2014], though it should be noted that alternative methods for ionization of dopants using optical methods [Saeedi et al., Science 2013] or nano-electronic devices [Pla et al. Nature 2013] were also developed through other projects.

3. "To understand the relationship between electron and nuclear spin relaxation in the bulk and at interfaces" is the subject of on-going investigation in the final stages of this project. Although we have learnt a great deal about electron and nuclear spin relaxation, with the following joint publications between the UK and US teams: [Tyryshkin et al. Nature Materials 2012; Wolfowicz et al. Phys Rev B 2012; Wolfowicz et al. Nature Nanotechnology 2013; Lo Nardo et al. Phys Rev B 2015; Petersen et al. Phys Rev B 2016], there is still more to explore.

4. "To understand and optimise the effect of electron spin removal/addition on the coherent nuclear spin state using optical excitation and electrical ionization" this has been achieved by this collaboration using a customized device [Lo et al., Appl Phys Lett 2014], as well as by the PI through other collaborations with Canada [Saeedi et al., Science 2013] and Australia [Pla et al. Nature 2013].

5. " To entangle two nuclear spins using a transient electron". This was achieved using an optically-excited triplet states in a molecular system [Filidou et al. Nature Physics 2012]. Our justification for using molecular systems in this project has been as playground for demonstrating spin physics which could then be taken up using other more scalable systems. This is nicely illustrated in the case of diamond NV centres where the entangling mechanism we first demonstrated using molecular systems has now been applied by other groups [Waldherr et al. Nature 2014]. This was not achieved in silicon due to challenges in nano-device fabrication.

6. "Study decoherence of the entangled state in both cases and relate to the underlying single-spin relaxation process." We have studied decoherence and the role of entanglement with spin baths [Ma et al. Nature Communications 2014 and Phys Rev B 2015]. However, we were not able to study decoherence of spins which we had controllably entangled.

Finally, an overarching aim of this grant was to foster collaboration between groups in the UK and USA - this has been fully realised, with many bilateral exchanges between the UK groups and the Princeton group and a particular emphasis on early career researchers such as PhD students and post-docs. We have also organised joint workshops every year in (Oxford, Princeton, Edinburgh, London and St. Andrews) with participants from both side of the Atlantic to discuss our latest results.

(Note: This is the same summary as for EP/I035536/2 as this is the same award which was moved from Oxford to UCL when I changed my appointment)
Exploitation Route The results of this award have been very actively presented in publications (including many high-impact journals aimed a broad readerships) as well as invited talks. They will continue to impact the academic community through informing methods for using coupled electron and nuclear spins to achieve quantum information storage and fault-tolerant quantum computing architectures.

Our findings have been used by major research programmes around the world (e.g., UNSW, Australia; Sandia National Labs) in their silicon-based spin qubit research. They have also led to the development of two patented architectures for silicon-based quantum computers using the fault-tolerant 'surface-code' approach, which will be the topic of further experimental development.

Our results also highlight to policymakers and industry the opportunities of using silicon, the industrial standard material for conventional electronics, for the emerging quantum technologies. This has profound importance for the compatibility and integration of quantum and classical technologies. Our results informs choices about what materials infrastructure to invest in to accelerate the development of quantum technologies, so that companies and/or countries can look to maintain or achieve a leading position in developing such technologies.
Sectors Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software)


Description This award has enabled a substantial strengthening of our collaboration with the group of Steve Lyon at Princeton University, leading to a rich exchange of expertise, ideas and personnel, based around the topic of electron and nuclear spin qubits in organic materials and silicon. The work has been very influential and led to 12 joint publications between our groups, including 5 in Nature / Nature group journals. Overall, our joint work has helped to establish the use of spins in silicon as key building blocks for solid-state quantum processors, which has helped to motivate major national and continental initiatives towards developing practical quantum technologies, as well as stimulate private investment in this specific area. (Note: This is the same summary as for EP/I035536/2 as this is the same award which was moved from Oxford to UCL when I changed my appointment)
Sector Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Electronics
Impact Types Economic

