QUERY: Integrated quantum and electron microscopy for nanoscale imaging and sensing
Lead Research Organisation:
University of Nottingham
Department Name: Faculty of Engineering
This work will pioneer a new form of microscopy that will integrate quantum microscopy based on diamond sensors within experimental platforms used in electron microscopy providing unique contrast to correlate nanoscale structure and chemical composition with magnetic, oxidation and electronic states of matter with unprecedented detail. This will be achieved by integrating two local probes, namely Nitrogen Vacancy spin active defects in diamond and an electron beam to map functional and structural features of the same unique nanostructure or single molecule. Chemical reactions promoted by and simultaneously imaged by electron beams will also be imaged in situ enabling accurate predictions of bond dissociation events and control of chemical reactions.
The QUERY project will lay the foundation for implementation of an integrated quantum and electron microscopy measurement platform for in situ studies. This unique measurement tool will tackle characterisation challenges at the frontier of materials science, opening the door for rational design of complex materials and enable the targeted design of quantum, spintronic, magnetic, and electronic materials and devices. Time-resolved measurements utilising QUERY will enable the study of chemical reactions at the single-molecule level, and discovery new ways of breaking and making chemical bonds. Ultimately this work will facilitate the application of next generation materials to advance the UK's global position in areas of enormous technical importance including power conversion, energy storage, clean catalysis, data storage, microelectronics and drug development.
The QUERY project will lay the foundation for implementation of an integrated quantum and electron microscopy measurement platform for in situ studies. This unique measurement tool will tackle characterisation challenges at the frontier of materials science, opening the door for rational design of complex materials and enable the targeted design of quantum, spintronic, magnetic, and electronic materials and devices. Time-resolved measurements utilising QUERY will enable the study of chemical reactions at the single-molecule level, and discovery new ways of breaking and making chemical bonds. Ultimately this work will facilitate the application of next generation materials to advance the UK's global position in areas of enormous technical importance including power conversion, energy storage, clean catalysis, data storage, microelectronics and drug development.

Description | The QUERY project is laying the foundation for implementation of an integrated quantum and electron microscopy measurement platform for in situ studies. This unique measurement tool will tackle characterisation challenges at the frontier of materials science, opening the door for rational design of complex materials and enable the targeted design of quantum, spintronic, magnetic, and electronic materials and devices. To date we have demonstrated correlated changes in nanoscale magnetic material using diamond based quantum microscopy with spatially correlated images obtained using electron microscopy. We have demonstarted this using well known and well characterised materials and are now moving towards using materials whose magnetic propoerties changed on exposure to light. The materials we are studying are of enormous technical importance in areas including power conversion, energy storage, clean catalysis, data storage, microelectronics and drug development. |
Exploitation Route | This work will pioneer a new form of microscopy that will integrate quantum microscopy based on diamond sensors within experimental platforms used in electron microscopy providing unique contrast to correlate nanoscale structure and chemical composition with magnetic, oxidation and electronic states of matter with unprecedented detail. This will be achieved by integrating two local probes, namely Nitrogen Vacancy spin active defects in diamond and an electron beam to map functional and structural features of the same unique nanostructure or single molecule. Chemical reactions promoted by and simultaneously imaged by electron beams will also be imaged in situ enabling accurate predictions of bond dissociation events and control of chemical reactions. |
Sectors | Aerospace Defence and Marine Chemicals Electronics Manufacturing including Industrial Biotechology Pharmaceuticals and Medical Biotechnology |
Description | UK National Quantum Strategy Mission 3 |
Geographic Reach | National |
Policy Influence Type | Participation in a guidance/advisory committee |
Description | Chair in Emerging Technologies |
Amount | £2,500,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | CiET-2223-102 |
Organisation | Royal Academy of Engineering |
Sector | Charity/Non Profit |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 03/2023 |
End | 02/2033 |
Description | Correlative Optical, Magnetic & Electron Miscopy Imaging and Analysis. |
Amount | £60,000 (GBP) |
Funding ID | 2443607 |
Organisation | Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) |
Sector | Public |
Country | United Kingdom |
Start | 09/2020 |
End | 09/2024 |
Title | Correlative Optical, Magnetic & Electron Miscopy Imaging |
