The ESA/JAXA JEREMI (Japanese European Research Experiments on Marangoni Instabilities) Project
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Strathclyde
Department Name: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
The acronym JEREMI stands for "Japanese European Research Experiments on Marangoni Instabilities". This ambitious project is part of an agreement between the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Japanese Space Agency (JAXA). Started in 2001, it is now entering its final stage of preparation and is currently endorsed to fly on the International Space Station (ISS).
These experiments will be executed using the FPEF (Fluid Physics Experiment Facility) of JAXA, a multipurpose facility for the investigation of fluids in microgravity. Studies of such a kind are very relevant and useful as they make it possible to observe how some physical forces, interwoven or overshadowed in normal gravity conditions (essentially the fluid surface tension and its gradients), can have a crucial impact on the behaviour of liquids (leading to the so-called "Marangoni" or thermocapillary effect). Without the complications of gravity-driven convection flows on Earth, in particular, UK scientists want to test in space fundamental theories of three-dimensional laminar, oscillatory and turbulent flows generated by these forces, which can be applied, in principle, also in a variety of "terrestrial" circumstances.
More specifically, the JEREMI series of experiments is based on the so-called "liquid bridge", a drop of liquid with cylindrical free liquid-air interface held between two disks at different temperature. In space it is possible to form relatively large liquid bridges due to the absence of gravity, which would otherwise tend to deform the liquid-air interface and break the column of floating liquid. In microgravity conditions, the difference of temperature applied to the floating liquid produces buoyancy-free (purely surface-tension driven, i.e. Marangoni) convection. This type of flow is initially very regular, but it becomes oscillatory and three-dimensional if the applied temperature difference is increased beyond a given threshold. The project targets an improved understanding of this instability and the elaboration of possible means to control it by modifying the conditions at the liquid-air interface.
Another objective relates to the identification of the cause-and-effect relationships at the root of the so-called "Particle Accumulation Structures" (PAS). Very recently it has been discovered that, under the effect of Marangoni flow, solid particles initially distributed uniformly in a liquid bridge can demix spontaneously from the surrounding fluid and form three-dimensional aggregates. The resulting cluster or pattern formed by particles looks like a spatially extended "closed wire" or "circuit" (having the shape of a windmill with several blades). This fascinating structure has been observed to float inside the liquid and rotate in space with constant angular velocity, thereby giving the illusion of a freely-floating "rotating solid body".
An international team of scientists (from UK, Belgium, Austria, Spain and Japan) with different complementary backgrounds, expertise and perspectives, has been collaborating for more than 15 years to define precisely the set of space experiments to be executed to address the above topics. As the project is now entering its final stage, additional effort will be devoted to the elaboration of even more advanced mathematical and numerical tools to be used for the fine tuning of the experiment "input parameters" and for the interpretation of the flight results.
The objective of this project is to examine experimentally and model (theoretically and numerically) fundamental physical principles still poorly known, thereby generating "new knowledge" potentially applicable in a variety of fields, which range from mechanical, chemical and thermal engineering to materials science and from the manipulation of tiny particles in small-scale systems to problems with astrophysical scale. The project aligns with the research priorities listed in the UK National Strategy on Space Environments and Human Spaceflight.
These experiments will be executed using the FPEF (Fluid Physics Experiment Facility) of JAXA, a multipurpose facility for the investigation of fluids in microgravity. Studies of such a kind are very relevant and useful as they make it possible to observe how some physical forces, interwoven or overshadowed in normal gravity conditions (essentially the fluid surface tension and its gradients), can have a crucial impact on the behaviour of liquids (leading to the so-called "Marangoni" or thermocapillary effect). Without the complications of gravity-driven convection flows on Earth, in particular, UK scientists want to test in space fundamental theories of three-dimensional laminar, oscillatory and turbulent flows generated by these forces, which can be applied, in principle, also in a variety of "terrestrial" circumstances.
More specifically, the JEREMI series of experiments is based on the so-called "liquid bridge", a drop of liquid with cylindrical free liquid-air interface held between two disks at different temperature. In space it is possible to form relatively large liquid bridges due to the absence of gravity, which would otherwise tend to deform the liquid-air interface and break the column of floating liquid. In microgravity conditions, the difference of temperature applied to the floating liquid produces buoyancy-free (purely surface-tension driven, i.e. Marangoni) convection. This type of flow is initially very regular, but it becomes oscillatory and three-dimensional if the applied temperature difference is increased beyond a given threshold. The project targets an improved understanding of this instability and the elaboration of possible means to control it by modifying the conditions at the liquid-air interface.