Description CDT (Delivering Quantum Technologies)
Amount £5,410,603 (GBP)
Funding ID EP/L015242/1 
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2014 
End 09/2022
Description ERC Starter Grant
Amount € 1,875,550 (EUR)
Funding ID ASCENT 
Organisation European Research Council (ERC) 
Sector Public
Country Belgium
Start 12/2011 
End 11/2016
Description Marie Curie Fellowship (Eva Dupont-Ferrier)
Amount € 180,000 (EUR)
Organisation European Commission 
Department Horizon 2020
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 03/2016 
End 02/2018
Description Marie Curie Fellowship (Jarryd Pla)
Amount € 144,044 (EUR)
Funding ID QURAM 
Organisation European Commission 
Department Seventh Framework Programme (FP7)
Sector Public
Country European Union (EU)
Start 03/2014 
End 02/2016
Description QT Skills Hub
Amount £3,597,372 (GBP)
Organisation Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) 
Sector Public
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2016 
End 03/2021
Description Royal Society Research Grant
Amount £50,000 (GBP)
Funding ID RG090440 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 03/2010 
End 03/2012
Description Royal Society URF
Amount £496,000 (GBP)
Funding ID UF0763418 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2008 
End 09/2013
Description Royal Society URF (extension)
Amount £442,388 (GBP)
Funding ID UF120062 
Organisation The Royal Society 
Sector Charity/Non Profit
Country United Kingdom
Start 09/2013 
End 09/2016
Description Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory 
Organisation Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution We have brought our expertise in the coherent control of spins, including spins in silicon, and in the optical measurement of spins using donor-bound exciton transitions
Collaborator Contribution Hitachi Cambridge Lab are co-funding a PhD student working on silicon quantum devices, and have provided access to millikelvin measurement facilities to researchers in my group, as well as training in the development of RF-reflectometry readout of devices.
Impact Charge dynamics and spin blockade in a hybrid double quantum dot in silicon M Urdampilleta, A Chatterjee, CC Lo, T Kobayashi, J Mansir, S Barraud, AC Betz, S Rogge, MF Gonzalez-Zalba, JJL Morton Phys Rev X 5 031024 (2015) Hybrid optical-electrical detection of donor electron spins with bound excitons in Si CC Lo, M Urdampilleta, P Ross, MF Gonzalez-Zalba, J Mansir, SA Lyon, MLW Thewalt, JJL Morton Nature Materials 14 490 (2015)
Start Year 2015
Description Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory / Fernando Gonzalez-Zalba 
Organisation Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Bringing expertise in silicon spin qubits and quantum information; Measurement infrastructure at UCL for measuring silicon quantum devices and spin qubits and mK temperatures
Collaborator Contribution Co-funding 2 PhD students; Co-supervising both students; Presenting talks to my research group and UCLQ more widely giving industrial perspective; hosting students in Hitachi Cambridge Lab for extended research visits (6-10 weeks) with access to milliKelvin measurement facilities
Impact EU funding proposals: 1) MOS-QUITO project (€3M, awarded April 2016); 2) QT Flagship proposal (€10M, under review)
Start Year 2015
Description IMEC 
Organisation Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Centre
Country Belgium 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution We have brought our expertise in the design and measurement of silicon quantum devices
Collaborator Contribution IMEC are providing cutting-edge CMOS devices with high-yield, high-purity and small feature sizes. The aim is to jointly develop CMOS-based quantum devices for implementing spin qubits in silicon.
Impact EU funding proposals: QT Flagship proposal (€10M, under review)
Start Year 2016
Description Mike Thewalt, Simon Fraser Unversity 
Organisation Simon Fraser University
Country Canada 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Expertise in pulsed magnetic resonance, quantum information, spin decoherence and dynamical decoupling
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in optical spectroscopy of donors, including donor bound excitons, and access to highly enriched 28-silicon material
Impact 15 joint publications since 2010, including two in Science, one in Nature, four in Nature-family journals and two in Phys Rev Lett.
Start Year 2010
Description NPL 
Organisation NPL Ltd
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Private 
PI Contribution Bringing expertise in silicon spin qubits and quantum information; Measurement infrastructure at UCL for measuring silicon quantum devices and spin qubits and mK temperatures
Collaborator Contribution Co-funding a PhD student; Co-supervising student; Presenting talks to UCLQ more widely giving industrial perspective; hosting student at NPL Lab for extended research visits (6-10 weeks) with access to milliKelvin measurement facilities
Impact N/A
Start Year 2017
Description NPL 
Organisation National Physical Laboratory
Department Time, Quantum and Electromagnetics Division
Country United Kingdom 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution We have brought our expertise in highly coherent spins in silicon and rare-earth spins in YSO, including spin coherence times and decoherence mechanisms, as well as expertise in NbN resonator fabrication.
