Governing 'local health economies': neoliberalism and NHS LIFT

Lead Research Organisation: London School of Economics & Pol Sci
Department Name: Sociology


Abstracts are not currently available in GtR for all funded research. This is normally because the abstract was not required at the time of proposal submission, but may be because it included sensitive information such as personal details.
Description This research programme built on my PhD work. The thesis was based upon a detailed empirical case study of an NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust: a new type of public-private partnership involving local primary care organisations. Publications covered a number of themes, including the political economy of welfare, the effects of building design on service users, and changes in medical professionalism. The thesis produced a large amount of often rich data, derived from interviews, observations and official documentation. The fellowship year provided an opportunity to develop and disseminate this research beyond the organisational restrictions of the PhD.

The post-doctoral programme involved a number of related strands. Firstly, the further exploration of certain key theoretical debates surrounding the thesis. Secondly, the development of some sociological themes that have emerged during the research: for example, how concepts of health, and user identities, are literally embedded in surgeries and other buildings.

Finally, the programme included a small amount of linked research to explore additional issues identified during the PhD. A key general theoretical aim is to link the sociology and political economy of transport with the creation of particular types of (healthy and unhealthy) urban environments. This led to several publications and my ongoing work within transport and in particular cycling (see other grants).
Exploitation Route My original work on health and healthcare organisation is still used by those within that field, in relation to privatisation processes in particular. I showed for example some of the potential impacts of novel privatisation structures on governance and on procurement.

My newer work in transport has substantial impact and for more details of this see the grants 'Cycling Cultures' and 'Modelling on the Move'.
Sectors Healthcare


Description The original PhD research has been used by those researching the NHS and other areas in exploring the impacts of privatisation. I have not been working in that area since 2007, however. For details on the impacts of my newer research, please see the other award reports.
First Year Of Impact 2007
Sector Healthcare
Impact Types Policy & public services