Description | A methodology that links together two imaging technologies, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR), in a single platform has been developed. This correlative imaging approach has enabled the magnetic properties of nanoscale assemblies to be charateries using ODMR and correlated directly with TEM. This is the first known record of such an approach. In the current work, TEM and ODMR have been combined to study room temperature (RT) photomagnetic and magnetic materials, offering a novel dual-probe analytical technique. A Lab-On-A-Grid (LOAG) chemical approach has been employed, utilising TEM finder grids to locate and relocate materials of interest, following them directly by adhering/referencing back to alphabetically labelled grids throughout photochemical reactions. Investigation of nanoscale photomagnetic phenomena can be studied by the TEM-ODMR LOAG methodology, building on our understanding of fundamental physicochemical properties of nanomaterials. Molecular magnetic and photomagnetic material responses have and will be obtained for single (nano)particles. Prussian blue analogues (PBAs) and Inorganic-organic polycyanometallates (PCMs) have been utilised as model materials in the proof-of-concept stage of the project due to their facile synthesis, well-known chemistry and the potential for fast, reproducible (photo)magnetic measurements.The combination of correlative electron microscopyand optical imaging with spectroscopy for individual, uniquely identifiable nanoparticles(NPs) is a promising research direction, bringing together chemistry and engineering. This will lead to deep-level understanding of matter-light interactions at the nanoscale and potentially the single-molecule scale, which open new avenues for photomagnetically responsive materials and devices, photochemical reactions and catalysts. |
Type Of Material | Technology assay or reagent |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | Work is being written up for publication. Demonstration of the technique to enable the photostability of molecular cages of relevance to approaches to quantum computing has been carried out. Additional materials are being studied and approaches to widen the scope and improve the measurement contrast are being investigated. |
Title | Magnetic modulation of NV |
Description | A method in which a a large off-axis magnetic field is used to set the NV sensing quantisation axis and in doing so reduced the NV photoluminescence is developed. Under these conditions the eigenstates of the spin Hamiltonian are described by superpositions of the NV spin sublevels leading to spin state mixing. Experimentally this shortens the transverse relaxation time and increases the mean probability for non-radiative intersystem crossing (ISC) transitions for all spin states from the excited state to the metastable level, leading to a reduction in NV photoluminescence. The presence of proximal paramagnetic spin centres further reduces the efficiency of spin polarisation and the excited level lifetime, as observed as reduced contrast between a magnet on and off state. Importantly, this approach can be employed with a basic electromagnet and light emitting diode significantly simplifying the quantum sensing protocol and exapanding the accessibility of this method to non-specialists. |
Type Of Material | Technology assay or reagent |
Year Produced | 2022 |
Provided To Others? | No |
Impact | This method enables quantum sensing to be performed using non-specialist equipment. In the context of studies performed within this research group the method has enabled oxidative phosphorylation to be monitored in mitochondrial extracts and live cells, the uptake of paramagnetic agents within cells and the magnetic transformation in spin cross over nanomaterials. Publications are in preparation and one is currently under review. |
Description | Element Six |
Organisation | De Beers Group |
Department | Element Six |
Country | Luxembourg |
Sector | Private |
PI Contribution | With funding from EPSRC we are developing a new technique for correlative microscopy linking electron microscopy with diamond based quantum microscopy. Element Six are arguably the world's largest supplier of quantum grade diamond. The work we are developing would provide a new appliation for their diamond products. |
Collaborator Contribution | Element Six are providing diamond materials that will be tested. They are also providing expert knowledge through technical support on diamond materials from Dr Matthew Markham. |
Impact | Invitation to speak at a European Union funded flagship progject on quantum sensing using diamond. Physics, Engineering, Life Sciences, Chemistry |
Start Year | 2020 |
Description | University of Queensland |
Organisation | University of Queensland |
Country | Australia |
Sector | Academic/University |
PI Contribution | The team in Nottingham have developed a new method for sensing switchable magentic materials on the nanoscale. Different chemical formations were developed and tested extensively using established analytical methods along with the new quantum sensing approach. |
Collaborator Contribution | The collaborator (Craig Stoppiello) at the centre for microscopy and microanalysis, University of Queensland, provided expert analysis of xps data and surface analysis. |
Impact | Two journal articles have resulted. |
Start Year | 2021 |
Description | Excel in Science |
Form Of Engagement Activity | Participation in an activity, workshop or similar |
Part Of Official Scheme? | No |
Geographic Reach | Local |
Primary Audience | Undergraduate students |
Results and Impact | Excel in Science aims to tackle the challenges faced in supporting more BAME students and those from disadvantaged backgrounds to progress into research careers and bring about this much needed, sustained change, through a series of events, internships, and a Nottingham Advantage Award module. I spoke at the kick off event for the current cohort describing my research journey. The hope is this will inspire or at least educate students on the course about careers in research. |
Year(s) Of Engagement Activity | 2022 |