Collaborator Contribution The NPL team have cutting-edge facilities for the measurement of superconducting resonators at mK temperatures, as well as expertise in the design of such structures and coupling them to implanted spins. They are co-funding a PhD student in my group and providing access to specialised measurement infrastructure.
Impact N/A
Start Year 2016
Description Philippe Goldner 
Organisation National School of Chemistry of Rennes
Department Chemistry Research Institute Paris
Country France 
Sector Charity/Non Profit 
PI Contribution We have brought expertise in pulsed electron spin resonance, coherent state transfer between electron and nuclear spins, and decoherence mechanisms
Collaborator Contribution They made unique samples of isotopically-engineered rare earth dopants in YSO, and participated in the measurements in our laboratory
Impact Coherent storage of microwave excitations in rare-earth nuclear spins G Wolfowicz, H Maier-Flaig, R Marino, A Ferrier, H Vezin, JJL Morton, P Goldner Phys Rev Lett 114 170503 (2015)
Start Year 2012
Description Ren Bau Liu (Hong Kong) 
Organisation Chinese University of Hong Kong
Country Hong Kong 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Expertise in experimental measurements of spin decoherence of donors in silicon
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in the theory of open quantum systems, and coupling to spin baths
Impact Uncovering many-body correlations in nanoscale nuclear spin baths by central spin decoherence, W-L Ma, G Wolfowicz, N Zhao, S-S Li, JJL Morton, R-B Liu Nature Communications 5 4822 (2014) Classical nature of nuclear spin noise near clock transitions of Bi donors in Si W-L Ma, G Wolfowicz, S-S Li, J J L Morton, R-B Liu Phys Rev B 92 161403(R) (2015)
Start Year 2013
Description Steve Lyon, Princeton 
Organisation Princeton University
Country United States 
Sector Academic/University 
PI Contribution Expertise in carbon nano-materials, quantum information and coherent information transfer between spins
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in electron spins resonance and donors in silicon
Impact 25 joint publications since 2005
Start Year 2006
Description Thomas Schenkel, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 
Organisation Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Country United States 
Sector Public 
PI Contribution Expertise in pulsed electron spin resonance, in particular of donors in silicon
Collaborator Contribution Expertise in ion implantation, in particular bismuth donors
Impact 8 joint publications since 2008, including 2 in Nature, 2 in Nature family and 1 in Physical Review Letters: Solid state quantum memory using the 31P nuclear spin JJL Morton, AM Tyryshkin, RM Brown, S Shankar, BW Lovett, A Ardavan, T Schenkel, EE Haller, JW Ager and SA Lyon, Nature 455 1085 (2008) Electrically detected magnetic resonance in a W-band microwave cavity V Lang, CC Lo, RE George, SA Lyon, J Bokor, T Schenkel, A Ardavan and JJL Morton Rev Sci Instrum 82 034704 (2011) Electrically detected magnetic resonance of neutral donors interacting with a two-dimensional electron gas CC Lo, V Lang, RE George, JJL Morton, AM Tyryshkin, SA Lyon, J Bokor, T Schenkel Phys Rev Lett 106 207601 (2011) Electron spin coherence exceeding seconds in high purity silicon AM Tyryshkin, S Tojo, JJL Morton, H Riemann, NV Abrosimov, P Becker, H-J Pohl, T Schenkel, MLW Thewalt, KM Itoh, SA Lyon Nature Materials 11 143 (2012) Electrical activation and ESR measurements of implanted bismuth in isotopically enriched silicon-28 CD Weis, CC Lo, V Lang, AM Tyryshkin, RE George, KM Yu, J Bokor, SA Lyon, JJL Morton, T Schenkel Appl Phys Lett 100 172104 (2012) Stark shift and field ionization of arsenic donors in 28Si-SOI structures CC Lo, S Simmons, R Lo Nardo, CD Weis, AM Tyryshkin, SA Lyon, J Bokor, T Schenkel, JJL Morton App Phys Lett 104 193502 (2014) Reaching the quantum limit of sensitivity in electron spin resonance A Bienfait, JJ Pla, Y Kubo, M Stern, X Zhou, CC Lo, CD Weis, T Schenkel, MLW Thewalt, D Vion, D Esteve, B Julsgaard, K Moelmer, JJL Morton and P Bertet Nature Nanotechnology (2016) Controlling spin relaxation with a cavity A Bienfait, JJ Pla, Y Kubo, X Zhou, M Stern, CC Lo, CD Weis, T Schenkel, D Vion, D Esteve, JJL Morton and P Bertet Nature (2016)
Start Year 2008
Description A device for the storage and/or processing of quantum information comprises: a body (6), formed from a material having negligible net nuclear or electronic magnetic field; a set of data entities (4) embedded in said body, each having a plurality of magnetic field states; a set of probes (2), offset from the body, arranged to acquire internal phase shifts due to the magnetic fields of said data entities; wherein the probes (2) are each arranged to move relative to a plurality of data entities (4) in order that each probe (2) acquires an internal phase shift from the plurality of data entities (4); and means for reading each probe (2), thereby establishing a parity of the plurality of data entities (4). 
IP Reference WO2015124950 
Protection Patent granted
Year Protection Granted 2015
Licensed Yes
Impact N/A
Company Name Quantum Motion 
Description Quantum Motion develops and commercialises silicon-based quantum computers. 
Year Established 2017 
Impact In progress
Company Name Q & I Limited 
Year Established 2015 
Impact N/A
Description BBC World Service 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interview on quantum mechanical effects in a likely mechanisms for how birds 'see' magnetic fields.