Another objective relates to the identification of the cause-and-effect relationships at the root of the so-called "Particle Accumulation Structures" (PAS). Very recently it has been discovered that, under the effect of Marangoni flow, solid particles initially distributed uniformly in a liquid bridge can demix spontaneously from the surrounding fluid and form three-dimensional aggregates. The resulting cluster or pattern formed by particles looks like a spatially extended "closed wire" or "circuit" (having the shape of a windmill with several blades). This fascinating structure has been observed to float inside the liquid and rotate in space with constant angular velocity, thereby giving the illusion of a freely-floating "rotating solid body".
An international team of scientists (from UK, Belgium, Austria, Spain and Japan) with different complementary backgrounds, expertise and perspectives, has been collaborating for more than 15 years to define precisely the set of space experiments to be executed to address the above topics. As the project is now entering its final stage, additional effort will be devoted to the elaboration of even more advanced mathematical and numerical tools to be used for the fine tuning of the experiment "input parameters" and for the interpretation of the flight results.
The objective of this project is to examine experimentally and model (theoretically and numerically) fundamental physical principles still poorly known, thereby generating "new knowledge" potentially applicable in a variety of fields, which range from mechanical, chemical and thermal engineering to materials science and from the manipulation of tiny particles in small-scale systems to problems with astrophysical scale. The project aligns with the research priorities listed in the UK National Strategy on Space Environments and Human Spaceflight.
Planned Impact
The project is anticipated to have a potential impact from different standpoints:
Fundamental science: This research will produce new and fundamental insights into the complex fluid-dynamic behaviour of surface-tension-driven (Marangoni) flows and the related dynamics of transported solid particles. There will be also significant advances in the class of mathematical sub-models required to deal with such phenomena (well known or partially of a prototypical nature as described in this proposal). Potential beneficiaries include researchers in academia.
Economic impact: The present project could lead to significant economic advantages in the long term. The engineering industry operating in the field of advanced materials (semiconductor, superconductor, magnetic materials and other transparent oxides) has been struggling for years to predict the effective conditions established inside the so-called Floating zone. The JEREMI project will increase our understanding of the typical fluid-dynamic instabilities produced by Marangoni flow and the related mechanisms for the transport of dispersed "impurities".
Supporting the recent inclusion of UK in the ESA's ELIPS and SciSpacE programme: The present project will strengthen the role of UK in space-research related activities. Indeed, it aligns perfectly with "the study of advanced materials in microgravity" theme, one of the two themes of the ELIPS programme, that UK is particularly interested in, as expressly stated by the UK science minister David Willetts (
Apart from the field of crystal-growth form the melt, the new knowledge being produced will contribute to improve the health of many other disciplines (in the long-term, this knowledge is likely to be directly or indirectly "useful" in many companion areas such as mechanical, chemical, thermal engineering and other materials science problems). Microgravity is indeed instrumental in allowing scientists to discern the effects of forces and mechanisms present in many natural phenomena and industrial processes that cannot be studied directly in normal gravity conditions because of the presence of the gravitational field created by our planet (that leads to buoyancy and sedimentation). The experiments performed in space and the related theoretical work performed by the UK team will lead to different benefits: better understanding of still poorly known physical mechanisms, new mathematical models and numerical tools for the analysis of such mechanisms.
Transdisciplinary knowledge exchange: It is intention of the UK PI to apply the results of the present research also to other (completely unrelated) fields such as atmospheric and geophysical sciences. The intrinsic interdisciplinary nature of the JEREMI project has indeed the potential for substantial impact across multiple research areas, which cover a wide range of spatial scales, going from the manipulation of tiny particles in small-scale systems up to very large-scale phenomena such as the accumulation of small dust particles in primordial solar nebulae (which finally leads to the formation of planets or proto-planets). Its high novelty will present a significant opportunity to develop over the medium-term a new knowledge-exchange community.
Fundamental science: This research will produce new and fundamental insights into the complex fluid-dynamic behaviour of surface-tension-driven (Marangoni) flows and the related dynamics of transported solid particles. There will be also significant advances in the class of mathematical sub-models required to deal with such phenomena (well known or partially of a prototypical nature as described in this proposal). Potential beneficiaries include researchers in academia.
