Instrument to identify defects and impurities in wide band gap semiconductors via excited states
Lead Research Organisation:
The University of Manchester
Department Name: Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The researchers propose to develop a new instrument to measure the electrical properties of defects in wide band gap semiconductors. The most important wide gap materials at the present time are compounds made from metals from group III of the periodic table and nitrogen such as GaN and InGaN. These are referred to as III-N materials. They are used to make low energy lighting, LASERs and efficient RF and high power transistors. Today's generation of these devices does not function as well as would seem possible from the properties of the materials and at the present time functionality and performance is limited. LEDs and LASERs (other than blue) are less efficient at generating light than expected and in the case of the transistors several aspects of performance are less than desirable. This is due, at least in part, to the presence of defects in the component materials and devices. These defects are difficult to identify using existing techniques. They may be due to impurities or imperfections in the crystal lattice resulting from the crystal growth or introduced during the device manufacturing process.
The research group at Manchester have over thirty years of experience in solving defect problems in other materials such as GaAs and Si. Devices made from these materials have revolutionized society through mass produced electronics and communication technologies. The ability to measure, understand and control defects, particularly electrically active defects, has played a major role in this immense technological achievement and instruments devised, developed and licensed from Manchester have played a role in this. In the case of the III-N materials detecting defects and quantifying their properties is much more difficult and no technique exists at the moment which can look at all the band gap and quantify the recombination paths and trapping centres which degrade III-N devices.
The defining feature of the new instrument is that it uses sub-band gap light from tunable semiconductor LASERs to create excited states of the defects. Carriers are then thermally ionised to the semiconductor bands from the excited states. Because the optical excitation stimulates a bound to bound transition, a fine line spectrum can be obtained which is a fingerprint of the defect species and its location in the lattice. In the case of many defects being present, the emission rates will be separated using our existing Laplace DLTS processing. Recombination and trapping parameters can be obtained using the methodologies developed for variants of DLTS and LDLTS. One of our project partners (Santa Barbara University in California) will undertake theoretical studies aimed at associating the excited state spectra with chemical species and/or the structure of the defect with a view to generalized identification rather than using correlation with previously obtained spectra.
The instrument development is complementary to the EPSRC contracts currently in progress at many UK universities for the development of III-N materials and devices. In the initial phase of the instrument development, collaborations with consortia led by Cambridge and Glasgow for testing materials and power devices have been negotiated. This will be broadened to embrace other groups as the project progresses. Industrial interest in the project has resulted in strong support from five companies in the field of manufacture of III-N materials, LEDs, GaN power devices and instrumentation. Four of these are UK based. The potential benefits to society of a successful completion of this contract are enormous in facilitating greater improvements in domestic lighting and enabling new applications of the III-N materials to be developed for example in efficient short wavelength UV GaN LEDs. These could be used in cheap low maintenance drinking water sterilization, a pressing concern in the developing world.
The research group at Manchester have over thirty years of experience in solving defect problems in other materials such as GaAs and Si. Devices made from these materials have revolutionized society through mass produced electronics and communication technologies. The ability to measure, understand and control defects, particularly electrically active defects, has played a major role in this immense technological achievement and instruments devised, developed and licensed from Manchester have played a role in this. In the case of the III-N materials detecting defects and quantifying their properties is much more difficult and no technique exists at the moment which can look at all the band gap and quantify the recombination paths and trapping centres which degrade III-N devices.
The defining feature of the new instrument is that it uses sub-band gap light from tunable semiconductor LASERs to create excited states of the defects. Carriers are then thermally ionised to the semiconductor bands from the excited states. Because the optical excitation stimulates a bound to bound transition, a fine line spectrum can be obtained which is a fingerprint of the defect species and its location in the lattice. In the case of many defects being present, the emission rates will be separated using our existing Laplace DLTS processing. Recombination and trapping parameters can be obtained using the methodologies developed for variants of DLTS and LDLTS. One of our project partners (Santa Barbara University in California) will undertake theoretical studies aimed at associating the excited state spectra with chemical species and/or the structure of the defect with a view to generalized identification rather than using correlation with previously obtained spectra.
The instrument development is complementary to the EPSRC contracts currently in progress at many UK universities for the development of III-N materials and devices. In the initial phase of the instrument development, collaborations with consortia led by Cambridge and Glasgow for testing materials and power devices have been negotiated. This will be broadened to embrace other groups as the project progresses. Industrial interest in the project has resulted in strong support from five companies in the field of manufacture of III-N materials, LEDs, GaN power devices and instrumentation. Four of these are UK based. The potential benefits to society of a successful completion of this contract are enormous in facilitating greater improvements in domestic lighting and enabling new applications of the III-N materials to be developed for example in efficient short wavelength UV GaN LEDs. These could be used in cheap low maintenance drinking water sterilization, a pressing concern in the developing world.
