Seeing how polymer chains organise with torsional tapping atomic force microscopy
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Sheffield
Department Name: Physics and Astronomy
Our understanding of semicrystalline polymers, the class of polymers that by far and away dominates usage in modern society, is surprisingly poor. At a molecular scale we rely on cartoons and inference, unable to reach the certainty obtained in other areas of material science by direct, atomic or molecular scale imaging, and by diffraction from macroscopic crystals. Yet in polymers the structure at this level is arguably more important as it determines the properties from mechanical behaviour to the oxygen barrier performance through the adhesive behaviour to the aesthetic appeal. Recently we developed a new form of atomic force microscopy, torsional tapping AFM (TTAFM) capable of robustly and routinely obtaining images with true molecular resolution on the most frequently used polymers (polyolefins, that include polyethylene and polypropylene) in essentially any sample. This step change in performance is based on the improved dynamics and signal-to-noise performance that comes from the cantilever geometry and drive mechanism. Perfecting the cantilever design is predicted to lead to even greater performance, and to allow the technique to be used in a wide range of instruments. At the same time as developing the technology we will use it to answer a string of questions that underpin our understanding of polymer crystals, questions that will lead to both greatly enhanced fundamental understanding and real application from the development of new materials and applications to problem solving during processing. We aim to directly reveal how crystallization temperature, variations in chain chemistry, chain branching, re-enforcing fibres and particles, control the organisation of polymer chains within the crystal and at the interface between the crystal and the non-crystalline material. While doing this we will perfect the sample preparation methods for molecular scale imaging, and enhance the cantilever design to improve performance, allowing the technique to be widely adopted both in polymer science and across molecular nanoscience.
Planned Impact
Semicrystalline polymers are ubiquitous in modern life. Further property enhancements will be built upon new knowledge and understanding. The proposed project will develop a revolutionary new technique to provide insight at the fundamental level of the individual chain. The new knowledge this will provide will impact on polymer manufacturers and users (e.g. in the packaging market) through their ability to develop new applications and enhanced properties. By directly providing information at the chain level a deep understanding of fundamental questions that underpin properties and applications will be obtained, ultimately leading to enhanced product development. This will clearly benefit industry, but also have potential societal benefits as new material/application development is increasingly driven by the societal need for sustainability and reduced environmental impact.
The technique itself will be developed with the aim of being widely adopted. By optimising cantilevers etc it should be possible to push down on the specification of the base AFM necessary to obtain molecular resolution, maximising the potential for uptake of the technique. It will take time for the technology to be adopted and will require input from microscopy companies. Here the AFM companies will benefit considerably. Direct imaging at the molecular scale allows microscopy to solve problems usually addressed by scattering and spectroscopy, so growing the market for the technique and opening up whole new areas for application. Once the technique is widely used we expect it to have a real impact on improved research, development and problem solving in an industrial context. The technique itself will also have application beyond semicrystalline polymer science, with the potential to have a substantial impact across molecular nanoscience. If similar resolution can be widely obtained on soft condensed matter systems then there will be up-take in other industrial sectors such as pharma, personal care, etc. Across materials science models are based on 'understanding' at the molecular scale, and used to develop and perfect applications. Enabling microscopy to provide this information in a relatively routine manner even on soft systems could have a transformative effect on future developments.
The technique itself will be developed with the aim of being widely adopted. By optimising cantilevers etc it should be possible to push down on the specification of the base AFM necessary to obtain molecular resolution, maximising the potential for uptake of the technique. It will take time for the technology to be adopted and will require input from microscopy companies. Here the AFM companies will benefit considerably. Direct imaging at the molecular scale allows microscopy to solve problems usually addressed by scattering and spectroscopy, so growing the market for the technique and opening up whole new areas for application. Once the technique is widely used we expect it to have a real impact on improved research, development and problem solving in an industrial context. The technique itself will also have application beyond semicrystalline polymer science, with the potential to have a substantial impact across molecular nanoscience. If similar resolution can be widely obtained on soft condensed matter systems then there will be up-take in other industrial sectors such as pharma, personal care, etc. Across materials science models are based on 'understanding' at the molecular scale, and used to develop and perfect applications. Enabling microscopy to provide this information in a relatively routine manner even on soft systems could have a transformative effect on future developments.
People |
Jamie Hobbs (Principal Investigator) |

Savage R
Molecular Conformation at the Crystal-Amorphous Interface in Polyethylene
in Macromolecules

Mullin N
A non-contact, thermal noise based method for the calibration of lateral deflection sensitivity in atomic force microscopy.
in The Review of scientific instruments
Description | We have shown the ability to image polymer chains within semi-crystalline polymers and used this to further our understanding of how polymers crystallize. In particular, we have been able to image the interface between crystal and amorphous material for the first time and fully characterise this at a molecular level. We have also shown that it is possible to get similar resolution with a standard AFM, which is likely to lead to new applications and impact in the future. New methods for directly imaging polymers during deformation and fracture were also developed, which are leading to a better understanding of the mechanical properties and relationship between structure and properties in plastics. |
Exploitation Route | The polymer deformation work is already being continued in industry by the PDRA employed on the grant. A number of microscope companies (Asylum Research and Oxford Instruments Company, and Bruker Nano) are currently trying to develop protocols for obtaining similar resolution on their instruments, with our input. I am now working with collaborators Sheffield and Oxford to explore using this and additional data to inform molecular models of polymer crystallization. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Chemicals Energy Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology |
Description | The approaches we developed for following polymer deformation in situ have started to be used by an industrial partner. Also the sample preparation we used was adopted by an instrument manufacturer (Asylum Research an Oxford Instruments Company), and they are now using these data in their marketing. The high resolution AFM data we obtained has been referenced in a number of reviews and is still the highest resolution data of its type on a polymer system, helping to steer to the interpretation of data from a number of different techniques including solid state NMR. |
First Year Of Impact | 2015 |
Sector | Chemicals,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology |
Impact Types | Economic |