Economic impact: The present project could lead to significant economic advantages in the long term. The engineering industry operating in the field of advanced materials (semiconductor, superconductor, magnetic materials and other transparent oxides) has been struggling for years to predict the effective conditions established inside the so-called Floating zone. The JEREMI project will increase our understanding of the typical fluid-dynamic instabilities produced by Marangoni flow and the related mechanisms for the transport of dispersed "impurities".
Supporting the recent inclusion of UK in the ESA's ELIPS and SciSpacE programme: The present project will strengthen the role of UK in space-research related activities. Indeed, it aligns perfectly with "the study of advanced materials in microgravity" theme, one of the two themes of the ELIPS programme, that UK is particularly interested in, as expressly stated by the UK science minister David Willetts (
Apart from the field of crystal-growth form the melt, the new knowledge being produced will contribute to improve the health of many other disciplines (in the long-term, this knowledge is likely to be directly or indirectly "useful" in many companion areas such as mechanical, chemical, thermal engineering and other materials science problems). Microgravity is indeed instrumental in allowing scientists to discern the effects of forces and mechanisms present in many natural phenomena and industrial processes that cannot be studied directly in normal gravity conditions because of the presence of the gravitational field created by our planet (that leads to buoyancy and sedimentation). The experiments performed in space and the related theoretical work performed by the UK team will lead to different benefits: better understanding of still poorly known physical mechanisms, new mathematical models and numerical tools for the analysis of such mechanisms.
Transdisciplinary knowledge exchange: It is intention of the UK PI to apply the results of the present research also to other (completely unrelated) fields such as atmospheric and geophysical sciences. The intrinsic interdisciplinary nature of the JEREMI project has indeed the potential for substantial impact across multiple research areas, which cover a wide range of spatial scales, going from the manipulation of tiny particles in small-scale systems up to very large-scale phenomena such as the accumulation of small dust particles in primordial solar nebulae (which finally leads to the formation of planets or proto-planets). Its high novelty will present a significant opportunity to develop over the medium-term a new knowledge-exchange community.
- University of Strathclyde (Lead Research Organisation)
- UK Space Agency (Co-funder)
- Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency (Collaboration)
- Satellite Applications Catapult (Collaboration)
- University of Vienna (Collaboration)
- University Libre Bruxelles (Université Libre de Bruxelles ULB) (Collaboration)
- Tokyo University of Science (Collaboration)
- ESA - ESTEC (Collaboration)

Capobianchi P
On the influence of gravity on particle accumulation structures in high aspect-ratio liquid bridges
in Journal of Fluid Mechanics

Capobianchi P
Particle accumulation structures in noncylindrical liquid bridges under microgravity conditions
in Physical Review Fluids

Capobianchi P
Particle Accumulation Structures in a 5 cSt Silicone Oil Liquid Bridge: New Data for the Preparation of the JEREMI Experiment
in Microgravity Science and Technology

Parker R
Competing particle attractee in liquid bridges.
in Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences
Title | Materials out of this world |
Description | An Image (artwork) has been created and submitted to "Images of Research", This annual competition and subsequent year-long exhibition brings the research conducted at the University of Strathclyde to a wide audience both online and in print, via a variety of public exhibitions. |
Type Of Art | Artistic/Creative Exhibition |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Impact | It has passed the first review step and has entered the final stage of the competition. The subsequent year-long exhibition will bring this research (conducted at the University of Strathclyde) to a wide audience both online and in print, via a variety of public exhibitions |
Description | During the second year of this award, we have discovered (by means of sophisticated numerical simulations) additional (with respect to those found during the first year) highly-ordered particle structures driven by surface-tension driven flows in liquid bridges. These results have been used to define precisely a set of experiments to be executed on-board the International Space Station in the near future. These data have been used to produce new publications in the prestigious Journal of Fluid Mechanics and in the Physical Review Fluids Journal and another publication (in the Microgravity Science and technology Journal) where specific suggestions and recommendations are provided to the International Team of the JEREMI project about the most relevant experiments to be conducted in space. |
Exploitation Route | The results that the UK Team has obtained during the this award are being made available to the other members of the JEREMI International Research Team (which includes scientists from Belgium, Spain, Germany, Austria and Japan). In the future, these findings will contribute to the definition of new manufacturing techniques that are not possible in normal gravity conditions. |
Sectors | Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology |
Description | As a result of his involvement in space projects related to materials science like this one (JEREMI), the UK Satellite Applications Catapult Network and STFC have involved the PI (Prof. Lappa) in the implementation of a new "stimulation programme" in UK to generate interest and demand, and support businesses with commercial potential that could develop products and services in space. This is in line with the relatively recent intention of the UK Government to promote a growing number of opportunities for engineering novel materials in space. In particular, this new (2021) programme originates from an initiative that Prof. Lappa and the abovementioned Catapult are implementing through a larger framework, i.e. the Business in Space Growth Network of the European Space Agency (ESA BSGN), namely, a recently established consortium of leading European space and materials technology companies and market specialists. In particular, these objectives are being implemented through a two-fold strategy: 1) M. Lappa is acting as a meeting point for thought leaders, industry, government, and academics through the organisation of dedicated workshops. 2) through an open call process, under the supervision of the Satellite Applications Catapult and STFC, M. Lappa has gathered inputs from across the entire UK research community. This has resulted in the publication of a position paper entitled "Why Space? The Opportunity for Materials Science and Innovation" (Editors: M. Lappa. I. Hamerton, P.C.E. Roberts, A. Kao, M. Domingos, H. Soorghali. P. Carvil, ISBN: 9781914241680, published on 21 February 2024) intended 1) to help the Government to establish relevant policies and/or provide the community with relevant opportunities for microgravity-enabled projects and support their development, maturation, and commercialization 2) educate funders as to the comprehensive opportunity for discovery and applied level research through involvement with space, 3) as well as support the exploration by leaders from industry, to better understand the possibilities for new innovation pipelines and underlying considerations. The paper has described in detail the opportunities for the UK's Materials Sector to engage with the Space Sector and has become accordingly a reference for the entire UK Materials Sciences and Space R&D communities. Yet, as a result of the JEREMI project and the related endeavour, the European Space Agency is now supporting a new Research "Topical Team" (TT) entitled "Marangoni phenomena and applications". This new ESA TT (created on 20 February 2023) includes M. Lappa and other scientists from Spain and Denmark. This TTs is part of an ESA general programme introduced to support scientists in establishing forums grouped around selected topics to prepare ESA's future scientific directions (thereby allowing scientists of similar scientific orientation to develop coherent and mature research approaches). In particular, this new TT envisions the continued investigation of Marangoni phenomena and the factors that most affect them in microgravity (as envisaged by the original JEREMI project), but with more of a focus on applications and practical use in industrial, engineering, and biological processes. More specifically, the scientific objectives of this new TT can be broadly divided into three main areas where the appearance of Marangoni convection is important: liquid bridges, heat transfer in PCM (Phase Change Materials) devices, and manufacturing in space. Along these lines, another objective being pursued by the group members of this TT is the identification of industries interested in teaming with Academia and Space Agencies. |
First Year Of Impact | 2021 |
Sector | Aerospace, Defence and Marine,Creative Economy,Manufacturing, including Industrial Biotechology,Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Impact Types | Cultural Societal Economic Policy & public services |
Description | "Why Space? The Opportunity for Material Science and Innovation" (position paper ) |
Geographic Reach | National |
Policy Influence Type | Contribution to a national consultation/review |
Impact | With the UK's growing space economy and launch ambitions, coupled with its leading expertise in materials science and related R&D/Manufacturing and international developments in this area, there existed a strong basis for proposing the related development of a materials science and innovation position paper. The effective publication of such a paper on 21st February 2024 has lead to a cohesive case intended 1) to help the Government to establish relevant policies and/or provide the community with relevant opportunities for microgravity-enabled projects and support their development, maturation, and commercialization 2) educate funders as to the comprehensive opportunity for discovery and applied level research through involvement with space, 3) as well as support the exploration by leaders from industry, to better understand the possibilities for new innovation pipelines and underlying considerations. The paper has described in detail the opportunities for the UK's Materials Sector to engage with the Space Sector and has become accordingly a reference for the entire UK Materials Sciences and Space R&D communities. |
URL | |
Description | UK Advanced Materials Accelerator - ESA BSGN Industry Programme |
Geographic Reach | National |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Impact | Growth Network of the European Space Agency (ESA BSGN), i.e. an existing consortium of leading European space and materials technology companies and market specialists. With the endorsement of Prof. Lappa, a branch of this consortium has been created directly in UK As a result, , a microgravity culture is being created in UK similar to that existing in other countries (especially the rest of Europe, USA and Japan). This programme is transforming how UK Research Councils are going to fund research in this field (see the attached link): |
