PACE: Privacy-Aware Cloud Ecosystems

Lead Research Organisation: Newcastle University
Department Name: Sch of Computing


Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.


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Al-Khafajiy M (2020) COMITMENT: A Fog Computing Trust Management Approach in Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

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Barati M (2022) Privacy-Aware Cloud Auditing for GDPR Compliance Verification in Online Healthcare in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

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Barika M (2021) Online Scheduling Technique To Handle Data Velocity Changes in Stream Workflows in IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems

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Jha D (2020) Multiobjective Deployment of Data Analysis Operations in Heterogeneous IoT Infrastructure in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

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Marikyan D (2023) General data protection regulation: a study on attitude and emotional empowerment in Behaviour & Information Technology

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Marikyan D (2022) Blockchain: A business model innovation analysis in Digital Business

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Noor A (2019) Cyber-physical application monitoring across multiple clouds in Computers & Electrical Engineering

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Singh Aujla G (2020) COM-PACE: Compliance-Aware Cloud Application Engineering Using Blockchain in IEEE Internet Computing

Description Our experiments reveal that existing consensus algorithms (e.g., proof-of-X, practical Byzantine fault tolerance) for DLT platforms, such as Ethereum, have high computation and communication overhead. Hence, we need to investigate a new lightweight consensus approach, which will adopt cryptography mechanisms (such as digital signature, and device trust) to authenticate blocks within the network of trusted IoT/Edge devices, instead of evaluating them using expensive cryptographic puzzles. We will also need to investigate new algorithms for computing dynamic trust value for IoT/Edge devices and Cloud servers, which will take into account various run-time parameters including statistics related to false block authentication.
Exploitation Route The growing decentralisation, digitalisation, and complexity of energy systems (e.g., microgrids) is making central management and operation challenging. Distributed control and management techniques are required to handle these trends. Blockchains or Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT), primarily designed to manage distributed transactions by removing central control, could help address the challenges surrounding decentralised energy systems (i.e, microgrids).
Sectors Energy



including Industrial Biotechology

Title IoTSim-OSmosis 
Description Osmotic computing paradigm sets out the principles and algorithms for simplifying the deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) applications in integrated edge-cloud environments. Osmotic Computing focuses on strategies and mechanisms to extend the IoT capabilities by defining, designing, and implementing a modern computing model (IoT, edge, cloud, and SD-WAN). IoTSim-Osmosis is a simulation framework that supports the testing and validation of osmotic computing applications. In particular, it enables a unified modelling and simulation of complex IoT applications over heterogeneous edge-cloud SDN-aware environments. IoTSim-Osmosis is capable of capturing the key functions, characteristics, and behaviors of osmotic paradigm. A wide range of osmosis applications can be simulated and evaluated in IoTSim-Osmosis. To handle the complexity and diversity of osmotic applications, IoTSim-Osmosis provides an abstract mechanism called Microelements (MELs), which encapsulates services, resources and data. In particular, any IoT applications can be represented using a graph of MELs as shown in the figure below. 
Type Of Material Improvements to research infrastructure 
Year Produced 2021 
Provided To Others? Yes  
Impact The tool is being used by academic and industrial research communities. It has also motivated further research in this area.