Lead Research Organisation: City, University of London
Department Name: Sch of Engineering and Mathematical Sci


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Wang J. (2017) On differences of rogue waves modeled by three approaches in numerical wave tank in Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference

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Fourtakas G. (2017) On the coupling of Incompressible SPH with a Finite Element potential flow solver for nonlinear free surface flows in Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference

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Yang L (2018) One-fluid formulation for fluid-structure interaction with free surface in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering

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Yang H (2016) Turbulence modelling and role of compressibility on oil spilling from a damaged double hull tank in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids

Description 1) A hybrid method was formed by combining the fully nonlinear potential method QALE-FEM with meshless SPH method based on fully viscous formulation. The hybrid method is more efficient to deal with interaction between breaking waves and structures.

2) Develop novel approach for modelling interface to ensure the continuity of pressure and the true discontinuity of pressure gradient across the interface; and new efficient formulation for solving pressure equations, used for a meshless method.

3) Develop the formulas for estimating error of different wave models and for selecting the suitable wave model if the error is specified.
Exploitation Route The hybrid method developed in this way may be used by other engineers to efficiently simulating the wave-structure interaction for various marine engineering applications.

The novel approach for modelling interface and new efficient formulation for solving pressure equations may be employed by other researchers to develop better meshless methods.

The formulas for estimating error of different wave models and for selecting the suitable wave model may be useful for engineers to analyse nonlinear wave dynamic problems in a phase-resolved way.
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