URL | |
Title | Data for: "Particle accumulation structures in noncylindrical liquid bridges under microgravity conditions" |
Description | Simulation data for the particle accumulation structures shown in Figures 10a, 10c, 11a, 11c and 13. About the flow conditions adopted, please refer to the related manuscript. The simulations have been performed using the open source CFD package OpenFOAM. Results can be post processed using the open source software Paraview. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Data that will help the definition of the space experiment JEREMI. |
URL | |
Title | Supplementary material (data) for "Particle accumulation structures in a 5 cSt silicone oil liquid bridge: New data for the preparation of the JEREMI Experiment" |
Description | Simulations files for representative cases shown in the article Particle accumulation structures in a 5 cSt silicone oil liquid bridge: New data for the preparation of the JEREMI Experiment, Microgravity Science & Technology (ISSN: 0938-0108), 33, 31 (12 pages). Simulation datasets obtained with the aid of the open source CFD package OpenFOAM. The folder contain all the results for the particle accumulation patterns shown in Figures 3-7 reported in the related manuscript. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2021 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | It is helping the international scientific team to define the experiments to be conducted in space. |
URL | |
Title | Supplementary material for: "Competing Particle Attractee in Liquid Bridges" |
Description | OpenFOAM simulations' files of flow field and particle accumulation structures in thermocapillary liquid bridges for two different aspect ratios (AR=0.34, 0.5) and various Marangoni and Stokes numbers. The simulations have been performed using the open source CFD package OpenFOAM. Results can be post processed using the open source software Paraview. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Data for the implementation of the JEREMI Project. |
URL | |
Title | Supplementary material for: "On the influence of gravity on particle accumulation structures in high aspect-ratio liquid bridges" |
Description | Simulations files for two representative cases shown in the article. The simulations have been produced using the opensource CFD package OpenFOAM. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2020 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Data for the definition of the JEREMI space experiment |
URL | |
Title | Supplementary material for: "On the propagation of hydrothermal waves in a fluid layer with two-way coupled dispersed solid particles" |
Description | The main folder contains all the data used to generate the figure of the article entitled "On the propagation of hydrothermal waves in a fluid layer with two-way coupled dispersed solid particles". The name of each sub-folder represents the number of the figure (as it appears in the final version of the paper) that has been generated with those data. All the "tmdep" files appended with .dat contained in the folders related to Figs. 2, 3, 4 and 5 can be visualized on Matlab or MS Excel All the "video" files appended with .dat contained in the folders related to Figs. 2, 4 and 5 can be visualized on Tecplot or on Matlab. Note: Tecplot or Matlab must be installed. The data in the folder related to Figure 6 can be visualized on Matlab or MS Excel. |
Type Of Material | Database/Collection of data |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | Yes |
Impact | Data for the implementation of the JEREMI project |
URL | |
Description | Advanced Materials Accelerator - ESA BSGN Industry Programme |
Organisation | Satellite Applications Catapult |
Country | United Kingdom |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
PI Contribution | Dr. Lappa has supported the UK Satellite Catapult Network for the submission of a funding proposal to the European Space Agency within the framework of the ESA Business in Space Growth Network (BSGN) for the development of a new "stimulation programme" fostering the development and exploitation of new materials in earth and space. The proposal has been successful and Dr. Lappa is actively collaborating with both STFC and the Catapult (in a position of invited "expert in the field") to put in place the necessary mechanisms and groundwork for enabling new space commercial activities by non space sectors and bringing together Academia and Industry. Moreover, Dr. Lappa is collaborating with the UK Satellite Catapult and STFC (Philip Carvil) to the development of a 'white paper' provisionally entitled "Why Space? The Opportunity for Materials Science and Innovation", which through an open call process will gather significant inputs from across the research community to help broaden UK horizons of the still untapped potential for cross-sector innovation. The paper will outline the opportunities for the UK's Materials Sector to engage with the Space Sector and become a reference for the entire UK Materials Sciences and Space R&D communities. |
Collaborator Contribution | See Above. |
Impact | See above. |
Start Year | 2022 |
Description | EAS Topical Team (TT) "Marangoni phenomena and applications" |
Organisation | ESA - ESTEC |