Planned Impact
The instrument proposed is to quantify and identify trapping and recombination centres in wide band gap semiconductors the most important of which at the present time is the GaN family of semiconductors. Consequently GaN is the material which will be used to develop the instrument and to undertake research which will demonstrate the instrument's capabilities. A direct impact of successful completion of the project will be the manufacture of the instrument under licence and its availability to the research and manufacturing community. How this might occur is detailed in the pathways to impact.
Although researchers and manufacturers of all wide gap semiconductors will benefit from the research, the major impact in the short term will be related to those researchers, materials producers and device manufacturers involved in the GaN family of materials. These fall into two main areas, light emitting diodes (LED) and transistors for power control and for communications. In the case of LEDs these already have a major market in high efficiency lighting. The instrument will impact in this sector by facilitating process control and further efficiency improvements. This is by providing information on electrically active defects in the semiconductor. At the moment techniques to do this are inadequate or in some cases non-existent. Green and UV LED are very much less efficient than the blue devices used with a phosphor to produce white light for general lighting. The efficiency limiting factor in the green and UV is non-radiative recombination via the deep states which this instrument will characterise and identify. The green LED will be used in more efficient lighting of improved spectral quality while efficient UV LEDs working at short wavelengths (~ 260nm) would provide a major impact to developing communities in enabling cheap and reliable water sterilisation on a domestic or neighbourhood scale with a low maintenance requirements. Being able to identify the non-radiative recombination paths would be a major step forward in enabling these devices, central to the application to be manufactured.
For the case of the power and RF transistors these have the potential to provide more efficient switching and amplification than is available today. However the devices suffer from deficiencies which limit their adoption into some major applications. These are degradation, current collapse and transient shift of characteristics which are due, at least in part, to deep states. The new instrument is expected to provide a way to measure the defect trapping parameter and identify their origins. This will impact strongly on researchers and manufacturers engaged in this field
The move towards efficiency improvement which this instrument will contribute to is of great importance to society. Fifteen percent of the world's electricity is used in lighting so major improvements in efficiency and widespread adoption of LED lighting will reduce carbon emissions. Similar arguments apply to the use of GaN power and RF devices which have the potential to provide even greater energy savings.
Although researchers and manufacturers of all wide gap semiconductors will benefit from the research, the major impact in the short term will be related to those researchers, materials producers and device manufacturers involved in the GaN family of materials. These fall into two main areas, light emitting diodes (LED) and transistors for power control and for communications. In the case of LEDs these already have a major market in high efficiency lighting. The instrument will impact in this sector by facilitating process control and further efficiency improvements. This is by providing information on electrically active defects in the semiconductor. At the moment techniques to do this are inadequate or in some cases non-existent. Green and UV LED are very much less efficient than the blue devices used with a phosphor to produce white light for general lighting. The efficiency limiting factor in the green and UV is non-radiative recombination via the deep states which this instrument will characterise and identify. The green LED will be used in more efficient lighting of improved spectral quality while efficient UV LEDs working at short wavelengths (~ 260nm) would provide a major impact to developing communities in enabling cheap and reliable water sterilisation on a domestic or neighbourhood scale with a low maintenance requirements. Being able to identify the non-radiative recombination paths would be a major step forward in enabling these devices, central to the application to be manufactured.
For the case of the power and RF transistors these have the potential to provide more efficient switching and amplification than is available today. However the devices suffer from deficiencies which limit their adoption into some major applications. These are degradation, current collapse and transient shift of characteristics which are due, at least in part, to deep states. The new instrument is expected to provide a way to measure the defect trapping parameter and identify their origins. This will impact strongly on researchers and manufacturers engaged in this field
The move towards efficiency improvement which this instrument will contribute to is of great importance to society. Fifteen percent of the world's electricity is used in lighting so major improvements in efficiency and widespread adoption of LED lighting will reduce carbon emissions. Similar arguments apply to the use of GaN power and RF devices which have the potential to provide even greater energy savings.
- The University of Manchester (Lead Research Organisation)
- Plessey Semiconductors Ltd (Collaboration, Project Partner)
- University of California, Santa Barbara (Collaboration)
- Polish Academy of Sciences (Collaboration)
- Semimetrics Ltd (Project Partner)
- NXP Semiconductors UK Limited (Project Partner)
- University of California Santa Barbara (Project Partner)
- Trinitri JSC (Project Partner)
- IQE PLC (Project Partner)