BBC have been in touch for further information on how this field has developed as it is an area which attracted considerable interest from the public.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013
Description IEEE Spectrum Article 
Form Of Engagement Activity A magazine, newsletter or online publication
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Professional Practitioners
Results and Impact Overview article on silicon-based quantum computing aimed at wide electronics engineering community. IEEE Spectrum has a circulation of over 380,000 engineers worldwide.

After this was published, companies such as BT made contact to explore potential collaborations
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2014
Description Inv Talk - 2016 - CWTEC 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Industry/Business
Results and Impact Invited presentation entitled "What is a universal quantum computer and how do I build one" delivered at the CW-TEC (Cambridge Wireless Technology) 2016 event. This event is addressed primarily at industry and academia in the sectors of wireless communication, and led to discussions on the likely timescales of commercial quantum computers.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description NPR Interview 
Form Of Engagement Activity A press release, press conference or response to a media enquiry/interview
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Interview on National Public Radio (NPR), USA on "Spintronics: A New Way To Store Digital Data".

Active discussed thread on NPR website for this radio programme discussing future technologies
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010
Description Physics Teacher Training 2016 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Regional
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact 15 teachers of Physics at A/AS-level attended a talk I had prepared on how to present some of the latest developments in measurements of quantum dots and development of a new current standard in terms of A-level physics, providing ideas for how they can cover this recent work in their classrooms.
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2016
Description Quantum of Spin 
Form Of Engagement Activity Participation in an activity, workshop or similar
Part Of Official Scheme? Yes
Geographic Reach National
Primary Audience Public/other audiences
Results and Impact Quantum of Spin was an exhibit on our research on using spins for quantum technologies, reaching over 10,000 members of the public. The hand's on exhibits including a real MRI system for which they were able to make and image "phantoms", resonant experiments and illustrations of superposition and entanglement.

HRH The Duke of York developed an interested in quantum technologies following a discussion at this exhibit, which led to two meetings at Buckingham Palace on Quantum Technologies
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2012
Description School visit (Osaka high school) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach International
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Talk to Japanese high-school students on introduction to quantum computing

It was clear this was a very different style of teaching than the students were used to, but they seemed to enjoy the challenging ideas
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2010
Description School visit (St Pauls Girls School) 
Form Of Engagement Activity A talk or presentation
Part Of Official Scheme? No
Geographic Reach Local
Primary Audience Schools
Results and Impact Talk on weirdness of quantum mechanics and applications in technologies

Students requested internships in my lab
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity 2013