Country | Netherlands |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | Yet, as a result of the JEREMI project and the related endeavour, the European Space Agency is now supporting a new Research "Topical Team" (TT) entitled "Marangoni phenomena and applications". This new ESA TT (created on 20 February 2023) includes M. Lappa and other scientists from Spain and Denmark. This TTs is part of an ESA general programme introduced to support scientists in establishing forums grouped around selected topics to prepare ESA's future scientific directions (thereby allowing scientists of similar scientific orientation to develop coherent and mature research approaches). In particular, this new TT envisions the continued investigation of Marangoni phenomena and the factors that most affect them in microgravity (as envisaged by the original JEREMI project), but with more of a focus on applications and practical use in industrial, engineering, and biological processes. Along these lines, another specific objectives pursued by the group members of this TT is the identification of industries interested in teaming with Academia and Space Agencies. |
Collaborator Contribution | See above |
Impact | The objectives of this new TT can be broadly divided into three main areas where the appearance of Marangoni convection is important: liquid bridges, heat transfer in PCM (Phase Change Materials) devices, and manufacturing in space. |
Start Year | 2023 |
Description | University of Strathclyde - JAXA |
Organisation | Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Public |
PI Contribution | The UK JEREMI Team (University of Strathclyde) has contributed to the definition of the Experiment Scientific Requirements (ESR Document) through the execution of sophisticated numerical simulations. The outcomes of these simulations have been published in international scientific journals. The related data have been directly provided to the partner and made publicly available (pure repository). |
Collaborator Contribution | JAXA has supervised the activities needed to manufacture the hardware required for the execution of this project. |
Impact | The preparation of an Updated version of the Experiment Scientific Requirement document is in progress (document under the responsibility of JAXA). |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | University of Strathclyde - Tokyo University of Science |
Organisation | Tokyo University of Science |
Country | Japan |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The UK JEREMI Team (University of Strathclyde) has contributed to the definition of the Experiment Scientific Requirements (ESR Document) through the execution of sophisticated numerical simulations. The outcomes of these simulations have been published in international scientific journals. The related data have been directly provided to the partner and made publicly available (pure repository). |
Collaborator Contribution | Similarly, the University of Tokyo team have executed numerical simulations using techniques complementary to those used by the University of Strathclyde. Moreover, they have explored different subregions of the space of parameters. |
Impact | The preparation of an Updated version of the Experiment Scientific Requirement document is in progress (document under the responsibility of JAXA). |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | University of Strathclyde - University of Bruxelles |
Organisation | University Libre Bruxelles (Université Libre de Bruxelles ULB) |
Country | Belgium |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The UK JEREMI Team (University of Strathclyde) has contributed to the definition of the Experiment Scientific Requirements (ESR Document) through the execution of sophisticated numerical simulations. The outcomes of these simulations have been published in international scientific journals. The related data have been directly provided to the partner and made publicly available (pure repository). |
Collaborator Contribution | Similarly, the University of Bruxelles team have executed numerical simulations using techniques complementary to those used by the University of Strathclyde. Moreover, they have explored different subregions of the space of parameters. |
Impact | The preparation of an Updated version of the Experiment Scientific Requirement document is in progress (document under the responsibility of JAXA). |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | University of Strathclyde - University of Wien |
Organisation | University of Vienna |
Country | Austria |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The UK JEREMI Team (University of Strathclyde) has contributed to the definition of the Experiment Scientific Requirements (ESR Document) through the execution of sophisticated numerical simulations. The outcomes of these simulations have been published in international scientific journals. The related data have been directly provided to the partner and made publicly available (pure repository). |
Collaborator Contribution | Similarly, the University of Vienna team have executed numerical simulations using techniques complementary to those used by the University of Strathclyde. Moreover, they have explored different subregions of the space of parameters. |
Impact | The preparation of an Updated version of the Experiment Scientific Requirement document is in progress (document under the responsibility of JAXA). |
Start Year | 2018 |
Description | Invited talk |
Form Of Engagement Activity | A talk or presentation |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Industry/Business |
Results and Impact | M. Lappa, Invited talk: "Microgravity research and development at the University of Strathclyde and planned experiments on the ISS", 21st January 2020, Cody Technology Park, Farnborough GU14 0LX, United Kingdom. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2020 |