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Acceptor levels of the carbon vacancy in 4 H -SiC: Combining Laplace deep level transient spectroscopy with density functional modeling
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Photomodulated Reflectivity Measurement of Free-Carrier Dynamics in InGaN/GaN Quantum Wells
in ACS Photonics

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Electric-Field Enhancement of Electron Emission Rates for Deep-Level Traps in n-type GaN
in physica status solidi (b)

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Tutorial: Junction spectroscopy techniques and deep-level defects in semiconductors
in Journal of Applied Physics

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Towards substrate engineering of graphene-silicon Schottky diode photodetectors.
in Nanoscale

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GaN surface sputter damage investigated using deep level transient spectroscopy
in Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing
Description | The grant was essentially an equipment development grant for DLTS of wide gap semiconductors. The instrument has been developed and demonstrated to work. One article is written and more will follow. follow on funding will be sought to use the instrument in with industrial partners. In 2020 the Warsaw group have built on our findings and built their own ODLTS system. This has lead to the award of a substantial grant from the Polish funding agency in which manchester are project partners. A follow on grant proposal to EPSRC is in preparation by the manchester group. |
Exploitation Route | The system has looked at materials range of suppliers, including UK based company IQE who co-authored the most recently submitted article. As mentioned above, the university of warsaw is now using the technqiue and collaborating with the manchester group. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software) Electronics Energy Environment Healthcare |
Description | Collaboration with Plessey has helped improve their Micro LED arrays that are commercial devices |
First Year Of Impact | 2022 |
Sector | Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Digital/Communication/Information Technologies (including Software),Electronics,Energy |
Impact Types | Economic |
Title | Optical laplace deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS) |
Description | Software was developed allowing cotnrol of laser or other external light source into a DLTS system for characterising defects in wide gap semiconductors |
Type Of Material | Improvements to research infrastructure |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Measurement of emission from excited state in platignum in silicon |
Description | Collaboration with Chris Van der Walle and Jum speck University of califonai santa barbara |
Organisation | University of California, Santa Barbara |
Country | United States |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | We measured Nitride LED samples supplied by UCSB |
Collaborator Contribution | They provided samples for measurement of defect densities under different growth conditions |
Impact | Work in progress |
Start Year | 2023 |
Description | Collaboration with Plessey PLC on micro-LEDs |
Organisation | Plessey Semiconductors Ltd |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | Plessey have been supplying micro LED samples to us to study sidewall damage using DLTS |
Collaborator Contribution | Plessey supplied samples specially tailored for our measurments, This meant putting samples through their process specifically for us to measure |
Impact | in preparation |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Collaboration with The Institute of High Pressure Physics of the Polish Academy of Sciences |
Organisation | Polish Academy of Sciences |
Department | Institute of High Pressure Physics |
Country | Poland |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | We helped the group of Piotr Krusweski write a proposal to the Polish funding agency to create samples, this was after some preliminary work with them that involved the supply of samples. |
Collaborator Contribution | Sample supply and travel funds to warsaw for us and students. |
Impact | In preparation |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Collaboration with Unipress warsaw |
Organisation | Polish Academy of Sciences |
Country | Poland |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Unipress warsaw were awarded a £347k grant from the Polish government (OPUS ref 5272445658) to study the impact of point defects in high quality GaN materials. This includes funding for travel for the Manchester group. Manchester provided low temperature photoluminescence and optical excited DLTS to the project. This is a 5 year project starting July 2021. |
Collaborator Contribution | Unipress are world leading suppliers for high pressure made GaN substrates, essential for UVC applications (sterilising light sources). They are supplying there materials to manchester (the only uk group to receive materials from them). They are also performing electron irradiation studies of defect creation. They have no low temperature photoluminescence capacity which manchester does and Manchester has a 40 year record in the are of Deep level transient spectroscopy and an international reputation in that field. |
Impact | In preparation |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | Attendance ICDS Matsue Japan |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Conference attendance by two staff. Conference presention by both. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2017 |
URL | |
Description | Attendance ICDS conference Seattle |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Conference attended by one post doc who gave a presentation. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | Attendance ICNS -13 Seattle 2013 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Industry/Business |
Results and Impact | Attendance at an international conference. Two members of the group attended and presented results |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
URL | |
Description | Attendance at Electronic materials conference 2018 Sanata Barbara |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | International |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | Atrtendance at international conferene, 2 people gave two presentations. Initiated on-going collaboration with Santa Barbara engineering school |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
URL | |
Description | attendance UKNC meeting 2018 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | 4 people attended national conference from group |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2018 |
URL | |
Description | attendance UKNC meeting 2019 |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Professional Practitioners |
Results and Impact | 5 people attended UKNC meeting |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2019 |
Description | talk presentaton UKNC |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | National |
Primary Audience | Postgraduate students |
Results and Impact | Student presented data on collaboration with UNipress warsaw using equipment bought during grant |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2024 |
URL | |